(II) Thomas Brigham, second child of Thomas Brigham (1), was born 1640-1. Died November 25, 1717, aged 76 years. On the death of his father and the marriage of his mother to Edmund Rice he seems to have lived with his mother in the Rice family. He bought of his father-in-law or step-father, as we now call it, Edmund Rice, a town right when he was of age. He paid thirty pounds for this valuable right to shares of the common land in Marlboro. The deed was given by Edmund Rice's executors, August 28, 1665. Through this purchase he became the owner of extensive tracts located in four of the richest farming towns of Massachusetts.
In 1686 he was one of a company to buy 6,000 acres of land near Marlboro and afterwards annexed to it. He drew many lots in the southwest part of Marlboro, and the adjoining towns of Northboro and Westboro as now bounded. He settled in the southwest part of Marlboro, known in later years as Warren Brigham's farm, on the south road to Northboro. His house built not long after King Philip's war is now or was lately standing. It was strongly built and used as a garrison house in time of Indian wars. Thomas Brigham was a leading citizen in his day. His will was made April 17, 1716, and proved January 2, 1717. He gave his sons, David and Gershom Brigham, all his lands on the west side of the Assabet River and other lands near them. He bequeathed to Nathan and Jonathan in equal shares all that part of the Eaton family's on the east side of the Assabet river. Ethan settled on part of the homestead. Nathan, Jonathan and Gershom were executors.
He married Mary Rice, who was born September 19, 1646. daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Moore) Rice, granddaughter of Edmund Rice, of Sudbury. He married (second), August 30, 1695, Susanna (Shattuck) Morse, widow. The children of Thomas and Mary (Rice) Brigham were: Thomas, born February. 24, 1666: Nathan; David, August 1673, died young: Jonathan, February 22, 1674, married Mary Fay; David April 12, 1678; Gershom, Dr. February 23, 1680; Ethan, March 7, 1683: Mary, October 26, 1687.
LoisPalecek51 added this on 1 Mar 2011
Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal ..., Volume 4 By Ellery Bicknell Crane
found on ancestry.com
The History of the Brigham Family (1907)
3 THOMAS 2 son of Thomas 1 and Mercy (Hurd) Brigham; born probably in Cambridge, Massachusetts, about 1640; died in Marlboro, Massachusetts, 25 November, 1716; married (1), 27 December, 1665, Mary, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Moore) Rice, (daughter of John and Elizabeth Moore of Sudbury), and granddaughter of Edmund Rice, the emigrant, and his wife, Tamazine; married (2), 30 July, 1695, Susanna, daughter of William Shattuck of Watertown and widow (1) of Joseph Morse and (2) of John Fay, whose first wife was Mary, the sister of Thomas. It will be noted that every descendant of Thomas 2 is also a descendant of Edmund Rice, who is an ancestor of many colonial families in eastern Massachusetts. He had a large number of children, some of whom were of mature age at the time of the emigration.
Thomas went to Sudbury and Marlboro with his mother when she married Edmund Rice. On attaining his majority he bought of his stepfather, for £ 30, a town right in Marlboro of " 2 4 acres, with the frame of a dwelling house thereon, with all the privileges of the town commons and further additions of allotments to be made thereto." August 28, 1665, having completed payment for the same, he received a deed from the Executors of Edmund Rice.* This land, situated near Williams Pond in the southwest part of the town, was the beginning of his large farm, which included many acres stretching away toward Chauncey Pond in Westboro. Thomas Brigham also was one of the purchasers of the old plantation " Ockoocangansett," which had been reserved for the Indians out of the ancient boundaries of Marlboro, and which many contended they forfeited by their perfidy during Philip's War. Certain leading men of Marlboro, including the Brighams of the day, obtained, without the consent of the General Court, title to this plantation of 5800 acres and formed a company. The amount paid never can be known, because of the subsequent disappearance of the deed, but the sum doubtless was nominal.
