Birth: 1596, England
Death: April 22, 1669, USA
Born in Lowton, Lancashire, England. Attended Brasenose College, Oxford in 1618. Pastor of church at Toxteth, Liverpool, circa 1618 to 1633. Emigrated from Bristol, England to Dorchester, Massachusetts on the James in 1635. Pastor at Dorchester from 23 August 1636 until death in 1669. Co-author of The Bay Psalm Book in 1639, the first book published in English in the American colonies. A leader of New England Congregationalism and a chief proponent of the Half-Way Covenant of 1662, which broadened church membership and helped to maintain ecclesiastical power in the Colony. Father of the Reverend Increase Mather (1639-1723), and grandfather of the Reverend Cotton Mather (1663 - 1728).
found on findagrave.com

1st portrait engraved in North America
This room is located in the Ancient Chapel of Toxteth

The first church built for Reverend Richard Mather
Picture shows the back of the Chapel.
The Tablet was erected by the Congregation in 1918

From a pencil drawing in the possession of Mrs Hugh Rathbone, Greenbank. The school was closed in December 1840 and pulled down the following year when the present vestibule, vestry and organ gallery were created in it's place.

Richard Mather's home in Lowton and presumably Thomas Mather's home
Copps Hill, Boston, Massachusetts
1615, Oxford University
The College was founded[2] in 1509 by a lawyer, Sir Richard Sutton, of Prestbury, Cheshire, and the Bishop of Lincoln, William Smyth. Smyth provided the money for the college's foundation, and Sutton acquired the property. It was built on the site of Brasenose Hall, one of the medieval Oxford institutions which originally existed just as a lodging house, but which had grown to become a seat of learning.
1870, Winwick Lancashire
Winwick Hall, was used as a grammar school, This drawing is from an 1870s Lancashire and Cheshire Historical Society article, which described the local area, and included this image which was titled Winwick Hall, although on the drawing itself, its noted as the Winwick Grammar School, I guess it was already in use as a school in the 1870s when the sketch was done believe that this Winwick Hall, is the place that the Cromwell letters describe as being the "well stocked" Hall which was taken by the Royalists in their retreat from Red Bank. It was located just inside the grounds of Winwick, Inside the current entrance to Hollin's Park http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.earlestown.com/history/userpix/2_WinwickHall_1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://newton-le-willows.com/history/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D1%26t%3D1004&usg=__LqKc3Uvh-uQXCYBq77PkbXGZi98=&h=357&w=600&sz=59&hl=en&start=1&itbs=1&tbnid=y-no5pvRnN4lAM:&tbnh=80&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwinwick%2Bgrammer%2Bschool%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG
1635- 1670.
Second Edition: David Clapp k Son, 891 Washington Street, 1874.
At a stated meeting of the Resident Members of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, held pursuant to notification, at the house of Edward Jarris, M.D., in Dorchester, October 26, 1849, Edmund J. Baker in the chair, it was, on motion,
Voted, That a Committee of three be elected, whose duty it shall be to take order for the publication of the ''Journal" of Richard Mather, from the original Manuscript in the Library of this Society; together with his Life, as published in the year 1670.
Voted, That James M. Bobbins, Ebenezer Clapp, Jr., and Edward Holden, constitute said Committee. A true copy of record.
After an interval of several years, another number of our " Collections "is offered to the public. Various causes have contributed to this delay. Although we have had no reason to be dissatisfied with the reception of former numbers, yet the inquiries for additional ones have not been sufficiently urgent to demand their being put to press in a hasty manner or at any stated times. It is still intended to send forth a small volume occasionally, trusting that something will thus be done towards keeping alive the words as well as the memory of those who have gone before us. The present number is calculated to do this in respect to one of the brightest lights of our early New England history — Richard Mather, who arrived in this country in 1635, in his 39th year, was settled in 1636 as minister over the then newly-formed church in Dorchester, where he spent the remainder of his days, and died here, in the midst of his-attached and devoted people, April 22, 1669, in the 73d year of his age.
