
Records also show Abarintha Snow sealed to John Edmiston 4 July 1888, in the Manti Temple.
found on new.familysearch.com

Below is the text on the Morley Settlement Marker:
This was the site of Morley's Settlement, 1839-1846. The log homes and cabins, fenced farms and corrals of 400-500 Mormons (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) spread out for more than a mile northeast, north, and west of here. The people had come as religious refugees, forced from Missouri.
The settlement was named after founder and president Isaac Morley (and was sometimes called "Yelrome" - Morley spelled backwards). LDS prophet Joseph Smith often preached here. LDS poet Eliza R. Snow lived here in 1843-44. Morley's barrel shop sold barrels in Quincy. Frederick Cox operated a chair making shop. The settlement had four stores. Cordella Morley taught school here. "Morley Town," the settlement's heart, had north-south and east-west streets running for three blocks east and three blocks north of this marker.
Not quite three miles southwest of here, other Mormons settled in an existing town, Lima (Adams County). Mormons in both settlements together formed the Lima Branch (or Stake) of the LDS Church. Branch records for 1842 list families (living in both settlements) named Morley, Hancock, Durfee, Miner, Curtis, Carter, Cox, Whiting, King, Call, Brown, Winn, Garner, Gardner, Tidwell, Thornton, Casper, Benner, Clawson, Worheese, Snow, Dudley, Scott, Blair, Wimmer, Critchlow, Hickenlooper, Rose, and many others.
In September 1845, when Mormons and non-Mormons clashed in Hancock County, the latter torched scores (some reports say 125) of Morley's Settlement houses and outbuildings. Suddenly homeless, the residents fled to Nauvoo for safety. Morley's Settlement, mostly reduced to ashes, disappeared.
Of the John and Hannah Carter family, son Phillip stayed behind on his land southwest of here. Phillip's posterity lived there for several generations.
The present town of Tioga was founded here in 1855, and soon afterwards many German immigrant families settled in the area.


Blacksmith Working in His Shop
John Edmiston was a smith who worked with and forged iron. A Blacksmith was an important man in the community. When there were horses and oxen to shoe, he made and fixed on horseshoes to protect their feet. Horseshoes consisted of a narrow plate of iron shaped to fit the rim of a horse's hoof. A blacksmith also had wheels of wagons to shoe or tire, and coaches to repair. He made iron utensils. All hardware which went into the building of a house was the product of his skill. The making of hinges, latches, hooks, fireplace fittings, implements of all kinds for the home and farm, besides nails, which were all hand made, kept the forge glowing winter and summer. It was all forge work. Farmers depended on the local blacksmith to provide and maintain much of their farming equipment. The iron was heated in the fire and held on the anvil, then the smith walloped the iron with a sledge hammer. He would indicate the position and direction of the sledge with a tap on the anvil from a hand hammer. Many blacksmiths not only earned good livings, but became well to do.
Chapter 7:The Scroll Petition Mormon Redress Petitions, p.565To the honorable the Senate and house of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled
The Memorial of the undersigned Inhabitants of Hancock County in the State of Illinois respectfully sheweth:
That they belong to the Society of Latter Day Saints, commonly called Mormons, that a portion of our people commenced settling in Jackson County Missouri, in the Summer of 1831, where they purchased Lands and settled upon them with the intention and expectation of becoming permanent Citizens in Common with others.
From a very early period after the Settlement began, a very unfriendly feeling was manifested by the neighboring people; and as the Society increased, this unfriendly Spirit also increased, until it degenerated into a cruel and unrelenting persecution and the Society was at last compelled to leave the County. An Account of these unprovoked persecutions has been published to the world; yet we deem it not improper to embody a few of the most prominent items in this memorial and lay them before your honorable body.