Miss Martha L. Ames, a descendant of Thomas 2, residing on the old Joseph Brigham place in Marlboro, owns a very early Brigham deed, dated " May 10, 1706," being a conveyance of 133/4 acres of meadow land, as explained by a map, going to Thomas 2 Brigham, out of " Cow common" land, and certified to by his brother " Dr. John," who had been chosen " surveyor and clerk" by the proprietors. On the old Thomas Brigham homestead, on the south side of present Forest Street, beyond the confluence of Glen Street, something like a score of rods from the highway and at the foot of Crane Hill, is a slightly raised rectangular plot, about 30 x 75 feet, from whose center springs a mature apple tree. Here rest the last of the Marlboro Indians, whose earlier generations listened to the great Indian Apostle Eliot. Their last chief expired in his wigwam, near Williams Pond, and was buried at this place on the Brigham farm, where thirty other individual graves could be made out by the last generation of Marlboro citizens. This spot has always been sacredly preserved by the owners of the Brigham farm. The successive owners of the " old home place" since the Rices are as follows:
(1) Thomas2 Brigham; (2) Gershom 3 Brigham; (3) Benjamin 4 Brigham; (4) Warren 5 Brigham; (5) Benjamin Thomas 6 Brig- ham, son of Barnabas; (6) Elisha Bond, who bought it of Benj. T. Brigham; (7) Bradford Latham, son-in-law to Bond; (8) George F. Nichols, who bought it in 1893 from Latham; Mr. Nichols' wife is Abbie A. 8 daughter of Addington M. 7 Brigham of Marlboro. The last male Brigham owner of the place is said to have strikingly resembled his paternal ancestry, having " thick, wavy black hair, black eyes and red cheeks; a fine looking man." The Thomas 2 Brigham homestead has long been known as the " Warren Brigham place," from its fourth owner, who died at the age of 87, more than half a century ago. Up to his time there had been no Warren Brighams. This fact inspired some research, which resulted in discovering that Gershom 3 Brigham, the second owner, had married Mehetabel Warren, daughter of Joseph Warren of Medfield. Like the sites of the homes of so many of the first settlers, that of Thomas 2 Brigham's house seems almost to have been chosen for the landscape effect. The brook which gives the outlet to Williams Pond flows through the home lot. A few rods above the brook stood the house. From it the higher hills appear to en compass the valley of the brook, except where they break to the northwest and a narrow opening discloses the peak of Mt. Wachusett looming up twenty miles away. The first dwelling, a log hut built by Thomas 2 fire. In 1706 he built a frame house, which was left for an " ell" by his son Gershom, who built a two-story house about 1724. The old house was used as a garrison in Queen Anne's War. This " ell" was finally taken down in 1791, by Warren Brigham. Mrs. Lucy B. Brown of Marlboro was the last occupant of the Gershom Brigham house, from which she moved in 1859; the house was uninhabited for some time and was finally razed. The Gershom Brigham house " was clapboarded but never painted outside; only two rooms were finished; the sitting-room and the principal bed room were plastered and painted." About 1825 the present house was built on the opposite side of the road from the old house, by Barnabas" Brigham. The old well, from which many Brig ham pilgrims drink, still exists.
Thomas 2 unquestionably was one of the principal citizens of the town and must have held offices of responsibility, but an important volume of the town records was lost many years ago, hence there is no connected record of town officers or of town proceedings from 1665 to 1739. The church records are also fragmentary or nonexistent for the early period. His lands, however, were extensive, lying in what now are four townships.* They divided into comfortable farms for his descendants and made many of them well-to-do. He executed his will 21 April, 1716, and died 25 November of the same year in his chair, which is now in the possession of Miss Martha L. Ames. His will, which was approved 2 January, 1717, is as follows:
In the Name of God Amen: This Twenty first Day of April Anno Domini one Thousand seven hundred and sixteen and in the second year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Georg of Great Brittian and c King I Thomas Brigham of the town of Marlborough in the County of middlesex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England yeoman being vere weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory Praised be God for it Knowing that it apoynded for men once to Dy Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament first I bequeth my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping that through the merratorious Death of Jesus Christ my only Savour to know the free pardon of all my sins: And my Body to be Buried in Christian Like Decent and Cortly maner at the Discrestion of my hereafter Named Executors: And as for such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with hear in this world I Give and Dispose of the same in the maner and forms following
Item I will and Give to my Son Elnathan Brigham and to his heirs Three acres of land in Etton farm next adjoining to the seven acres I have given him by Deed Lying side by sid with it And also Twelve acres of Land in s d farm some where towards the uper End of the s d farm.
Item I will and Give unto my two sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham and to theirs all that part of my Etton farme that lies on the easterly side of Assabeth River except what I have Given to my son Elnathan Brigham.
Item I will and Give unto my Two sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham and to their heirs Twenty two acres of the thirty acres that is laid out to me in Etton farme to have it on the Southerly end of the sd Thirty acres And also the pece of Land that Joyns to it on the westerly side.
