Monday, October 24, 2011


[Ancestral Link: Harold William Miller, son of Edward Emerson Miller, son of Anna Hull (Miller), daughter of William Hull, son of Anna Hyde (Hull), daughter of Uriah Hyde, son of Elizabeth Leffingwell (Hyde), daughter of Sarah Abell (Leffingwell), daughter of Joshua Abell, son of Robert Abell, son of Frances Cotton (Abell), daughter of Richard Cotton, son of George Cotton.]

Combermere Abbey
Combermere Abbey becomes Combermere Manor, Combermere, Cheshire County, England, United Kingdom
Combermere Abbey was founded in 1133 by Hugh de Malbank and was located between Nantwich and Whitchurch in Cheshire, England near the border with Shropshire. The abbey was dissolved in July 1538 by King Henry VIII.

King Henry VIII gave Combermere Abbey to Sir George Cotton in 1541 as a reward for his service to the King. Sir George pulled down most of the abbey with the exception of the abbott's lodging which had a stone ground floor. Sir George and his family lived in the restored abbey until his death. Richard Cotton, son and heir of Sir George, remodelled the abbey into Combermere Manor in 1563. Combermere Manor remained in the Cotton family for the next 400 years - passing down from son to son.

The manor house was altered and extended by Sir Stapleton Cotton from 1814 to 1820 when he added the cement facings and Gothic ornamentation existing today. In 1919 the family sold the home. It is currently in use as an organice dairy farm and the stable block has been made into holiday cottages.
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Sir George Cotton, knighted by Henry VIII
Sir George - George Cotton was knighted by Henry VIII and was the grantee of Combermere.

The Cottons of Combermere rose to great heights in the reign of Henry VIII, and this was due in a measure to the alliances with these other families by marriage. George Cotton was knighted by Henry VIII and was the grantee of Combermere. Sir George Cotton, Knight, and Esquire of the Body to Henry VIII, and knighted by him, grantee of Combermere in 32 year of Henry VIII, including the monastery, with its church, bell tower, Lake of Combermere and the cemetery, all by the King's letters patent. In this grant were lands called Dodcote in County Salop, Cliffe and Hales in Drayton, Erdlet Grange in Staffordshire, Wincell Grange in County Cheshire and Cotes Grange in Derbyshire.

The site of Combermere Abbey, with 22,000 acres, became the property of Sir George Cotton, as a reward for his service to Henry VIII. He pulled down most of the abbey buildings except the abbots' lodgings. The original building had a stone ground floor with timber above. Sir George's son, Richard, remodelled the house in 1563. There is a picture of the house as it was in 1760, before the restoration carried out in the early 19th century. (Sources: - 1)

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