The first portion of this number — the Journal of Richard Mather — is in the form of a diary kept by himself in his passage across the Atlantic, from the land of his fathers to his future home and that of his descendants in New England. The present edition is now faithfully copied from the original MS., which is in possession of this Society, having been preserved, without material injury, nearly 215 years.
The other portion — the Life and Death of Richard— « though professedly not written by his son Increase Mather, was, as will be seen, originally sent forth under his name and sanction, in the form of a dedication "To the Church and Inhabitants of Dorchester in N. E.'' He was the youngest son of Richard, was settled as a minister in Boston, was President of Harvard College, and father of the no less celebrated Cotton Mather. This is a reprint from the first edition, published in Cambridge in 1670, a copy of which has been kindly loaned by J. Wingate Thornton, Esq., of Boston — ^to whom the reader is also indebted for the interesting and valuable notes at the end of this volume, containing some new historical facts.
We have endeavored in this, as in the other volumes of our humble "Collections," to imitate, to a reasonable extent, the orthography, punctuation, &c. of the originals. We do this, both in accordance with our individual partiality, and as being in consonance with the desire of our Society to gather up and preserve the vestiges of the Pilgrims as nearly as possible in the state in which they left them.
With these preliminary remarks. No. 3 of our series is sent forth to the world. To the people of Dorchester - the place in this country where the name of Mather was first and so long loved and honored — it must be invested with a peculiar interest; and to all who partake of that feeling of gratitude and veneration towards the "Pilgrim Fathers" which has of late so much increased among their descendants, it cannot be otherwise than an acceptable document.
Dorchester, March, 1850.
Praise the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me, praise his holy name! Praise the Lord oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits; yea, let all that is within me and all that is without me praise his holy name. And let every thing that hath breath praise the name of the Lord for ever and ever. Who gave unto his poor servants, such a safe and comfortable voyage to New England, The particular passages whereof were as followeth.
We came from Warrington on Thursday April 16, April and came to Bristol on the Thursday following, viz. April 23, and had a very healthful, safe and prosperous journey all the way, blessed bee the name of God for the same, taking but easy journeys because of the children and footmen, dispatching 119 or 120 miles in seven days.
Coming to Bristol we found divers of the company come before us: but some came not till after us: howbeit the last was come by the first of May. Nevertheless we went not aboard the ship until Saturday the 23d of May: so that the time of the staying in Bristol was a month and two days, during all which time we found friendship and courtesy at the hands of divers godly Christians in Bristol. Yet our stay was grievous unto us, when we considered how most of this time the winds were easterly and served directly for us; But of ship was not ready: so ill did of owners deal with us.
Going aboard the ship in King road the 23d of May, we found things very unready, and all on heaps, many goods being not stowed, but lying on disordered heaps, here and there in the ship. This day there came aboard the ship 2 of the searchers, and viewed a list of all of names, ministered the oath\ of allegiance to all at full age, viewed of certificates from the ministers in the parishes from whence we came, approved well thereof, and gave us tickets, that is. Licenses under their hands and scales, to pass the seas, and cleared the ship, and so departed. When we came to King road (which is a spacious harbor of 5 or 6 miles broad, and 4 or 5 miles distant from Bristol) we found near the ship another ship of Bristol, called the Diligence, bound for Newfoundland, riding at anchor. The 24th being the Lord’s Day, the wind was strong in the morning, and the ship lurched, and many of the women and some children were not well; but sea-sick, and dizzy or light in their heads, and could scarce stand or go without falling, unless they took hold of something to uphold them. This day Mr. Maud was exercised in the forenoon, and I in the afternoon. The wind still easterly.
The 25th, we that were passengers would fain have had anchor weighed, and sail set, the we might have been gone. But the mariners would insist that they could not stir till the goods were stowed and the hatches or deck above cleared, &c. So we were forced to sit still, and fall in hand with the goods; which was a greater grief unto us, because the Diligence, the lay within 2 or 3 stones cast of us did this morning go out in of sight.