Item I will and Give unto my two sons David Brigham and Ger- shom Brigham and to their heirs eight acres of the thirty acres that is Laid out to me in Etton farme to have it on the northerly end of the s d Thirty acres And also all the Rest of my Etton farme that lies on the westerly side of Assabeth River I Give to the s d David Brigham and Gersliom Brigham and to their heirs Except what is Given to others of my Children:
Item I give unto my son David Brigham and to his heirs all my meadow in Hokamok meadow and Brook meadow.
Item my will is that all my Books be Equally Divided amongst all my Children.
Item I will and Give unto my Daughter mary Houghton the wife of Jonas Hough- ton junr of Lancaster the feather bed I ly upon with all the furnituer to it also I Give unto my Daughter mary Houghton above sd one Cow and my Great Brass Kittle that is at my son Jonathans and all my movable Goods with in Dors viz Brass Iron pewter with all my utensils in the house Except my part in the Barrels And Except Likewise some particular things that I have or shall Dispose of to som particular persns.
Item I Give unto my Daughter mary Houghton above mentioned and to her heirs Thirty six pounds in money to be paid by my sons as followeth: Twenty pounds to be paid to her or her heirs by my son Gershom Brigham within three years after my Deceas at three several pay- ments viz six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence a year. And ten pounds to be paid her or her heirs by my son David Brigham within two years after my Decease And fourty shillings to be paid to her by my son Nathan Brigham And fourty shillings to be paid to her by my son Jonathan Brigham And fourty shillings to be paid to her by my son Elnathan Brigham these three last to be paid to her or to her heirs within one year after my Deceas :
Item : I will and Give unto my two sons David Brigham and Elnathan Brigham my Lot of Cedar Swamp that is in Chancy swamp :
Item I will and Give unto my son Gershom Brigham all my utensils for Husbandtre And one halfe my Lot of Sedar swamp in Cran Swamp And also my part in the barrels
Item I will and Give unto my Daughter mary Brigham the wife of Jonathan Brigham the Twenty shillings which John Ernes oweth me
Item my will is that all my Cattle and horses be Equaly Divided amongst all my Children except what I shall Dispose of in my Life time
Item I Give unto my son Jonathan Brigham my bigest Brass Kittle here in the house:
Item I do hereby Constitute ordain and apoynt my Three sons Nathan Brigham, Jonathan Brigham and Gershom Brigham to be my executors of this my Last will and Testament Revoking and Disalowing of all other wills and Testaments what soever, Rattefying and Confirming this to be my Last will and Testament in wittness whereof I the s d Thomas Brigham have hereunto put my Hand and nd fixed my seal the Day and year above written Item my will further is that if there be any part of my estate ether Real or personal be Left undisposed and which at present I have not thought of that it be Equaly Divided amongst all my Children These lines were writen before signing and sealing there is three words bloted out in the thirteenth Line and there is three words bloted out in the twentieth Line and three words Likewise bloted out in the twenty third line which was done before signing and sealing
Signed sealed and Delivered in presence of witnesses Gershom How Ephraim How
Jno Banister Eleasar How
(On the reverse is written the following.)
The Lines may sertifie whom it may Concern that where as in the within writan will I Thomas Brigham have Given unto my two sons Nathan Brigham Jonathan Brigham Twenty two acres of a pece of Land in Etton farme w ch I Did then Call thirty acres And it apears that there is in the sd peace Thirty three acres and one quarter of an acre w 011 three acres and one quarter not men- tioned in the within wretten will I Give to my to sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham to be Equaly Divided between them and Likewise what I have Given to my two sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham in the within wreten will in Land it is to be Equally Divided between them And also what Land I have Given to my two sons David Brigham and Gershom Brigham is Likewise to be Equaly Divided between them And where I have made Assabeth River the Dividing Line between any of my sons my meaning is the main Body of the s d River in witness where of I the sd Thomas Brigham have here unto put my hand and seal this May 19th 1716
There is four words bloted out in the second line and six bloted out the sixth Line and all the seventh Line and one word in the eigth line which was Sow before signing and sealing
Thomas Brigham
Children, by first wife, born in Marlboro:
i Thomas 3 born 24 February, 1666-7, and no further reported; probably died before his father.
ii Nathan, born 17 June, 1671.
iii David, born 11 August, 1673; died young.
iv Jonathan, born 22 February, 1675.
iv Jonathan, born 22 February, 1675.