On the 20th of July 1833 a mob collected at Independence, a deputation or Committee from which, called upon a few members of our Church there, and stated to them that the Store, Printing Office, and all Mechanic Shops belonging to our people must be closed forthwith, and the Society leave the County immediately. These Conditions were so unexpected and so hard, that a short time was asked for consider on the subject Before an Answer could be given, which was refused, and when some of our men answered that they could not consent to comply with such propositions, the work of destruction commenced. The Printing Office, a valuable two story brick building, was destroyed by the Mob, and with it much valuable property; they next went to the Store for the same purpose, but one of the Owners thereof, agreeing to close it, they abandoned their design. A series of outrages was then commenced by the mob upon individual members of our Society; Bishop Patridge was dragged from his house and family, where he was first partially stripped of his clothes and then tarred and feathered from head to foot. A man by the name of Allan was also tarred [p.566] at the same time. Three days afterwards the Mob assembled in great numbers, bearing a red flag, and proclaiming that, unless the Society would leave "en masse," every man of them should be killed. Being in a defenceless situation, to avoid a general massacre, a treaty was entered into and ratified, by which it was agreed that one half of the Society should leave the County by the first of January, and the remainder by the first of April following. In October, while our people were gathering their crops and otherwise preparing to fulfil their part of the treaty, the mob again collected without any provocation, shot at some of our people, whipped others, threw down their houses, and committed many other depredations; the Members of the Society were for some time harassed, both day and night, their houses assailed and broken open, and their Women and Children insulted and abused. The Store house of A. S. Gilbert and Co. was broken open, ransacked, and some of the goods strewed in the Streets. These repeated assaults so aroused the indignant feelings of our people that a small party thereof on one occasion, when wantonly abused, resisted the mob, a conflict ensued, in which one of our people and some two or three of their assailants were killed. This unfortunate affair raised the whole County in guns, and we were required forthwith to Surrender our arms and leave the County. Fifty one Guns were given up, which have never been returned or paid for to this day. Parties of the Mob from 30 to 70 in number [——] the Country in evry direction, threatning and abusing Women and Children, until they were forced; first to take shelter in the woods and prairies at a very inclement Season of the year, and finally to make their escape to Clay County, where the people permitted them to take refuge for a time.
After the Society had left Jackson County, their buildings amounting to about two hundred, were either burned or otherwise destroyed, with a great portion of their Crops, as well as furniture, stock &c for which they have not as yet received any renumeration. The Society remained in Clay County; nearly three years, when in compliance with the demands of the Citizens there, it was determined to remove to that Section of Country, known afterwards as Caldwell County. In order to secure our people from molestation, the members of the Society bought out most of the former Inhabitants of what is now Caldwell County. and also entered much of the wild land, then belonging to the United States in that Section of Country, fondly hoping that as we were American Citizens, obeying the laws, and assisting to support the government, we would be protected in the use of homes which we had honestly purchased from the general government and fully paid for. Here we were permitted to enjoy peace for a Season, but as our Society increased in numbers, and settlements were made in Davies and Carrol Counties, unfounded jealousies sprung up anong our neighbors, [p.567] and the spirit of the Mob was soon manifested again. The people of our Church who had located themselves at DeWit, were compelled by the Mob to leave the place, notwithstanding the Militia were called out for their protection. From DeWit the mob went to Davies County, and while on their way took some of our people prisoners and greatly abused and mistreated them. Our people had been driven by force from Jackson County; they had been compelled to leave Clay County and sell their lands there, for which they have never been paid; they had finally settled in Caldwell County where they had purchased and paid for nearly all the Government land within its limits, in order to secure homes where they could live and worship in peace, but even here they were soon followed by the mob. The Society remained in Caldwell from 1836 until the fall of 1838, and during that time had acquired, by purchase from the Government, the Settlers, and preemptions, almost all the lands in the County of Caldwell, and a portion of those in Davies and Carrol Counties. Those Counties when our people first commenced their Settlements were for the most part wild and uncultivated, and they had converted them into large and well improved farms. well stocked. Lands had risen in value from ten to 25 dollars per acre, and those Counties were rapidly advancing in Cultivation and wealth. In August 1838 a riot commenced growing out of the attempt of a member of the Society to vote, which resulted in creating great excitement and many scenes of lawless outrage. A large mob under the conduct of Cornelius Gilliam came into the vicinity of Far West, drove off our Stock and abused our people, another party came into Caldwell County took away our horses and cattle, burnt our houses, and ordered the inhabitants to leave their homes immediately. By orders of Brigadier General Donnovan and Colonel Hinkle a company of about 60 men went to disperse this mob under the command of David W. Patten. A conflict ensued in which Captain Patten and two of his men were killed and others wounded. A mob party from two to three hundred in number, many of whom are supposed to have come from Chariton, fell on our people and notwithstanding they begged for quarters shot down and killed Eighteen, as they would so many Wild Beasts.