26. This Tuesday morning the wind being easterly and the deck somewhat cleared, the mariners began to address themselves for going. But about nine of the clock, when they had taken up one of their anchors, and were in a manner ready to set forward, the wind turned directly against us, unto the west, so then we were forced to cast anchor again, and sit still. This evening the Diligence, the went out the day before, came in again, and cast anchor about the place where she lay before; and found us riding at anchor where she left us; and another ship also bound for New England came unto us, which other ship was called the Angel Gabriel.
27. On Wednesday the wind continuing still at the west, we having sent some of the men ashore to fetch more bread and victuals and more water for the cattle; our Master Captain Taylor went aboard the Angel Gabriel; Mr. Maud, Nathaniel Wales, Barnabas Fower, Thomas Armitage and myself accompanying him. When we came there we found divers passengers, and among them some loving and godly Christians that were glad to see us there. And soon after we were come aboard there, there came three or four more boats with more passengers and one wherein came Sir Ferdinando Gorge, who came to see the ship and the people. When he -was come he enquired whether there were any people there the went to Massachusetts Bay, whereupon Mr. Maud and Barnabas Fower were sent for to come before him; who being come he asked Mr. Maud of his country, occupation or calling of life, &c., and professed his good will to the people there in the bay, and promised that if he ever came there he would be a true friend unto them.
28. On Thursday, the wind being still at west, the M' of the Angel Gabriel, and some of their passengers, came aboard of ship, and desired to have of company &c. This day there cattel came aboard, and of M' and some of the sailors and passengers went ashore.
29. Friday morning, the wind was south-east, but the Master and some of the mariners being away, we could not set sail; so being constrained to ride at anchor still, and fearing a want if of journey should prove long, some of the company were sent by boat to Bristol, to provide some more oats for the cattle, and bread, and other provisions for of selves, which they performed, and so came aboard again at evening.
30. Saturday at morning the wind was strong at northwest; and against of going out, and besides of Master and some of the sailors were gone ashore and not come aboard again; so that this day also we were constrained to sit still. In the afternoon the wind waxed louder, and of ship danced with wind and waves; and many passengers, especially women and some children, were sea-sick.
31. The second Sabbath on ship-board. The wind easterly, and directly for us; but of Master and many of the sailors being away, and it being also the Lords day, there could bee no going out the day. I was exercised in the forenoon and Mr. Maud in the afternoon.
June 1st. Monday the wind was westerly, and against us. This day we sent some of the company ashore to wash linens, i. and some to buy more hay and provisions. Towards night the wind grew stronger: and of ship danced and many of the passengers were ill through casting and seasickness.
2. Tuesday, the wind still westerly. This day we sent ^' some of the people ashore to provide more water, and hay for the cattle.
3. Wednesday morning, the wind was easterly and good for our purpose; but the Master and many of the sailors went away, and those that were aboard with us told us it was no going out till the wind was settled, lest we should be forced to come in again upon change of wind, as the Diligence was. This evening there came to anchor in Kings Road another ship of Bristol of 240 ton, called the Bess, or Elizabeth, bound for Newfoundland, as there had done another two or three days before, called the Mary, which was also bound for Newfoundland.
