[Ancestral Link: Marguerite Anderson (Miller), daughter of Hannah Anderson (Anderson), daughter of Mary Margaret Edmiston (Anderson), daughter of Martha Jane Snow (Edmiston), daughter of Sarah Sawyer Hastings (Snow), daughter of Salome Burt (Hastings), daughter of Sarah Sawyer (Burt), daughter of Caleb Sawyer, son of Elizabeth Wheelock (Sawyer), daughter of Joseph Wheelock, son of Gershom Wheelock.]
Genealogical Dictionary of New England Settlers
Volume 4Ore, Arethusa, tuo Siculis confunditur undis. page 502Wheelock, Benjamin, Medfield 1678, s. perhaps eldest, of first Ralph, sett. at Mendon, and m. (as I judge from note in Geneal. Reg. XII. 353, relat. to distribut. of est. of her f.) Eliz. d. of John French of Braintree; but no further acco. is obain. ELEAZER, Medfield, s. of Ralph of the same, m. 1678, Eliz. Fuller, and d. 24 Mar. 1731, had Ralph, b. 1683, wh. d. at Windham, 15 Oct. 1748, was f. of Rev. Eleazer, b. 1711, first Presid. of Dartmouth Coll. and Ephraim, 1697, wh. resid. at M. GERSHOM,Medfield, s. of Ralph, by w. Hannah had Hannah, b. 25 June 1659, d. in few days; Samuel, 14 Jan. 1661, d. very soon; Hannah, again, 26 Jan. 1662; Samuel, again, 21 Jan. 1664, d. at 16 yrs.; and John, 8 Dec. 1670. His w. was d. of John Stodder of Hingham. RALPH, Dedham, b. it is said in Co. Salop, bred at Clare Hall, Cambridge Univ. where he took his degr. 1626 and 31, came in 1637, prob. with w. Rebecca and d. Rebecca, first sat down at Watertown, rem. 1638 to D. there was made freem. 13 Mar. 1639; hd Benjamin, b. 8 bapt. 12 Jan. 1640; Samuel, b. 22 Sept. 1642; Record, 15, bapt. 22 Dec. 1644; Experience, bapt. 3 Sept. 1648; Gershom; and Eleazer, 3 May 1654; perhaps others; was rep. 1639 and 40, made 1642, clk. of the writs in place of Edward Alleyne, dec. was inhab. of that pt. wh. bec. Medfield, and its first rep. 1653, 63, 4, and 6. His w. d. 1 Jan. 1682; and he d. 11 Jan. 1684, in his 84th yr. SAMUEL, s. of the first Ralph, I have power to tell nothing of, exc. that he liv. at Shrewsbury; but his sis. Rebecca m. at Roxbury, 7 June 1654, John Crafts, the first b. of R. Of gr. of this name in 1834, Farmer notes none at Harv. two at Yale, and eight at other N. E. coll. View Full Context
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