They were finally compelled to fly from those Counties; and on the 11th of October 1838, they sought safety by that means, with their families, leaving many of their effects behind that they had previously applied to the constituted authorities of Missouri for protection but in vain. The Society were pursued by the Mob, Conflicts ensued, deaths occurred on each side, and finally a force was organized under the authority of the Governor of the State of Missouri, with orders to drive us from the State, or exterminate us. Abandoned and attacked by those to whom we had looked for protection, we determined to make no further resistance but [p.568] submit to the authorities of the State, and yield to our fate however hard it might be. Several members of the Society were arrested and imprisoned on a charge of treason against the State; and the rest amounting to above 14,000 Souls, fled into the other states, principally into Illinois, where they now reside.
Your Memorialists would further state, that they have heretofore petitioned your Honorable Body praying redress for the injuries set forth in this memorial but the Committee to whom our petition was referred, reported, in substance, that the general government had no power in the case; and that we must look for relief to the Courts and the Legislature of Missouri. In reply, your Memorialists would beg leave to state that they have repeatedly applied to the authorities of Missouri in vain. that though they are American Citizens, at all times ready to obey the laws and support the institutions of the Country, none of us would dare enter Missouri for any such purpose, or for any purpose whatever. Our property was seized by the Mob, or lawlessly confiscated by the State, and we were forced at the point of the Bayonet to sign Deeds of Trust relinquishing our property but the exterminating order of the Governor of Missouri is still in force and we dare not return to claim our just rights—the Widows and Orphans of those slain, who could legally sign no deeds of Trust, dare not return to claim the Inheritance left them by their Murdered Parents.
It is true the Constitution of the United States gives to us in Common with all other Native or adopted Citizens, the right to enter and settle in Missouri, but an executive order has been issued to exterminate us if we enter the State, and that part of the Constitution becomes a nullity so far as we are concerned.
Had any foreign State or power committed a similar ourtrage upon us, we cannot for a moment doubt that the strong arm of the general government would have been stretched out to redress [——] our wrongs, and we flatter ourselves that the same power will either redress our grievances or shield us from harm in our efforts to regain our lost property, which we fairly purchased from the general government.
Finally your Memorialists, pray your Honorable Body to take their wrongs into consideration, receive testimony in the case, and grant such relief as by the Constitution and Laws you may have power to give.
And your Memorialists will every pray &c.
Nauvoo, Illinois, November 28th 1843.
Joseph Smith Mayor Hyrum Smith Counsellor
Daniel H. Wells Brigham Young Counsellor
Daniel H. Wells Brigham Young Counsellor
Also signed by
John EdmistonMartha Snow
Gardner Snow
Encyclopedia of Mormonism
found on
Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel, 1847–1868
Edmiston, JohnBirth Date: 23 July 1821
Death Date: 13 October 1891
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Company: Unidentified Companies (1851)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Company: Unidentified Companies (1851)
Pioneer Information:
Circumstantial evidence from census records, church records, newspaper records and genealogical information proves the Edmiston family traveled to Utah in 1851. In the 1850 Iowa census the surname is spelled Edinson; in the 1852 "Registry of names of Persons Residing in the Various Wards as to Bishop's Reports, Great Salt Lake City," the surname is spelled Edminister.
http://lds.org/churchhistory/library/pioneerdetails/1,15791,4018-1-50562,00.htmlJohn Edmiston appears as a witness, along with his father-in-law Gardner Snow and others, at Isaac Morley's deposition regarding the mob leaders who threatened him at Nauvoo in June 1844. [History of the Church, vol. 6, ch. 25, pp. 510, 518, 522].
John was born 1821 in Pennsylvania and baptized at Morley's Settlement in 1842. He married Gardner Snow's daughter Martha Jane about 1842 probably at Morley'sSettlement [their first child was born there November 1843]. Their second child was born December 1845 in Nauvoo. Their next three children were born in Iowa [Blackhawk County and Cartersville, Cerro Gordo County] between 1848 and 1850. After that they show up in Springville, Utah [1851].
His children were:
Gardner, born 1843 at Morley's SettlementSarah E., born 1845 at Nauvoo
Jonathan H., born 1848 at Blackhawk County, Iowa
Martha Ann, born 1849 at Cartersville, Cerro Gordo, Iowa; married Lauren Hotchkiss Roundy
John, born 1850 at Cartersville; married Maria Rilly and Clare ?
Samuel, born 1851 at Springville, Utah
Algenora, born 1853 at Manti; married Squire Stewart
William, born 1854 at Ephraim; married Sadie ?