4. Thursday morning, the wind serving for us, and the Master and all the sailors being come aboard, we set sail and began of sea-voyage with glad hearts the God had loosed us from of long stay wherein we had been holding, and with hope and trust that he would graciously guide us to the end of the journey. We were the set sail together the morning five ships; three bound for Newfoundland, viz. the Diligence, a ship of 150 tons; the Mary, a small ship of 80 tons, and the Bess: and two bound for New England, viz. the Angel Gabriel of 240 tons, the James of 220 tons. And even at of setting out, we y' were in the James had experience of God's gracious providence over us, in the Angel Gabriel baling home one of her anchors, bad like, being so carried by the force of the tide, to have fallen foul upon the forepart of the ship, which made all the mariners as well as passengers greatly afraid; yet by the guidance of God, and his care over us, she passed by without touching so much as a cable or a cord, and so we escaped the danger. This day we went about ten or twelve leagues before 12 of the clock, and then the wind turned to the west, and the tide also was against us; so the we were forced to come to anchor again in the channel, between Wales and Wynyard in Somerset shire, and there we abode till about six or seven of the clock at night; and then the tide turning for us, we tacked about with the tide too and fro as the wind would suffer, and gained little yet continued all night till about two of the clock after midnight, and then (the tide turning) we came to anchor again.
5. Friday morning, the wind still strong at west, we tacked about again with the tide too and fro till about one of the clock after dinner; about which time the tide and wind being both against us we came to anchor again within sight of Lundy, about two leagues short thereof. Lundy is an island about 20 leagues short of the land’s end, and 28 leagues from Kings Road. This day many passengers were very seasick and ill at ease through much vomiting. This day at night when the tide turned, we set sail again, and so came on Saturday
6. Morning to anchor again, under Lundy, where abiding because the wind was strong against us four of us were desirous to go ashore into the island; and speaking thereof to of master bee was very willing to satisfy us therein, and went with us himself, Mr. Maude, Mathew Michel, George Kenrick, myself and some others accompanying him. When we came into the island, we found only one house therein, and walking in it from side to side, and end to end, one of the house being with us, we found 30 or 40 head of cattle, about 16 or 20 horses, and mares, goats, swine, geese, &c. and fowl and rabbits innumerable; the island is 1700 acres of land, but yields no corn. Here we got some milk and food and cheese, which things my children were glad of, and so came aboard again; but the wind being strong against us, especially towards night, we rode there all night, and the next day, and many of our passengers were y" evening very sick.
7. The third Sabbath on ship-board: This day the wind is still at west against us, we lay still under Lundy. Mr. Maud was exercised in the forenoon and I in the afternoon.
8. Monday the wind still strong at west. This day we sent some of the people on shore to Lundy to fetch more water for the cattle.
9. Tuesday the wind still strong against us. This morning of the 6 ships being all weary of lying at Lundy, because the harbor was not very good, and seeing the wind still contrary, weighed anchor again and set sail for Milford haven, which is fourteen leagues from Lundy, and lies upon Pembroke shire in Wales, and came thither that night. This day as we came from Lundy to Milford haven, the sea wrought and was rough, and most of the passengers were very sick, worse the ever before.
10. Wednesday the wind still against us, we lay still in Millford haven: and most of the people were in good health, and many went on shore into the country; and brought more fresh water for the cattle, more fresh victuals, as eggs; loaf bread, fresh fish, &c. which things of children were glad of.
11th Thursday: the wind still against us; many went the day also on shore, to take the air, view the country, &c, and some of us upon businesses to provide more hay, and provisions.
12th Friday: A knight of the country dwelling near Hartford west being aboard the Diligence, sent for me to come to speak with him: much wondering we had what should be the matter, seeing I never knew him, nor he me. When I came to him he used me courteously, invited me to his house, wished us all good successes, lamented the loss of them that stayed behind, when so many of the best people for upholding religion were removed and taken away. The knight’s name is Sir James Parret.
13. Saturday, wind still against us.
14. The 4th Sabbath on ship-board. This day Mr. Maud, Mathew Michel, and many of the passengers and of the Angel Gabriel's went to a church on shore called Nangle, where they heard two good and comfortable sermons, made by an ancient, grave minister living at Pembrooke, whose name is Mr. Jessop. His text was ps. 91: 11. He will give his angels charge, &c.; and his coming was purposely for the comfort and encouragement of us that went to New England. I was exercised on ship-board both ends of the day, remaining there for the help of the weaker and inferior sort, that could not go on shore.
