Birth: 1620, England
Death: July 21, 1707 Norwich New London County, Connecticut, USA
Husband of Mary Marvin
Family links: Children: Elizabeth Adgate Bushnell (1651 - 1713)
Sarah Adgate Huntington (1662 - 1705)
Spouses: Mary Marvin Adgate (1628 - 1713)
Burial: Old Norwichtown Cemetery, Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Cemetery name - Old Norwichtown Cemetery
Name on headstone - Thomas Adgate
Birth 1620
Death 1707
Founder of Norwich, Connecticut
Norwich was settled in 1660. The 35 original proprietors of that town were:
Reverend James Fitch, the first minister
Major John Mason, afterwards Lieut. Gov. of Connecticut
Lieut. Thomas Leflingwell
Lieut. Thomas Tracy and his eldest son John Tracy Adgate
Deacon Thomas Adgate
Christopher Huntington and his brother, Deacon Simon Huntington
Ensign Thomas Waterman
William Hyde and his son Samuel Hyde, and his son-in-law John Post
Thomas Post
Lieut. William Backus and his brother Stephen Backus
Deacon Hugh Calkins, his son John Calkins and his son-in-lawJonathap Royce
John Reynolds
Thomas Bliss
Francis Griswold
John Birchard
Robert Wade
Morgan Bowers
John Gager
Thomas Howard
Dr. John Olmstead
Nehemiah Smith
Richard Edgerton
John Elderkin
John Bradford
Thomas Bingham
Robert Allen
John Baldwin
John Pease
Most of these original proprietors of Norwich came from Saybrook, and East Saybrook (now Lyme). Hugh Calkins, and his son and son-in-law, and John Pease, John Gager, Nehemiah Smith and Robert Allen came from New London, Connecticut. Thomas Smith and John Bradford were from Marshfield, Massachusetts.
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Volume 1 page 18
Adgate, Thomas, Saybrook, had Eliz. born 10 October 1651; and Hannah, 6 October 1653; and by second wife Mary, widow of Richard Bushnell, daughter of Matthew Marvin, with wh. a. 1660, he rem. to Norwich, had Abigail, August 1661; Sarah, January 1663; Rebecca, June 1666; and Thomas, March 1670. He was after at Saybrook, deac. and died 1707.
All the daughters were married - Eliz. to Richard Bushnell, 7 December. 1672; Hannah, to Samuel Lothrop, but perhaps as second wife; Abigail, to Daniel Tracy, 1682; Sarah, to Christopher Huntington the second and; Rebecca, to Joseph Huntington.
THOMAS, Norwich, son of the preced. married 15 June 1692, Ruth, daughter of Benjamin Brewster of the same, had Thomas, and Matthew, was deac. and reached to very old age.
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Thomas Adgate (1620 - 1707)
Nothing is known of Thomas Adgate previous to his arrival in Saybrook. The name of his first wife, and the date of her death, are unknown. The births of two daughters are recorded at Saybrook, Elizabeth (born 1651), and Hannah (born 1653). Between 1658 and 1660, Thomas Adgate married Mary (Marvin) Bushnell, widow of Richard Bushnell, and daughter of Matthew Marvin or Norwalk. On their arrival at Norwich, the household consisted of Deacon Thomas and his wife, his two daughters, Elizabeth and Hannah, and the four Bushnell children, Joseph, Richard, Mary, and Mercy. Three other daughters were born in Norwich, and one son. The family must have been not only a very united one, but uncommonly attractive as well, for Richard Bushnell married his step-sister, Elizabeth Adgate, and one by one the neighbors' sons succumbed to the charms of the remaining daughters."Source: Perkins, Mary E. Old houses of the antient [sic] town of Norwich, 1660-1800 : with maps, illustrations, portraits, and genealogies, Pages 174-175.Thomas Adgate first appeared in Saybook, Connecticut around 1650. According to some sources (for example, Caulkins, "History of Norwich", p.155) he may have been the only immigrant to New England named Adgate. So it's possible that most, if not all, of the Adgates in America are his descendants.http://www.conovergenealogy.com/ancestor-p/p14.htmDea. Thomas Adgate was born in 1620 at England. His mother was Elizabeth Chester.
He married a Elizabeth unknown about 1650 in England and had two children: Elizabeth Adgate and Hannah Adgate. The children were born in Connecticut.
He married Mary Marvin, daughter of Matthew Marvin and Elizabeth Gregory, in 1660 at Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut. Deacon Thomas Adgate died on July 21, 1707 at Norwich, New London County, Connecticut. He is buried at Old Burying Ground, Norwich, New London County, Connecticut.