v David, born 12 April 1678
vi Gershom, born 23 February 1680
vii. Elnathan, born 7 March, 1683
viii Mary, born 26 October, 1687; married Capt. Jonas Houghton of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 30 July, 1710; he died 15 August, 1739, age. 56.* Ch. (Houghton), born in Lancaster: [list of children]
1 Silas*, born 26 October, 1713.
2 Betty, born 20 March, 1715-16.
3 Mary, born 8 March, 1720-21.
4 Prudence, born 21 October, 1723.
5 Persis, born 31 July, 1726.
6 Jonas, born 21 April, 1728.
7 John, born 13 February, 1731-2.
found on ancestry.com
He married Mary Rice, who was born September 19, 1646. daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Moore) Rice, granddaughter of Edmund Rice, of Sudbury. He married (second), August 30, 1695, Susanna (Shattuck) Morse, widow. The children of Thomas and Mary (Rice) Brigham were: Thomas, born February. 24, 1666: Nathan; David, August 1673, died young: Jonathan, February 22, 1674, married Mary Fay; David April 12, 1678; Gershom, Dr. February 23, 1680; Ethan, March 7, 1683: Mary, October 26, 1687.
LoisPalecek51 added this on 1 Mar 2011
Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal ..., Volume 4 By Ellery Bicknell Crane
found on ancestry.com
The History of the Brigham Family (1907)
3 THOMAS 2 son of Thomas 1 and Mercy (Hurd) Brigham; born probably in Cambridge, Massachusetts, about 1640; died in Marlboro, Massachusetts, 25 November, 1716; married (1), 27 December, 1665, Mary, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Moore) Rice, (daughter of John and Elizabeth Moore of Sudbury), and granddaughter of Edmund Rice, the emigrant, and his wife, Tamazine; married (2), 30 July, 1695, Susanna, daughter of William Shattuck of Watertown and widow (1) of Joseph Morse and (2) of John Fay, whose first wife was Mary, the sister of Thomas. It will be noted that every descendant of Thomas 2 is also a descendant of Edmund Rice, who is an ancestor of many colonial families in eastern Massachusetts. He had a large number of children, some of whom were of mature age at the time of the emigration.
Thomas went to Sudbury and Marlboro with his mother when she married Edmund Rice. On attaining his majority he bought of his stepfather, for £ 30, a town right in Marlboro of " 2 4 acres, with the frame of a dwelling house thereon, with all the privileges of the town commons and further additions of allotments to be made thereto." August 28, 1665, having completed payment for the same, he received a deed from the Executors of Edmund Rice.* This land, situated near Williams Pond in the southwest part of the town, was the beginning of his large farm, which included many acres stretching away toward Chauncey Pond in Westboro. Thomas Brigham also was one of the purchasers of the old plantation " Ockoocangansett," which had been reserved for the Indians out of the ancient boundaries of Marlboro, and which many contended they forfeited by their perfidy during Philip's War. Certain leading men of Marlboro, including the Brighams of the day, obtained, without the consent of the General Court, title to this plantation of 5800 acres and formed a company. The amount paid never can be known, because of the subsequent disappearance of the deed, but the sum doubtless was nominal.