15. Monday, I went on shore to Nangle, with my wife and children; John Smith and his wife, and Mary; Susan Michel and divers others. It was a faire day, and we walked in the fields, and at a house got some milk, &c. wherewith we were much refreshed; and came aboard again at evening.
16. Tuesday, a rainy day, the wind still against us.
17th Wednesday, the wind still against us.
18th Thursday, the wind still against us: This day in the morning the Master and the seamen sent away and set on shore one of the seamen, called Jephrey Cornish, who had fallen out and been in quarrelling and fighting with some of the seamen. The main matter alleged against him was his drunkenness, and blasphemy, and brawling and cursing in his drunkenness. In the afternoon there came to the Angel Gabriel and to the ship, Mr. Jessop, to see the Christians bound for New England. He was a grave and godly old man, one that had lost a good living, because of his non-conformity, and wished us all well, and we were all refreshed with his godly company and conference.
19. Friday, a foggy morning; wind still westerly.
20. Saturday, the wind still hovering to and fro.
21. The 5th Sabbath on ship-board; a faire cheerful summer day. This day I was exercised both ends of the day, and had much comfort therein, because the fairness of the day freed us from distraction, and fitted us the better for attendance; besides, the day was more comfortable to us all, in regard to the company of many godly Christians from the Angel Gabriel, and from other vessels lying in the haven with us, who wanting means at home were glad to come to us, and we were also glad of their company; and had all of tfs a very comfortable day, and were much refreshed in the Lord.
22. Monday morning, the wind serving with a strong gale at east, we set sail from Milford haven where we had waited for wind twelve days; and were carried forth with speedy course; and about noon lost all sight of the land. The wind being strong, the sea was rough all day, and most of the passengers were very sick, and ill through much casting.
23. Tuesday: the wind still easterly, and a very rainy day; we were carried forward apace, and lurched forth a great way into the deep; but of people were still very sick. This day at evening we lost sight of the three ships bound for Newfoundland, which had been in company with us from King road, and the Master thought it best for us to stay for the Angel Gabriel, being bound for New England as we were, rather than to leave her, and go with the other three. The Angel Gabriel is a strong ship, and well furnished with fourteen or sixteen pieces of ordnance, and therefore the seamen rather desired her company; but yet she is slow in sailing, and therefore we went sometimes with three sails less than we might have done, the so we might not overgo her.
24. Wednesday, the wind still at east, but not so strong as the other 2 days, before. This morning we saw abundance of porpoises leaping and playing about of ship; and spent a great deal of time, till two or three clock in the afternoon in pursuing (with the Angel Gabriel) another ship which we supposed to have been a Turkish Pirate, and to have taken the Mary: The ground of this supposal was because yester night the Mary was in our sight behind her fellows, and a little ship like to the Mary had been with the other ship this morning when we first espied them. But the little ship sped from the other, and we doubted she had been the Mary taken and sent away as a prize by the Turks; and this made us more willing to pursue them; but not being able to overtake them, we left pursuing, and turned of course again our own way.
25. Thursday, the wind still easterly: in the morning wet and rainy, but about noon a faire sunshiny day. Many of the passengers that had been sick before, began to be far better, and came with delight to walk above upon the deck.
26. Friday, wind at north and afterward more westward. This day we saw many porpoises leaping and running like about- of^ ship.
27. Saturday, wind still north-west; but a faire cool day.
28. The first Sabbath from Milford haven, and the sixth on ship-board, a faire cool day; wind northerly, good for of purpose; I was exercised in the forenoon, and Mr. Maude in the afternoon. This evening we saw porpoises about the ship and some would fain have been striking, but others dissuaded because of the Sabbath, and so it was let alone.
