Thomas Bulkeley was Squire of Woore, Shropshire, England
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of The Commoners of Great Britain And Ireland Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank: But Uninvested With Heritable Honours. History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. Egerton-Warburton, of Warburton and Arley. Lineage. Sir Geoffry Warburton , of Warburton , knighted before the 10th of Henry VI. This gentleman bore on his seal a cormorant, the basis of the present coat. He wedded Ellen , sister of John Bruyn , of Tarvin , by whom (who m. secondly, Henry Legh , of East Hall ; and thirdly, Ralph Grosvenor ) he had with other issue, a daughter, Elizabeth , the wife of Thomas Bulkeley , and a son, his successor,
Will of Thomas Bulkeley
A Genealogical and Heraldic History of The Commoners of Great Britain And Ireland Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank: But Uninvested With Heritable Honours. History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. Egerton-Warburton, of Warburton and Arley. Lineage. Sir Geoffry Warburton , of Warburton , knighted before the 10th of Henry VI. This gentleman bore on his seal a cormorant, the basis of the present coat. He wedded Ellen , sister of John Bruyn , of Tarvin , by whom (who m. secondly, Henry Legh , of East Hall ; and thirdly, Ralph Grosvenor ) he had with other issue, a daughter, Elizabeth , the wife of Thomas Bulkeley , and a son, his successor,
Will of Thomas Bulkeley
Following excerpted from a post by Mike Welch to soc.genealogy.medieval:From:
MWelch8442 (mwelch8442 AT William Hill of Blore,Buntingsdale and LongestoweNewsgroups: soc.genealogy.medievalDate: 2003-01-01 16:36:48 PST
In the will of Peter Bulkeley's Grandfather Thomas Bulkeley he will's that a alabaster stone be provided to him and his wife in which it states. Here is buryed Thomas Bulkeley and Elizabeth his wife son and heir of William Bulkeley late of Woore and of Beatrice his wife daughter of William Hill some time Lord of Buntingsdale Blore and Longestowe.The 23 June 33 Elizabeth. Thomas Bulkeley now remayning at Couls is in pish of Drayton in Hale s, dio of coûtry & Licbfield of good & pfect health of bodie & mynde, etc. My Bodie to be buryed in the Chappel called our Ladie Cbappel in Drayton Church. To the reparacons of the same chappel and my buryall XXs whereof Xs is to be bestowed by the church wardens and other X s by 4 my executors. I will that Marie Bulkeley wyfe of my nephew Willm Bulkeley shall have & enjoy all such Lands as I have Conveyed to her use for the terme of her life as by Indre between Richard Colton of Cumbermaire, Esq, Co. Chester her father and me the said Thomas B ulkeley may more playnlie appear in full satisfaction of her dowrye & Joynture and after her decease the same to remayne to my sayd Nephew Willm Bulkeley son of Roland Bulkeley & to his heirs and for default of such Issue to the use of me and my right heires forever. I give my messuage Cottages lands tenements etc. in hunstanton & Bridgemere in the pish of Wibunburye , Co. Chester to the sayd Willm Bulkeley my Nephew & his heires And for default then to my right heirs. After my decease I give my Capital Messuage with all the apptenauncs called the halle of Bulkeley and all my Other Messuage lands, etc. in Woouer de Gravenhanger Co. Salop & i n Okeley & Kneighton, Co. Stafford and in Bureton PooIe Stooke Hawghton hurleston moulton & Surtage Co. Chester unto my sayd Nephew Willm Bulkeley & to his heires males And for default then to Rowland Bulkeley my eldest son and Margaret now his wyfe for xl yeares if the sayd Row land and Margaret or either of them so long lyve and after their decease then to the heires m ales of the sayd Rowland and for default then to my second son Edward Bulkeley & his heires m ale and for default then to my daughter Katherine Barker and her heris--I give to my son Edwa rd Bulkeley an annual Rent of xls for Life out of my lands in Woover & Grënhonger To my Nephe w WilIm as heire loomes two great potts & my greatest panne my best presse & best cupboard we h remayne now at my house in Wouer Also my best bed at Wouer wt all belonging to it wt all ot her my goods & Chattells at my sayd house at Wouer, And he shall not have any power to bargai n sell or give away any of the sayd stuffe appoynted to him for heire loomes but only to occu pie the same for his lyfe. I bequeath to my daughter Margaret Smith xx li in custody of Rowla nd Bulkeley REV. PETER BULKELEYS GRANDFATHER 889and to my daughter Kathetine Barker xx li in Custody of her husband. To my son Edward Bulkele ly xx li whereof x li is in his own