Thomas was first ordained to his office in the First Church of Saybrook in 1646. He was one of the earliest proprietors of Saybrook and Lyme. He resigned his post in Saybrook in 1660, when he removed to Norwich where he was one of the first 35 proprietors. He was made a freeman in Norwich in 1669. He was a townsman there in 1674, 1676, 1679, 1680, 1682, 1684 and 1686. When the meeting house was enlarged in 1698 he was given some of the best seats due to his rank and stature as one of the oldest and most respected citizens. By his first marriage he had two daughters. The oldest, Elizabeth, later married her step-brother, Richard Bushnell Jr. His will was date 22 May 1704 and says in part, "I Thomas Adgate, being in the 84th year of my age". In his will, he spelled his name "Adgit". He was buried in the Old Burying Grounds in Norwich. Note: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Gov. Thomas Dewey, Adlai Stevenson III, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Jan Garrigue Masaryk (foreign minister of Czechoslovakia) are descendants of Thomas and his first wife.
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Norwich Deed
6 June 1659, Norwich, Connecticut
Norwich, New London County, Connecticut Deed "Know all men that Onkos, Owaneco, Attawanhood, Sachems of Mohegan have Bargained, sold, and passed over, and doe by these presents sell and pass over unto the towne and Inhabitants of Norwich nine miles square of land lying and being at Mohegan and the parts thereunto adjoyneing, with all ponds, rivers. woods, quarries, mines, with all royalties, privileges, and appurtenaces thereunto belonging, to them the said inhabitiants of Norwich, theire heirs and successors forever--from thence the line run nor north east nine miles, and on the East side the afores'd river to the southward the line is to joyne with New London bounds as it is now laid out and soe to run east two miles from the foresd river, nor norwest nine miles to meet with the western line. "In consideration whereof the sd Onkos, Owanexo and Attawanhood doe acknowledge to have received of the parties aforesd the full and juste sum of seventy pounds and doe promise and engage ourselves, heirs and successors, to warrant the sd bargain and sale to the aforesd parties, their heirs and successors, and them to defend from all claimes and molestations from any whatsoever. "In witness whereof we have hereunto set out to our hands this 6th of June, Anno 1659. "Unkos "Owaneco "Attawanhood "Witness hereunto, John Mason, Thomas Tracy "
Source: USGenweb, Connecticut, New London
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Death: July 21, 1707 Norwich New London County, Connecticut, USA
Husband of Mary Marvin
Family links: Children: Elizabeth Adgate Bushnell (1651 - 1713)
Sarah Adgate Huntington (1662 - 1705)
Spouses: Mary Marvin Adgate (1628 - 1713)
Burial: Old Norwichtown Cemetery, Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, USA
Cemetery name - Old Norwichtown Cemetery
Name on headstone - Thomas Adgate
Birth 1620
Death 1707
Founder of Norwich, Connecticut
Norwich was settled in 1660. The 35 original proprietors of that town were:
Reverend James Fitch, the first minister
Major John Mason, afterwards Lieut. Gov. of Connecticut
Lieut. Thomas Leflingwell
Lieut. Thomas Tracy and his eldest son John Tracy Adgate
Deacon Thomas Adgate
Christopher Huntington and his brother, Deacon Simon Huntington
Ensign Thomas Waterman
William Hyde and his son Samuel Hyde, and his son-in-law John Post
Thomas Post
Lieut. William Backus and his brother Stephen Backus
Deacon Hugh Calkins, his son John Calkins and his son-in-lawJonathap Royce
John Reynolds
Thomas Bliss
Francis Griswold
John Birchard
Robert Wade
Morgan Bowers
John Gager
Thomas Howard
Dr. John Olmstead
Nehemiah Smith
Richard Edgerton
John Elderkin
John Bradford
Thomas Bingham
Robert Allen
John Baldwin
John Pease
Most of these original proprietors of Norwich came from Saybrook, and East Saybrook (now Lyme). Hugh Calkins, and his son and son-in-law, and John Pease, John Gager, Nehemiah Smith and Robert Allen came from New London, Connecticut. Thomas Smith and John Bradford were from Marshfield, Massachusetts.
found on ancestry.com
Volume 1 page 18
Adgate, Thomas, Saybrook, had Eliz. born 10 October 1651; and Hannah, 6 October 1653; and by second wife Mary, widow of Richard Bushnell, daughter of Matthew Marvin, with wh. a. 1660, he rem. to Norwich, had Abigail, August 1661; Sarah, January 1663; Rebecca, June 1666; and Thomas, March 1670. He was after at Saybrook, deac. and died 1707.