29. Monday morning, wind still northerly; a faire cool
30. Tuesday. This morning about seven of the clock of seamen struck a great porpoise, and hauled it with ropes into the ship; for bigness not much less than an hog of 20 or 25 shillings apiece, and not much unlike for shape; with flesh fat and lean, like in color to the fat and lean of a hog, and being opened upon the deck had within his entrails, as liver, lights, heart, guts, &c., for al the world like a swine. The seeing of him hauled into the ship, like a swine from the sty to the trestle, and opened upon the deck in view of all the company, was wonderful to us all, and marvelous merry sport and delightful to of women and children; so good was of God unto us, in affording us the day before spiritual refreshing to our souls, and the morning also delightful recreation to of bodies, at the taking and opening of the huge and strange fish. In the afternoon the Angel Gabriel sent their boat to the ship, to see how we did, and of master Captain Taylor went aboard the Angel, and took Mathew Michel and me along with him. When we came thither we found the passengers that had been sea-sick now well recovered the most of them; and two children that had had the smallpox, well recovered again. We were in treated to stay and sup there with their Master, &c. and had good cheer, mutton boiled and rested, rested turkey, good sack, &c. After which loving and courteous entertainment we took leave, and came aboard the James again at night.
30. Tuesday, a faire hot summer day, but small wind. This day we saw with wonder and delight abundance of porpoises, and likewise some whales as big as an ox, puffing and spewing up water as they went by the ship.
July 1. Wednesday, a fair hot summer day, but the wind westerly, so that we gained little today.
2. Thursday, rainy in the morning, but in the afternoon faire and clear; but little wind all day.
3. Friday, wind strong at south-ward. We were carried on apace; after 8 or 9 leagues a watch as the seamen conceived. (A watch is four hours; and league is three miles.) This day some few of the weakest passengers had some small remembrance again of sea-qualms and sea-sicknesses.
4. Saturday; a very strong wind, but not much for us. This day the sea was very rough and we saw the truth of the Scripture, ps. 107. Some were very sea-sick, but none could stand or go upon the deck, because of the tossing and tumbling of the ship. This day we lost sight of the Angel Gabriel, sailing slowly behind us, and we never saw her again any more.
5. The second Sabbath from Milford haven, and the seventh on ship. This day God was very gracious unto us, in giving a fair, calm, sun-shine day, the we might above upon the deck exercise ourselves in his worship: for if this day had been as the former for wind and rain we could not have known how to have sanctified the Sabbath in any comfortable manner. I was exercised in the forenoon and Mr. Maud in the afternoon.
6. Monday, wind north and north-east; good for us, had it been strong enough; but being but weak, we could not dispatch much way. A faire day, and of people were most of them hearty and cheerful. This morning Mathew Michell and I spoke to them desiring him that we might not stay for the Angel; because wee' doubted the hay for of cattle would not hold out, and many casks of water were leaked and spent; to which request he gave free assent, and caused the sailors to make all the sail they possibly could: and so we went the day as the soft wind could drive us.
7. Tuesday, a fair day but soft wind at south; the people all cheerful and in good health.
8. Wednesday, wind westerly; yet by tacking southward and northward, we gained as the seamen conceived 20 or 21 leagues.
9. Thursday, a strong wind at north-west; which made the sea somewhat rough. Yet the passengers by the mercy of God were few of them sea-sick. This day and two days before, we saw following the ship a little bird like a swallow called a Petteril, which they say doth follow ships against foul weather.
10. Friday, wind westerly; so that we could gain little, and we saw also this afternoon by the shipside a great whale as big as an ox. A fair day, and of people generally in good health.
11. Saturday, much like.
12. The third Sabbath from Milford, and the eighth on shipboard; a very fair day, so then e had liberty to serve God, without distraction and disturbance from weather. Mr. Maud was exercised in the forenoon and I in the afternoon. Wind south-ward.
14. Monday, a foggy misty day, but a good gale of wind at south and by east; which carried us apace after 10 leagues a watch.
15. Tuesday, also very foggy and misty; wind southerly; but about noon became calm.
Wednesday, a strong wind, northerly; which made the sea rough, yet we went about eight or nine leagues a watch. