The Clark-Stockade House is recognized as the first house in Milford built outside the stockade fence that protected the colonists from attacks by Native Americans. The first version of the house was constructed in 1659 by Deacon George Clark; that structure was dismantled around 1780, with many of the pieces used in a new version the one that stands today. It was moved to its present location in 1974.

Clark - Stockade House, Milford, New Haven, Connecticut
George Clark history in Milford, Connecticut
According to "Deacon George Clark(e) of Milford, Connecticut and Some of His Descendants," by George Clarke Bryant, 1949:
"Deacon" George Clark's home lot in Milford in 1646 was "four acres and a halfe be it more of less being bounded with a highway to the East with George Hubbards on the South with the Common on the west, and with Andrew Bentons on the North."A transcription of the will of "Deacon" George Clark can be found in the above mentioned book.According to "Historical Markers of Milford, Locations and Inscriptions," 1990:
At West River and Meadow Streets in Milford, there is a large inscribed rock, which reads: "October 1895 This stone was removed from the south eand of this field by David N. Clarke and Sons and set up in memory of Dea. George Clarke, Sr., their ancestor, who was one of the first English settlers of Milford in 1639 and was the owner of this lot with George Clarke, Jr. He died in 1690, aged 80 yrs. Thomas, his son, died in 1719, aged 82 yrs.
Thomas, Jr. died in 1728, aged 40.
Jared died in 1789, aged 70.David died in 1831, aged 80.
David died in 1854, aged 70 yrs.
David N. died in 1912, aged 90 yrs.
David L. died in 1937, aged 82 yrs.David A. died in 1971, aged 83 yrs.
David A., Jr. died in 1974, aged 55 yrs.
David Alan" 79
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Deacon George Clark(e)
George Clark(e), known as "Deacon", Senior and Carpenter, came to Milford, Connecticut, with his wife, Sarah, and one child, Thomas. He came from Kent or Surrey, England in 1637, landed at Boston, and after about a year, sailed from Boston March 30, 1638. He reached New Haven, Connecticut in about two weeks and in 1639 moved to Milford, Connecticut where he lived until his death.
He was a free planter and a man of considerable property and influence. The probate records show he left a large estate. George gave his wife, Sarah, the life use of his dwelling house and homestead and named her sole executrix of his will dated April 15, 1678. DEACON GEORGE CLARK(E) OF MILFORD, CONNECTICUT AND DESCENDANTS By George Clarke Bryant, Ansonia, Connecticut, 1949. Prepared by Donald Lines Jacobus
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Will of Deacon George Clark
I george Clerk one of ye Deacons of ye Church of Christ at Milford in the county of New Haven and Colony of Connecticut Planter being (through ye Mercy of God )in perfect Mind and Memory at this present do make and hereby Declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Imprimis. Considering that ye life of Man upon earth is but as a shadow, and not knowing how soon God may put an End to my pilgrimage, here below, my age and Decays of Nature minding me Dayly of my approaching Change by Death, there being no Discharge in that War, and then not a fit season to have ye Mind Exercised about Worldly Matters Do Therefore Desire to set my House in order by a Considerate Dispose of that Estate God hath made me steward of, And In ye first place and before all things I do commend and Commit my soul Into ye Hands of Jesus Christ my Dear Lord and Redeemer who hath purchased it by his precious Blood, and My Body to Decent Burial according to ye Discretion of my Executrix and overseers in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection at ye last Day and so to be for ever with ye Lord Amen.
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Dear and loving Wife Sarah Clark my Dwelling House and Homstead, with all ye out houses, Buildings, Edifices and Appurtenances there unto belonging, as allso ye one half part or Moiety of all my Arable Land and pature and Meadow in my present possession and improvement for her own propper Use Benefit and Behoof During her Natural Life.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my son George Clark ye Reversion of ye sd Moiety of my sd House and Homestead, Arable Land, Meadow and premisses (ye Moiety or half part of my sd pasture only excepted) after ye Decease of my sd Wife, as allso ye other Moiety and half part of my sd House, Homestead, outhouses, Buildings, Edifices and appurtenances Lands, pasture, Meadow and Premisses to Have and to Hold to him and to ye Heirs of his Body lawfully Begotten or to be Begotten for Ever, according to my true Intent and Meaning hereunder expressed.
Item I give and Bequeath to my son Samuel Clark ye Westward half part of my sd pasture (excepted as above) to him and his Heirs for ever on ye Limitations following, and my true Intent and Meaning is that if either of my sd sons Samuel or George Clark Die without Issue, then in Default of such Issue male or female of ye Bodies of either of them, then I give ye Revertion of my sd Houses, lands, Meadow, pasture appurtenances and Premisses as avoe to them or either of them givn and Bequeathed severrally, after their or eith of their Decease, and after ye Decease of either of their Children severally, or lawfull Heirs Male or female dying in Minority or without lawfull Issue of their Bodies, Then and in such Case I Bequeath all and every part and parcel of my sd Houses, lands, meadow, pasture and premisses with ye appurtenances to ye other of my SurvivingChild or Children to be equally Divided among them, and to his, her or their Heirs lawfully Begotten for ever; And for Default of such Issue then ye sd Houses, lands and Premisses to return, be and remain to other my true, lawfull and next Heirs and of kin forever. It. - My Will and true meaning is that my son George Clark shall have ye Eastward half part and Moiety of my sd Pasture abovementioned after my Decease.
Item Whereas I have already given portions in land and other Estate unto my sons Thomas Clark and Samuel Clark, and allso a Portion unto my Daughter Sarah Laws, Yet out of my fatherly Affection to my sd Children I give and Bequeath to each of them severally ye sum of Ten pounds a piece to be Due and payable to them and each of them as before immediatly after ye Decease of my sd Dear Wife or sooner if she shou'd Marry again then ye sd sums of ten pounds apiece to be paid to them severally.
Item - I give and Bequeath unto my son George Clark ye like sum of ten pounds to be paid to him in Manner and form as above expressed to my other Children.
Item - My Mind and true Meaning is that in Lieu or Consideration of ye sd ten pounds above givn and Bequeathed unto my son Samuel Clark, he shall have ye Bedstead, Bed and furniture of it in ye Chamber over ye Kitchin as above after his Mothers Decease.
Item - I give and Bequeath unto My Grand Child George Clark ye son of my son Thomas Clark, all my two parcels of Unfenced Land ye lies in ye Common and not yet taken in, ye one parcel commonly called or known by ye Name of Mowhawks Swamp, and ye other parcel lying right Agt. my other Land to ye Ferry Ward.
Item - I give and Bequeath to my son Thomas Clark for ye Use of his sd son George Clark ye sum of Twenty pounds in Money to buy Books for him if he proves capable of learning and his father bring him up at ye College, or to help to maintain him there, otherwise for ye Use of any other of his sons ye may prove more fit for learning, which Money I Desire may be improved as above, if ti may otherwise ye sd Twenty pounds to be Disposed by my son thomas for his sd sons best advantage.
Item - As a Token of my Love I give and Bequeath to ye rest of my Grandchildren Viz to Samuel, Thomas, John, Joseph and Sarah Clark ye Children of my son Thomas five pounds Apiece, to Mary ye Daughter of my son Samuel Clark five pounds, and to Jonathan Laws son of my Daughter Sarah five pounds to be paid them severally after my Wife's Decease or Marriage Again.
Item - I give to my son Thomas Clark ye long table in ye Hall after my Wife's Decease.
Item - I give two of my Negroes a Man and a Woman to my son George Clark which he shall Chuse, To my son Thomas Clark one Negroe and another Negro to my Daughter Sarah, That is I give them as above (if living) after my Wife's Decease.
Item - I give ye Time I have in my apprentice Samuel Phillips to my son Samuel Clark likewise after my Wife's Decease.
Item: My Mind and Will is that my Copper furnace, ye Table in ye Chamber over ye Kitchin and ye forme and seats belonging to it, and ye Bedstead, Bed and furniture of it in ye Parlour shall be and remain as standards belonging to ye House, as also ye Cupbord in ye Hall so to be and remain standards in ye House as above.
Item - I Do Nominate Constitute and appoint my Dear and loving Wife Sarah Clark my sole and only Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, and do request and Desire my loving and Honoured Friends Elder Buckingham and Deacon Richard Plat to be my Overseer of this my Will, and to be assisting to my sd Dear Wife. In Witness Whereof and that this is my last Will and Testament (Renouncing all former and other will be me heretofore at any Time made) I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the 15th Day of April 1678.
There were some codicils added in August 1688.
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The Clark-Stockade House c. 1780
The "Stockade House", so named many years ago, was traditionally the first house built outside the stockade or palisades which surrounded the town of Milford against Indians. The original house was moved to its present site in 1974 from Bridgeport Avenue near the hospital. This house was begun by Deacon George Clark about 1659 and grew in several stages to a saltbox style house. In 1780 Michael Peck, a builder, and David Camp, his assistant, dismantled the house and built a new house using many of the salvaged building materials. Some of the supporting beams and framework are original to the 1659 house, and are still being used today. The dimensions of the 1780 house, were probably about the same as the old one. Peck's innovations included higher ceiling, larger windows, a rare built-in bookcase, and raised paneling. Our building, as you see it today, is still being restored. Ongoing projects are the reconstruction of the original six-fireplace center chimney with its beehive and warming ovens, the paneling, the winding front stairway and the bookcase. The Clark-Stockade House displays many interesting pieces of Milford furniture, including the Marion Buckingham Tibbals collection, and items from the Platt, Beard, Camp and Wells families.
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First woman executed in colonies
Alice Martin Bishop
Just a word of caution, the following exerpt is a bit grizzley. Alice Martin Bishop murdered her daughter from her first marriage, Martha Clarke in Plymouth Colony in 1648 and is among first women executed in the colonies. Below is a narrative quoted directly from: Stratton, Eugene Aubrey, FASG. Plymouth Colony: Its History and People 1620-1691. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Ancestry Incorporated, 1986.
In July 1648 a coroner's jury reported that "coming into the house of the said Richard Bishope, wee saw at the foot of a [p.160] ladder which leadeth into an upper chamber, much blood; and going up all of us into the chamber, wee found a woman child, of about foure yeares of age, lying in her shifte uppon her left cheeke, with her throat cut with divers gashes crose wayes, the wind pipe cut and stuke into the throat downward, and a bloody knife lying by the side of the child, with which knife all of us judge, and the said Allis hath confessed to five of us att one time, that shee murdered the child with the said knife." Rachel Ramsden testified that when she went to Richard Bishop's house on an errand, "the wife of the said Richard Bishope requested her to goe fetch her some buttermilke at Goodwife Winslows, and gave her a ketle for that purpose, and shee went and did it; and before shee went, shee saw the child lyinge abed asleepe…, but when shee came shee found [Alice Bishop] sad and dumpish; shee asked her what blood was that shee saw at the ladders foot; shee pointed unto the chamber, and bid her looke, but shee perseived shee had killed her child, and being afraid, shee refused, and ran and tould her father and mother. Moreover, shee saith the reason that moved her to thinke shee had killed her child was that when shee saw the blood shee looked on the bedd, and the child was not there." The child was Alice (Martin) (Clarke) Bishop's daughter, Martha Clarke, by Alice's first husband, George Clarke. On 1 August 1648 Alice Bishop confessed she had murdered her daughter and said she was sorry for it. And on 4 October 1648 she was sentenced to be hanged, "which accordingly was executed."
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"Deacon" George Clark's home lot in Milford in 1646 was "four acres and a halfe be it more of less being bounded with a highway to the East with George Hubbards on the South with the Common on the west, and with Andrew Bentons on the North."A transcription of the will of "Deacon" George Clark can be found in the above mentioned book.According to "Historical Markers of Milford, Locations and Inscriptions," 1990:
At West River and Meadow Streets in Milford, there is a large inscribed rock, which reads: "October 1895 This stone was removed from the south eand of this field by David N. Clarke and Sons and set up in memory of Dea. George Clarke, Sr., their ancestor, who was one of the first English settlers of Milford in 1639 and was the owner of this lot with George Clarke, Jr. He died in 1690, aged 80 yrs. Thomas, his son, died in 1719, aged 82 yrs.
Thomas, Jr. died in 1728, aged 40.
Jared died in 1789, aged 70.David died in 1831, aged 80.
David died in 1854, aged 70 yrs.
David N. died in 1912, aged 90 yrs.
David L. died in 1937, aged 82 yrs.David A. died in 1971, aged 83 yrs.
David A., Jr. died in 1974, aged 55 yrs.
David Alan" 79
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Deacon George Clark(e)
George Clark(e), known as "Deacon", Senior and Carpenter, came to Milford, Connecticut, with his wife, Sarah, and one child, Thomas. He came from Kent or Surrey, England in 1637, landed at Boston, and after about a year, sailed from Boston March 30, 1638. He reached New Haven, Connecticut in about two weeks and in 1639 moved to Milford, Connecticut where he lived until his death.
He was a free planter and a man of considerable property and influence. The probate records show he left a large estate. George gave his wife, Sarah, the life use of his dwelling house and homestead and named her sole executrix of his will dated April 15, 1678. DEACON GEORGE CLARK(E) OF MILFORD, CONNECTICUT AND DESCENDANTS By George Clarke Bryant, Ansonia, Connecticut, 1949. Prepared by Donald Lines Jacobus
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Will of Deacon George Clark
I george Clerk one of ye Deacons of ye Church of Christ at Milford in the county of New Haven and Colony of Connecticut Planter being (through ye Mercy of God )in perfect Mind and Memory at this present do make and hereby Declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Imprimis. Considering that ye life of Man upon earth is but as a shadow, and not knowing how soon God may put an End to my pilgrimage, here below, my age and Decays of Nature minding me Dayly of my approaching Change by Death, there being no Discharge in that War, and then not a fit season to have ye Mind Exercised about Worldly Matters Do Therefore Desire to set my House in order by a Considerate Dispose of that Estate God hath made me steward of, And In ye first place and before all things I do commend and Commit my soul Into ye Hands of Jesus Christ my Dear Lord and Redeemer who hath purchased it by his precious Blood, and My Body to Decent Burial according to ye Discretion of my Executrix and overseers in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection at ye last Day and so to be for ever with ye Lord Amen.
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Dear and loving Wife Sarah Clark my Dwelling House and Homstead, with all ye out houses, Buildings, Edifices and Appurtenances there unto belonging, as allso ye one half part or Moiety of all my Arable Land and pature and Meadow in my present possession and improvement for her own propper Use Benefit and Behoof During her Natural Life.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my son George Clark ye Reversion of ye sd Moiety of my sd House and Homestead, Arable Land, Meadow and premisses (ye Moiety or half part of my sd pasture only excepted) after ye Decease of my sd Wife, as allso ye other Moiety and half part of my sd House, Homestead, outhouses, Buildings, Edifices and appurtenances Lands, pasture, Meadow and Premisses to Have and to Hold to him and to ye Heirs of his Body lawfully Begotten or to be Begotten for Ever, according to my true Intent and Meaning hereunder expressed.
Item I give and Bequeath to my son Samuel Clark ye Westward half part of my sd pasture (excepted as above) to him and his Heirs for ever on ye Limitations following, and my true Intent and Meaning is that if either of my sd sons Samuel or George Clark Die without Issue, then in Default of such Issue male or female of ye Bodies of either of them, then I give ye Revertion of my sd Houses, lands, Meadow, pasture appurtenances and Premisses as avoe to them or either of them givn and Bequeathed severrally, after their or eith of their Decease, and after ye Decease of either of their Children severally, or lawfull Heirs Male or female dying in Minority or without lawfull Issue of their Bodies, Then and in such Case I Bequeath all and every part and parcel of my sd Houses, lands, meadow, pasture and premisses with ye appurtenances to ye other of my SurvivingChild or Children to be equally Divided among them, and to his, her or their Heirs lawfully Begotten for ever; And for Default of such Issue then ye sd Houses, lands and Premisses to return, be and remain to other my true, lawfull and next Heirs and of kin forever. It. - My Will and true meaning is that my son George Clark shall have ye Eastward half part and Moiety of my sd Pasture abovementioned after my Decease.
Item Whereas I have already given portions in land and other Estate unto my sons Thomas Clark and Samuel Clark, and allso a Portion unto my Daughter Sarah Laws, Yet out of my fatherly Affection to my sd Children I give and Bequeath to each of them severally ye sum of Ten pounds a piece to be Due and payable to them and each of them as before immediatly after ye Decease of my sd Dear Wife or sooner if she shou'd Marry again then ye sd sums of ten pounds apiece to be paid to them severally.
Item - I give and Bequeath unto my son George Clark ye like sum of ten pounds to be paid to him in Manner and form as above expressed to my other Children.
Item - My Mind and true Meaning is that in Lieu or Consideration of ye sd ten pounds above givn and Bequeathed unto my son Samuel Clark, he shall have ye Bedstead, Bed and furniture of it in ye Chamber over ye Kitchin as above after his Mothers Decease.
Item - I give and Bequeath unto My Grand Child George Clark ye son of my son Thomas Clark, all my two parcels of Unfenced Land ye lies in ye Common and not yet taken in, ye one parcel commonly called or known by ye Name of Mowhawks Swamp, and ye other parcel lying right Agt. my other Land to ye Ferry Ward.
Item - I give and Bequeath to my son Thomas Clark for ye Use of his sd son George Clark ye sum of Twenty pounds in Money to buy Books for him if he proves capable of learning and his father bring him up at ye College, or to help to maintain him there, otherwise for ye Use of any other of his sons ye may prove more fit for learning, which Money I Desire may be improved as above, if ti may otherwise ye sd Twenty pounds to be Disposed by my son thomas for his sd sons best advantage.
Item - As a Token of my Love I give and Bequeath to ye rest of my Grandchildren Viz to Samuel, Thomas, John, Joseph and Sarah Clark ye Children of my son Thomas five pounds Apiece, to Mary ye Daughter of my son Samuel Clark five pounds, and to Jonathan Laws son of my Daughter Sarah five pounds to be paid them severally after my Wife's Decease or Marriage Again.
Item - I give to my son Thomas Clark ye long table in ye Hall after my Wife's Decease.
Item - I give two of my Negroes a Man and a Woman to my son George Clark which he shall Chuse, To my son Thomas Clark one Negroe and another Negro to my Daughter Sarah, That is I give them as above (if living) after my Wife's Decease.
Item - I give ye Time I have in my apprentice Samuel Phillips to my son Samuel Clark likewise after my Wife's Decease.
Item: My Mind and Will is that my Copper furnace, ye Table in ye Chamber over ye Kitchin and ye forme and seats belonging to it, and ye Bedstead, Bed and furniture of it in ye Parlour shall be and remain as standards belonging to ye House, as also ye Cupbord in ye Hall so to be and remain standards in ye House as above.
Item - I Do Nominate Constitute and appoint my Dear and loving Wife Sarah Clark my sole and only Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, and do request and Desire my loving and Honoured Friends Elder Buckingham and Deacon Richard Plat to be my Overseer of this my Will, and to be assisting to my sd Dear Wife. In Witness Whereof and that this is my last Will and Testament (Renouncing all former and other will be me heretofore at any Time made) I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the 15th Day of April 1678.
There were some codicils added in August 1688.
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The Clark-Stockade House c. 1780
The "Stockade House", so named many years ago, was traditionally the first house built outside the stockade or palisades which surrounded the town of Milford against Indians. The original house was moved to its present site in 1974 from Bridgeport Avenue near the hospital. This house was begun by Deacon George Clark about 1659 and grew in several stages to a saltbox style house. In 1780 Michael Peck, a builder, and David Camp, his assistant, dismantled the house and built a new house using many of the salvaged building materials. Some of the supporting beams and framework are original to the 1659 house, and are still being used today. The dimensions of the 1780 house, were probably about the same as the old one. Peck's innovations included higher ceiling, larger windows, a rare built-in bookcase, and raised paneling. Our building, as you see it today, is still being restored. Ongoing projects are the reconstruction of the original six-fireplace center chimney with its beehive and warming ovens, the paneling, the winding front stairway and the bookcase. The Clark-Stockade House displays many interesting pieces of Milford furniture, including the Marion Buckingham Tibbals collection, and items from the Platt, Beard, Camp and Wells families.
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First woman executed in colonies
Alice Martin Bishop
Just a word of caution, the following exerpt is a bit grizzley. Alice Martin Bishop murdered her daughter from her first marriage, Martha Clarke in Plymouth Colony in 1648 and is among first women executed in the colonies. Below is a narrative quoted directly from: Stratton, Eugene Aubrey, FASG. Plymouth Colony: Its History and People 1620-1691. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Ancestry Incorporated, 1986.
In July 1648 a coroner's jury reported that "coming into the house of the said Richard Bishope, wee saw at the foot of a [p.160] ladder which leadeth into an upper chamber, much blood; and going up all of us into the chamber, wee found a woman child, of about foure yeares of age, lying in her shifte uppon her left cheeke, with her throat cut with divers gashes crose wayes, the wind pipe cut and stuke into the throat downward, and a bloody knife lying by the side of the child, with which knife all of us judge, and the said Allis hath confessed to five of us att one time, that shee murdered the child with the said knife." Rachel Ramsden testified that when she went to Richard Bishop's house on an errand, "the wife of the said Richard Bishope requested her to goe fetch her some buttermilke at Goodwife Winslows, and gave her a ketle for that purpose, and shee went and did it; and before shee went, shee saw the child lyinge abed asleepe…, but when shee came shee found [Alice Bishop] sad and dumpish; shee asked her what blood was that shee saw at the ladders foot; shee pointed unto the chamber, and bid her looke, but shee perseived shee had killed her child, and being afraid, shee refused, and ran and tould her father and mother. Moreover, shee saith the reason that moved her to thinke shee had killed her child was that when shee saw the blood shee looked on the bedd, and the child was not there." The child was Alice (Martin) (Clarke) Bishop's daughter, Martha Clarke, by Alice's first husband, George Clarke. On 1 August 1648 Alice Bishop confessed she had murdered her daughter and said she was sorry for it. And on 4 October 1648 she was sentenced to be hanged, "which accordingly was executed."
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What the.
ReplyDeleteWhat the.
ReplyDeleteyou'll probably need to line your tunnel with concrete and pump out a lot of water as you do. A finished tunnel is probably also going to require continuous pumping. What happens to this water?fence repair