Eliza, born 1856 at Ephraim; married Joseph Benton Barryman
Warren, born 1857 at Ephraim; married Lucy Ann Woolf
George Washington, born 1860 at Ephraim; married Mary Larson and Caroline Otteson
David, born 1862 at Manti
Mary Margaret, born 1864 at Manti; married Soren Erastus Andersen
Charles H., born 1866; married Della Jackson/Jackman
John Edmiston was also married to Emma Hart, but I have no details on her.
He died in 1891 at Castle Dale, Emery, Utah.
B. H. Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol. 5, Ch. 129, p. 151
On the 22nd, Albert Lewis was killed, and three persons wounded, near Marysvale, Piute county; and on the 29th, Thomas Jones was killed, and Wm. Avery wounded at Fairview, in San Pete county. On the 10th of June, the Indians made a raid on Round valley, driving away three hundred head of cattle and horses, and killing Father James Ivey and Henry Wright. On the 24th, Charles Brown was killed and Thomas Snarr wounded in Thistle valley; and while recovering the horses and cattle driven off from the Spanish Fork pasture, John Edmiston, of Manti, was killed, and A. Dimick, of Spanish Fork, badly wounded.
found on archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.comDavid S. Edminston
Mr. Edminston if a Republican. His family attended the Luthern Church, but he is of the Presbyterian denomination. He is a good and respected citizen. David was a blacksmith noted from at least 1860-1870.
To the lot of David S. Edminston fell the sort of training that makes sturdy and efficient workers, undaunted by labors or hardships. His education, so far as books are concerned, was acquired in subscription schools, and in the old-fashioned log public school which he attended in the winter season, warming himself in the afternoons and evenings at the forge where he helped his father regularly, from the time when he was so small that he had to stand on a block to blow the bellows. By the time he was twenty-two years old, he was quite ready to carry on the business form himself, which he began to do at the age, at Barree Forge, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania; here he spent seven years, and was then in business successively at Chipton, Blair County, Pennslvania; two years. At Hatfield, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania - one year; at Petersburg, same county - five years, and at Warriors Ridge, two years. He then worked as a journeyman for a time at Henry Shoup's place, in Juniata Twp., after which, in March 1885, he moved to his present home.
although this is about John's brother David, it is likely that John had a similar experience as he too became a blacksmith. David was 2 years older than John - found on ancestry.comTo the lot of David S. Edminston fell the sort of training that makes sturdy and efficient workers, undaunted by labors or hardships. His education, so far as books are concerned, was acquired in subscription schools, and in the old-fashioned log public school which he attended in the winter season, warming himself in the afternoons and evenings at the forge where he helped his father regularly, from the time when he was so small that he had to stand on a block to blow the bellows. By the time he was twenty-two years old, he was quite ready to carry on the business form himself, which he began to do at the age, at Barree Forge, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania; here he spent seven years, and was then in business successively at Chipton, Blair County, Pennslvania; two years. At Hatfield, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania - one year; at Petersburg, same county - five years, and at Warriors Ridge, two years. He then worked as a journeyman for a time at Henry Shoup's place, in Juniata Twp., after which, in March 1885, he moved to his present home.
JOHN EDMISTON (John, John) was born 23 July 1821 in Antes, Lycoming, Pennsylvania. He was baptized Mormon in 1842 in Morley's Settlement, Hancock, Illinois. About February 1843, John married (1) MARTHA JANE SNOW, probably in Morley's Settlement. Martha Jane was born 3 September 1827 in St. Johnsbury, Caledonia, Vermont, the daughter of Gardner SNOW and Sarah Sawyer HASTINGS.
On 20 June 1844, John swore a deposition [with his father-in-law, Gardner Snow, and others] before the Hancock County, Illinois, Justice of the Peace in Nauvoo. He deposed that he was present on June 15 when the angry mob approached Isaac Morley and demanded that the residents of Morley's Settlement either join with mem to arrest Joseph Smith in Nauvoo, give up their arms and remain neutral, or get out. The deponents further deposed that they were compelled to leave their homes and flee to Nauvoo for protection "for we were afraid to stay there on account of the mobs threatening to utterly exterminate us"
Sometime between 1846 and 1847, John moved his family from Nauvoo to Iowa, where he spent at least three years, possibly in the service of the church. The family moved to Utah in 1851.
John married (2) Emma HART about 1856 in Utah as a plural marriage. Emma was born 14 March 1835 in Ohio and traveled to Utah in 1850 with her mother and five siblings. Nothing more is known of her. John died 13 October 1891 and Martha Jane died 2 March 1892 at Castle Dale, Emery, Utah.
found on geni.com
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