Custody. To my three sons in Lawe George Barker, Willia m Greene & Thomas Smith xls each in goods. To my sister Helen Mills xls. To my sister in Lawe Anne Bulkeley of Wouer and to her daughter in Law xls. To Thomas Bulkeley her son xls wc h is in his own Custodie. To every godchild xijd. To my daughter in Lawe Margt Bullkeley v li . To Humfrey Wordley an angell of gould. To my son Barker my best gowne & cappe. The rest o f my apparell to be divided amonge my friends & some to my servants. The rest of my goods t o be devided into three parts, the first to the children of my son Edwd, the second arnonge t he children of my daughter Margt Smith, the third amonge the children of my daur Katherine. T o my cosen Edwd Clerke my furred cloke. To my cosen Thos Whitmore my gowne furred with conye . To my nephew William my bed thatI now lie upon at Coulsis and all the furniture belonging thereunto. To my cosenDuffield of London and his weif xxs. To John Male xxs. To Raphe Bickerton and his weif xiij s iiijd. To Johane Hayward xiijs iiijd in pate recompence the paynes and travaile that she ha th taken with me a in my sicknes. To my cosen Richard Derways & his wief xxs . To cosen Rober t Grosvenor one angell of gould. To my daughter in Lawe Olive Bulkeley two angells of gould . Wheras my Nephew William Grinsell oweth me ??? markes now I give to his mother xls and th e other xxvjs viijd I forgive him. I will that Mr Darker Vicar of Drayton and my son in Law e George Barker and John Cartwrite of Drayton shall have v rnarkes of my goods to such use a s I have declared unto them. I will that an alabaster stone be provided to be uppon me and m y wief to be written upon as followeth "Here is buryed Thomas Bulkeley and Elizabeth his wei f sonne & heire of William Bulkeley late of Woer and of Beatrice his weif daughter of Willia m Hill some tyme Lord of Buntingsdale Blore and Longestowe which Thomas departed this world, " etc.I make my son Edward Bulkeley sole executor, or if he dye before, then my son in law George B arker. Supvisors: the right worshipfull ffrancis Newport of Arcolie and Roland Barker of Haug hmond, Esquiers, to either of whom I give one old Royall of Gould. l give to my son in law Ge prge Barker fortie shillings to discharge my funerall as he shaJl think meete. Whereas I hav e by Deed bearing date 16 Dec. 28 Elizabeth devised and granted to my second son Edward Bulke ley my Capitall Tenement in Pullie, Co. Chester with all other lands tenements, etc. in Pulli e afordesayd and in Stoke and Hurleston in the sayd Co. of. Chester from and immediatly afte r my decease and Elizabeth my wife allreadie deceased for sixty yeares as by the sayd deede i ndented more at large it doth and may appeare I do by this my present will demise and bequeat h and my will Js that the sayd Edward Bulkeley and his assigns shall quietly haue and inoye t he sayd Capitall Messuage, etc. In witness, etc. Signed Thomas Bulkeley [the seal gone]. Witn esses: Roger Daker, Roland Hill, Osmary Hill senr. William Garner.Proved at Lichfield 19 October 1591, by Wilhiam(?] Bulkeley son and executor. id=I73190
In the will of Peter Bulkeley's Grandfather Thomas Bulkeley he will's that a alabaster stone be provided to him and his wife in which it states. Here is buryed Thomas Bulkeley and Elizabeth his wife son and heir of William Bulkeley late of Woore and of Beatrice his wife daughter of William Hill some time Lord of Buntingsdale Blore and Longestowe.The 23 June 33 Elizabeth. Thomas Bulkeley now remayning at Couls is in pish of Drayton in Hale s, dio of coûtry & Licbfield of good & pfect health of bodie & mynde, etc. My Bodie to be buryed in the Chappel called our Ladie Cbappel in Drayton Church. To the reparacons of the same chappel and my buryall XXs whereof Xs is to be bestowed by the church wardens and other X s by 4 my executors. I will that Marie Bulkeley wyfe of my nephew Willm Bulkeley shall have & enjoy all such Lands as I have Conveyed to her use for the terme of her life as by Indre between Richard Colton of Cumbermaire, Esq, Co. Chester her father and me the said Thomas B ulkeley may more playnlie appear in full satisfaction of her dowrye & Joynture and after her decease the same to remayne to my sayd Nephew Willm Bulkeley son of Roland Bulkeley & to his heirs and for default of such Issue to the use of me and my right heires forever. I give my messuage Cottages lands tenements etc. in hunstanton & Bridgemere in the pish of Wibunburye , Co. Chester to the sayd Willm Bulkeley my Nephew & his heires And for default then to my right heirs. After my decease I give my Capital Messuage with all the apptenauncs