Married on Monday.
Bishop Horsley last Monday evening united in marriage Jared Almon Johnstun of Harper and Miss Hannah Anderson of Price. In the evening the bride and groom gave their wedding dance at Town Hall, it being very largely attended and one of the most enjoyable affairs of its kind for a long time. The groom is the son of Don C. Johnstun of Nine Mile, the bride being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Anderson of Price. A host of friends throughout Carbon county extend congratulations.
(Should read Jared Almond Johnstun)
"J.A. Johnstun Died in this city last Friday about noon of diphtheria, aged about 23 years. The burial took place Saturday noon, but on account of the nature of the disease from which the young man passed away, no funeral services were held. The deceased was married only about three months since to Miss Hannah Anderson of Price, and leaves a widow to mourn the untimely taking off of a devoted husband and an exemplary young man. Deceased was the son of Don C. Johnstun of Nine Mile section and had been practically reared in Carbon county.
Hundreds of friends throughout Eastern Utah extend their deepest sympathy to the afflected ones."
found on ancestry.com
Hannah Johnstun Remarries
30 November 1905, Price, Carbon, Utah, USA
found on ancestry.com
The following story appeared in the Eastern Utah Advocate on 26 Nov 1903.JARED ALMON JOHNSTUN OBITUARY
(Should read Jared Almond Johnstun)
"J.A. Johnstun Died in this city last Friday about noon of diphtheria, aged about 23 years. The burial took place Saturday noon, but on account of the nature of the disease from which the young man passed away, no funeral services were held. The deceased was married only about three months since to Miss Hannah Anderson of Price, and leaves a widow to mourn the untimely taking off of a devoted husband and an exemplary young man. Deceased was the son of Don C. Johnstun of Nine Mile section and had been practically reared in Carbon county.
Hundreds of friends throughout Eastern Utah extend their deepest sympathy to the afflected ones."
found on ancestry.com
Hannah Johnstun Remarries
The following appeared in the Eastern Utah Advocate on 30 November 1905.
"Since our last issue County Clerk and Recorder Holdaway has issued the following licenses to wed. Albert Anderson and Mrs Hannah Johnstun, Price."
found on ancestry.com
Baby Born to Mrs Hannah Johnstun
19 May 1904, Price, Carbon, Utah, USA
The following appeared in the Eastern Utah Advocate on 19 March 1904
"Mrs. Alma Johnstun (should read Mrs. Jared Johnstun) is the mother of a bright little son that came to her home a few days ago. It will be remembered that Mr. Johnstun died but recently of diptheria."
The little boy (born on 12 May 1904) was named George Almon (or George A.J. Johnstun). The boy was later adopted by Albert Anderson, Hannah's second husband.
found on ancestry.com "Since our last issue County Clerk and Recorder Holdaway has issued the following licenses to wed. Albert Anderson and Mrs Hannah Johnstun, Price."
found on ancestry.com
Baby Born to Mrs Hannah Johnstun
19 May 1904, Price, Carbon, Utah, USA
The following appeared in the Eastern Utah Advocate on 19 March 1904
"Mrs. Alma Johnstun (should read Mrs. Jared Johnstun) is the mother of a bright little son that came to her home a few days ago. It will be remembered that Mr. Johnstun died but recently of diptheria."
The little boy (born on 12 May 1904) was named George Almon (or George A.J. Johnstun). The boy was later adopted by Albert Anderson, Hannah's second husband.
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