[Ancestral Link: Harold William Miller, son of Edward Emerson Miller, son of Anna Hull (Miller), daughter of William Hull, son of Anna Hyde (Hull), daughter of Uriah Hyde, son of Ezra Hyde, son of Anne Bushnell (Hyde), daughter of Elizabeth Adgate (Bushnell).]
Will of Elizabeth Adgate Bushnell
15 October 1689, Norwalk, Connecticut
Will of Elizabeth Holmsted, 15 October, 1689, Relict of John Holm-sted, says her husband gave her all his Estate to despose of as she saw fit For Love and affection for the two sons of her husband's Brother, Richard Olmsted of Norwalk, viz, Lieutenant James Holmsted and Ensign John Holmsted, I have given to each of them an Allottment at the new plantation Lying at the Northwest of Norwich, Each Allottment Con-tayning by Estimation about a Thousand acres of Land, with all Rights, Etc., by decd of gift to them. I give to Sargt. Richard Baskett (written now Richard Bushnell), my Kinsman, a Tract of Land on the East side of the little Rivulet at Wequetequock adjoining that of Daniel Tracy. I also give him 4 acres of Land at Yantick, by that of William Hide west,Thomas Post north and east. I also give him 10 acres of Land at Weque-tequock; also Land east side of the Shoetucket River at Wequanack, on said River east, the Highway north, and upon Land of Thomas Leffing-well and Richard Wallis. My will is that £50 be paid for the relief of the poor of Norwich, per advice of Rev. James Fitch, sen. I give to my brother Adgate's three children, viz., Sarah, Rebeckah and Thomas, £6 to each. To my brother's eldest daughter, Abigail, a parcel of Land over the River which her husband bought of John Arnold. To Tony (the Negro), Ten acres was given: 3 acres in the little plain, 3 acres in the Great plain,and 4 acres at Wequetequock. To Hannah (the Indian Maide) and to the nine Children of my brother and sister Nuell of Farmington, 5 Shillings apiece. I give to the Rev, James Fitch sen, £10. The Residue of my Es-tate to my Kinsman and Executor, Samuel Lothrop.
elizabeth X olmsted.Witness: John Post, John Burchard.
It appears that James Olmsted and Samuel Newell asked for a review.
found on ancestry.com
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