Miss Martha L. Ames, a descendant of Thomas 2, residing on the old Joseph Brigham place in Marlboro, owns a very early Brigham deed, dated " May 10, 1706," being a conveyance of 133/4 acres of meadow land, as explained by a map, going to Thomas 2 Brigham, out of " Cow common" land, and certified to by his brother " Dr. John," who had been chosen " surveyor and clerk" by the proprietors. On the old Thomas Brigham homestead, on the south side of present Forest Street, beyond the confluence of Glen Street, something like a score of rods from the highway and at the foot of Crane Hill, is a slightly raised rectangular plot, about 30 x 75 feet, from whose center springs a mature apple tree. Here rest the last of the Marlboro Indians, whose earlier generations listened to the great Indian Apostle Eliot. Their last chief expired in his wigwam, near Williams Pond, and was buried at this place on the Brigham farm, where thirty other individual graves could be made out by the last generation of Marlboro citizens. This spot has always been sacredly preserved by the owners of the Brigham farm. The successive owners of the " old home place" since the Rices are as follows:
(1) Thomas2 Brigham; (2) Gershom 3 Brigham; (3) Benjamin 4 Brigham; (4) Warren 5 Brigham; (5) Benjamin Thomas 6 Brig- ham, son of Barnabas; (6) Elisha Bond, who bought it of Benj. T. Brigham; (7) Bradford Latham, son-in-law to Bond; (8) George F. Nichols, who bought it in 1893 from Latham; Mr. Nichols' wife is Abbie A. 8 daughter of Addington M. 7 Brigham of Marlboro. The last male Brigham owner of the place is said to have strikingly resembled his paternal ancestry, having " thick, wavy black hair, black eyes and red cheeks; a fine looking man." The Thomas 2 Brigham homestead has long been known as the " Warren Brigham place," from its fourth owner, who died at the age of 87, more than half a century ago. Up to his time there had been no Warren Brighams. This fact inspired some research, which resulted in discovering that Gershom 3 Brigham, the second owner, had married Mehetabel Warren, daughter of Joseph Warren of Medfield. Like the sites of the homes of so many of the first settlers, that of Thomas 2 Brigham's house seems almost to have been chosen for the landscape effect. The brook which gives the outlet to Williams Pond flows through the home lot. A few rods above the brook stood the house. From it the higher hills appear to en compass the valley of the brook, except where they break to the northwest and a narrow opening discloses the peak of Mt. Wachusett looming up twenty miles away. The first dwelling, a log hut built by Thomas 2 fire. In 1706 he built a frame house, which was left for an " ell" by his son Gershom, who built a two-story house about 1724. The old house was used as a garrison in Queen Anne's War. This " ell" was finally taken down in 1791, by Warren Brigham. Mrs. Lucy B. Brown of Marlboro was the last occupant of the Gershom Brigham house, from which she moved in 1859; the house was uninhabited for some time and was finally razed. The Gershom Brigham house " was clapboarded but never painted outside; only two rooms were finished; the sitting-room and the principal bed room were plastered and painted." About 1825 the present house was built on the opposite side of the road from the old house, by Barnabas" Brigham. The old well, from which many Brig ham pilgrims drink, still exists.
Thomas 2 unquestionably was one of the principal citizens of the town and must have held offices of responsibility, but an important volume of the town records was lost many years ago, hence there is no connected record of town officers or of town proceedings from 1665 to 1739. The church records are also fragmentary or nonexistent for the early period. His lands, however, were extensive, lying in what now are four townships.* They divided into comfortable farms for his descendants and made many of them well-to-do. He executed his will 21 April, 1716, and died 25 November of the same year in his chair, which is now in the possession of Miss Martha L. Ames. His will, which was approved 2 January, 1717, is as follows:
In the Name of God Amen: This Twenty first Day of April Anno Domini one Thousand seven hundred and sixteen and in the second year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Georg of Great Brittian and c King I Thomas Brigham of the town of Marlborough in the County of middlesex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England yeoman being vere weak of Body but of perfect mind and memory Praised be God for it Knowing that it apoynded for men once to Dy Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament first I bequeth my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping that through the merratorious Death of Jesus Christ my only Savour to know the free pardon of all my sins: And my Body to be Buried in Christian Like Decent and Cortly maner at the Discrestion of my hereafter Named Executors: And as for such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with hear in this world I Give and Dispose of the same in the maner and forms following
Item I will and Give to my Son Elnathan Brigham and to his heirs Three acres of land in Etton farm next adjoining to the seven acres I have given him by Deed Lying side by sid with it And also Twelve acres of Land in s d farm some where towards the uper End of the s d farm.
Item I will and Give unto my two sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham and to theirs all that part of my Etton farme that lies on the easterly side of Assabeth River except what I have Given to my son Elnathan Brigham.
Item I will and Give unto my Two sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham and to their heirs Twenty two acres of the thirty acres that is laid out to me in Etton farme to have it on the Southerly end of the sd Thirty acres And also the pece of Land that Joyns to it on the westerly side.
Item I will and Give unto my two sons David Brigham and Ger- shom Brigham and to their heirs eight acres of the thirty acres that is Laid out to me in Etton farme to have it on the northerly end of the s d Thirty acres And also all the Rest of my Etton farme that lies on the westerly side of Assabeth River I Give to the s d David Brigham and Gersliom Brigham and to their heirs Except what is Given to others of my Children:
Item I give unto my son David Brigham and to his heirs all my meadow in Hokamok meadow and Brook meadow.
Item my will is that all my Books be Equally Divided amongst all my Children.
