John BrighamJohn Brigham was born in Holme on Spalding Moor about 1573, and resided in his native parish and later in the adjoining parish of Hotham where he died in 1621. He married Constance Watson September 30th 1599. His (eldest) son Henry and three other children (unnamed) were given legacies in the will of his great-uncle Henry Brigham of Seaton, dated 30 June, 1606, previously given. 11 May, 1621, administration on the estate of John Brigham of Hotham, deceased, was granted to his widow Constance Brigham. He married 30 September 1599, Constance Watson, baptized 17 August 1578, daughter of James Watson, and sister of Isabel Watson the wife of his brother Thomas5 Brigham; she is mentioned in the wills of her father, James Watson, dated 10 July 1615, her sister Isabel Brigham dated 8 June 1634, and her brother-in-law Robert5 Brigham, dated 5 September 1640. (P. and E. York Wills, vol. 34, fol. 95, vol. 42, fol. 281, and original will for 1640.) On account of the loss of the registers of Holme on Spalding Moor between 1601 and 1628, the baptismal record of only Henry, the eldest child of John and Constance (Watson) Brigham, is now preserved; but the will of Robert Brigham, in 1640, previously given, names six others, William, John, Robert, Gillian, Margaret, and Phillippa, all "now in this land," thus clearly indicating there were others then out of England, evidently referring to Thomas Brigham who accompanied his own-cousin Anne (Brigham) Crosby, wife of Simon Crosby, to New England in the ship Susan and Ellen in April 1635, and Sebastian Brigham who emigrated to New England in the autumn of 1638 in the company led by Rev. Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley in Yorkshire, a parish about a dozen miles southeast of Holme on Spalding Moor. The order of births of these ten children is uncertain.
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JOHN BRIGHAM born in Holme on Spalding Moor about 1573, resided in his native parish and later in the adjoining parish of Hotham where he died in 1621. His (eldest) son Henry and three other children (unnamed) were given legacies in the will of his great uncle Henry" Brigham of Seaton, dated 30 June 1606, previously given. (P. and E. York Wills, vol. 30, fol. 165.) On 11 May 1621, administration on the estate of John Brigham of Hotham, deceased, was granted to his widow Contance Brigham. (Adm. Act Books, P. and E. Court of York, Harthill Deanery.)
He married 30 September 1599, Constance Watson, baptized 17 August 1578, daughter of James Watson, and sister of Isabel Watson the wife of his brother 'I'homas Brigham; she is mentioned in the wills of her father, James Watson, dated 10 July, 1615, her sister Isabel Brigham dated 8 June 1634, and her brother-in-law Robert Brigham, dated 5 September 1640. (P. and E. York Wills, vol. 34, fol. 95, vol. 42, fol. 281, and original will for 1640.)
On account of the loss of the registers of Holme on Spalding Moor between 1601 and 1628, the baptismal record of only Henry, the eldest child of John S and Constance (Watson) Brigham, is now preserved; but the will of Robert Brigham (brother of John), in 1640, previously given, names six others, William, John, Robert, Gillian, Margaret, and Phillippa, all "now in this land," thus clearly indicating there were others then out of England, evidently referring to Thomas Brigham who accompanied his own-cousin Anne (Brigham) Crosby, wife of Simon Crosby, to New England in the ship Susan and Ellen in April 1635, and Sebastian Brigham who emigrated to New England in the autumn of 1638 in the company led by Rev. Ezekiel Rogers of Rowley in Yorkshire, a parish about a dozen miles southeast of Holme on Spalding Moor. The order of births of these ten children is uncertain.
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