called the halle of Bulkeley and all my Other Messuage lands, etc. in Woouer de Gravenhanger Co. Salop & i n Okeley & Kneighton, Co. Stafford and in Bureton PooIe Stooke Hawghton hurleston moulton & Surtage Co. Chester unto my sayd Nephew Willm Bulkeley & to his heires males And for default then to Rowland Bulkeley my eldest son and Margaret now his wyfe for xl yeares if the sayd Row land and Margaret or either of them so long lyve and after their decease then to the heires m ales of the sayd Rowland and for default then to my second son Edward Bulkeley & his heires m ale and for default then to my daughter Katherine Barker and her heris--I give to my son Edwa rd Bulkeley an annual Rent of xls for Life out of my lands in Woover & Grënhonger To my Nephe w WilIm as heire loomes two great potts & my greatest panne my best presse & best cupboard we h remayne now at my house in Wouer Also my best bed at Wouer wt all belonging to it wt all ot her my goods & Chattells at my sayd house at Wouer, And he shall not have any power to bargai n sell or give away any of the sayd stuffe appoynted to him for heire loomes but only to occu pie the same for his lyfe. I bequeath to my daughter Margaret Smith xx li in custody of Rowla nd Bulkeley REV. PETER BULKELEYS GRANDFATHER 889and to my daughter Kathetine Barker xx li in Custody of her husband. To my son Edward Bulkele ly xx li whereof x li is in his own Custody. To my three sons in Lawe George Barker, Willia m Greene & Thomas Smith xls each in goods. To my sister Helen Mills xls. To my sister in Lawe Anne Bulkeley of Wouer and to her daughter in Law xls. To Thomas Bulkeley her son xls wc h is in his own Custodie. To every godchild xijd. To my daughter in Lawe Margt Bullkeley v li . To Humfrey Wordley an angell of gould. To my son Barker my best gowne & cappe. The rest o f my apparell to be divided amonge my friends & some to my servants. The rest of my goods t o be devided into three parts, the first to the children of my son Edwd, the second arnonge t he children of my daughter Margt Smith, the third amonge the children of my daur Katherine. T o my cosen Edwd Clerke my furred cloke. To my cosen Thos Whitmore my gowne furred with conye . To my nephew William my bed thatI now lie upon at Coulsis and all the furniture belonging thereunto. To my cosenDuffield of London and his weif xxs. To John Male xxs. To Raphe Bickerton and his weif xiij s iiijd. To Johane Hayward xiijs iiijd in pate recompence the paynes and travaile that she ha th taken with me a in my sicknes. To my cosen Richard Derways & his wief xxs . To cosen Rober t Grosvenor one angell of gould. To my daughter in Lawe Olive Bulkeley two angells of gould . Wheras my Nephew William Grinsell oweth me ??? markes now I give to his mother xls and th e other xxvjs viijd I forgive him. I will that Mr Darker Vicar of Drayton and my son in Law e George Barker and John Cartwrite of Drayton shall have v rnarkes of my goods to such use a s I have declared unto them. I will that an alabaster stone be provided to be uppon me and m y wief to be written upon as followeth "Here is buryed Thomas Bulkeley and Elizabeth his wei f sonne & heire of William Bulkeley late of Woer and of Beatrice his weif daughter of Willia m Hill some tyme Lord of Buntingsdale Blore and Longestowe which Thomas departed this world, " etc.I make my son Edward Bulkeley sole executor, or if he dye before, then my son in law George B arker. Supvisors: the right worshipfull ffrancis Newport of Arcolie and Roland Barker of Haug hmond, Esquiers, to either of whom I give one old Royall of Gould. l give to my son in law Ge prge Barker fortie shillings to discharge my funerall as he shaJl think meete. Whereas I hav e by Deed bearing date 16 Dec. 28 Elizabeth devised and granted to my second son Edward Bulke ley my Capitall Tenement in Pullie, Co. Chester with all other lands tenements, etc. in Pulli e afordesayd and in Stoke and Hurleston in the sayd Co. of. Chester from and immediatly afte r my decease and Elizabeth my wife allreadie deceased for sixty yeares as by the sayd deede i ndented more at large it doth and may appeare I do by this my present will demise and bequeat h and my will Js that the sayd Edward Bulkeley and his assigns shall quietly haue and inoye t he sayd Capitall Messuage, etc. In witness, etc. Signed Thomas Bulkeley [the seal gone]. Witn esses: Roger Daker, Roland Hill, Osmary Hill senr. William Garner.Proved at Lichfield 19 October 1591, by Wilhiam(?] Bulkeley son and executor. id=I73190
Thomas Burkley was buried at Market Drayton, Shropshire, England.............
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