Item I will and Give unto my Daughter mary Houghton the wife of Jonas Hough- ton junr of Lancaster the feather bed I ly upon with all the furnituer to it also I Give unto my Daughter mary Houghton above sd one Cow and my Great Brass Kittle that is at my son Jonathans and all my movable Goods with in Dors viz Brass Iron pewter with all my utensils in the house Except my part in the Barrels And Except Likewise some particular things that I have or shall Dispose of to som particular persns.
Item I Give unto my Daughter mary Houghton above mentioned and to her heirs Thirty six pounds in money to be paid by my sons as followeth: Twenty pounds to be paid to her or her heirs by my son Gershom Brigham within three years after my Deceas at three several pay- ments viz six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence a year. And ten pounds to be paid her or her heirs by my son David Brigham within two years after my Decease And fourty shillings to be paid to her by my son Nathan Brigham And fourty shillings to be paid to her by my son Jonathan Brigham And fourty shillings to be paid to her by my son Elnathan Brigham these three last to be paid to her or to her heirs within one year after my Deceas :
Item : I will and Give unto my two sons David Brigham and Elnathan Brigham my Lot of Cedar Swamp that is in Chancy swamp :
Item I will and Give unto my son Gershom Brigham all my utensils for Husbandtre And one halfe my Lot of Sedar swamp in Cran Swamp And also my part in the barrels
Item I will and Give unto my Daughter mary Brigham the wife of Jonathan Brigham the Twenty shillings which John Ernes oweth me
Item my will is that all my Cattle and horses be Equaly Divided amongst all my Children except what I shall Dispose of in my Life time
Item I Give unto my son Jonathan Brigham my bigest Brass Kittle here in the house:
Item I do hereby Constitute ordain and apoynt my Three sons Nathan Brigham, Jonathan Brigham and Gershom Brigham to be my executors of this my Last will and Testament Revoking and Disalowing of all other wills and Testaments what soever, Rattefying and Confirming this to be my Last will and Testament in wittness whereof I the s d Thomas Brigham have hereunto put my Hand and nd fixed my seal the Day and year above written Item my will further is that if there be any part of my estate ether Real or personal be Left undisposed and which at present I have not thought of that it be Equaly Divided amongst all my Children These lines were writen before signing and sealing there is three words bloted out in the thirteenth Line and there is three words bloted out in the twentieth Line and three words Likewise bloted out in the twenty third line which was done before signing and sealing
Signed sealed and Delivered in presence of witnesses Gershom How Ephraim How
Jno Banister Eleasar How
(On the reverse is written the following.)
The Lines may sertifie whom it may Concern that where as in the within writan will I Thomas Brigham have Given unto my two sons Nathan Brigham Jonathan Brigham Twenty two acres of a pece of Land in Etton farme w ch I Did then Call thirty acres And it apears that there is in the sd peace Thirty three acres and one quarter of an acre w 011 three acres and one quarter not men- tioned in the within wretten will I Give to my to sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham to be Equaly Divided between them and Likewise what I have Given to my two sons Nathan Brigham and Jonathan Brigham in the within wreten will in Land it is to be Equally Divided between them And also what Land I have Given to my two sons David Brigham and Gershom Brigham is Likewise to be Equaly Divided between them And where I have made Assabeth River the Dividing Line between any of my sons my meaning is the main Body of the s d River in witness where of I the sd Thomas Brigham have here unto put my hand and seal this May 19th 1716
There is four words bloted out in the second line and six bloted out the sixth Line and all the seventh Line and one word in the eigth line which was Sow before signing and sealing
Thomas Brigham
Children, by first wife, born in Marlboro:
i Thomas 3 born 24 February, 1666-7, and no further reported; probably died before his father.
ii Nathan, born 17 June, 1671.
iii David, born 11 August, 1673; died young.
iv Jonathan, born 22 February, 1675.
iv Jonathan, born 22 February, 1675.
v David, born 12 April 1678
vi Gershom, born 23 February 1680
vii. Elnathan, born 7 March, 1683
viii Mary, born 26 October, 1687; married Capt. Jonas Houghton of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 30 July, 1710; he died 15 August, 1739, age. 56.* Ch. (Houghton), born in Lancaster: [list of children]
1 Silas*, born 26 October, 1713.
2 Betty, born 20 March, 1715-16.
3 Mary, born 8 March, 1720-21.
4 Prudence, born 21 October, 1723.
5 Persis, born 31 July, 1726.
6 Jonas, born 21 April, 1728.
7 John, born 13 February, 1731-2.
found on ancestry.com
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