All the daughters were married - Eliz. to Richard Bushnell, 7 December. 1672; Hannah, to Samuel Lothrop, but perhaps as second wife; Abigail, to Daniel Tracy, 1682; Sarah, to Christopher Huntington the second and; Rebecca, to Joseph Huntington.
THOMAS, Norwich, son of the preced. married 15 June 1692, Ruth, daughter of Benjamin Brewster of the same, had Thomas, and Matthew, was deac. and reached to very old age.
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Thomas Adgate (1620 - 1707)
Nothing is known of Thomas Adgate previous to his arrival in Saybrook. The name of his first wife, and the date of her death, are unknown. The births of two daughters are recorded at Saybrook, Elizabeth (born 1651), and Hannah (born 1653). Between 1658 and 1660, Thomas Adgate married Mary (Marvin) Bushnell, widow of Richard Bushnell, and daughter of Matthew Marvin or Norwalk. On their arrival at Norwich, the household consisted of Deacon Thomas and his wife, his two daughters, Elizabeth and Hannah, and the four Bushnell children, Joseph, Richard, Mary, and Mercy. Three other daughters were born in Norwich, and one son. The family must have been not only a very united one, but uncommonly attractive as well, for Richard Bushnell married his step-sister, Elizabeth Adgate, and one by one the neighbors' sons succumbed to the charms of the remaining daughters."Source: Perkins, Mary E. Old houses of the antient [sic] town of Norwich, 1660-1800 : with maps, illustrations, portraits, and genealogies, Pages 174-175.Thomas Adgate first appeared in Saybook, Connecticut around 1650. According to some sources (for example, Caulkins, "History of Norwich", p.155) he may have been the only immigrant to New England named Adgate. So it's possible that most, if not all, of the Adgates in America are his descendants.http://www.conovergenealogy.com/ancestor-p/p14.htmDea. Thomas Adgate was born in 1620 at England. His mother was Elizabeth Chester.
He married a Elizabeth unknown about 1650 in England and had two children: Elizabeth Adgate and Hannah Adgate. The children were born in Connecticut.
He married Mary Marvin, daughter of Matthew Marvin and Elizabeth Gregory, in 1660 at Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut. Deacon Thomas Adgate died on July 21, 1707 at Norwich, New London County, Connecticut. He is buried at Old Burying Ground, Norwich, New London County, Connecticut.
Thomas was first ordained to his office in the First Church of Saybrook in 1646. He was one of the earliest proprietors of Saybrook and Lyme. He resigned his post in Saybrook in 1660, when he removed to Norwich where he was one of the first 35 proprietors. He was made a freeman in Norwich in 1669. He was a townsman there in 1674, 1676, 1679, 1680, 1682, 1684 and 1686. When the meeting house was enlarged in 1698 he was given some of the best seats due to his rank and stature as one of the oldest and most respected citizens. By his first marriage he had two daughters. The oldest, Elizabeth, later married her step-brother, Richard Bushnell Jr. His will was date 22 May 1704 and says in part, "I Thomas Adgate, being in the 84th year of my age". In his will, he spelled his name "Adgit". He was buried in the Old Burying Grounds in Norwich. Note: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Gov. Thomas Dewey, Adlai Stevenson III, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Jan Garrigue Masaryk (foreign minister of Czechoslovakia) are descendants of Thomas and his first wife.
found on ancestry.com
Norwich Deed
6 June 1659, Norwich, Connecticut
Norwich, New London County, Connecticut Deed "Know all men that Onkos, Owaneco, Attawanhood, Sachems of Mohegan have Bargained, sold, and passed over, and doe by these presents sell and pass over unto the towne and Inhabitants of Norwich nine miles square of land lying and being at Mohegan and the parts thereunto adjoyneing, with all ponds, rivers. woods, quarries, mines, with all royalties, privileges, and appurtenaces thereunto belonging, to them the said inhabitiants of Norwich, theire heirs and successors forever--from thence the line run nor north east nine miles, and on the East side the afores'd river to the southward the line is to joyne with New London bounds as it is now laid out and soe to run east two miles from the foresd river, nor norwest nine miles to meet with the western line. "In consideration whereof the sd Onkos, Owanexo and Attawanhood doe acknowledge to have received of the parties aforesd the full and juste sum of seventy pounds and doe promise and engage ourselves, heirs and successors, to warrant the sd bargain and sale to the aforesd parties, their heirs and successors, and them to defend from all claimes and molestations from any whatsoever. "In witness whereof we have hereunto set out to our hands this 6th of June, Anno 1659. "Unkos "Owaneco "Attawanhood "Witness hereunto, John Mason, Thomas Tracy "
Source: USGenweb, Connecticut, New London
found on ancestry.com
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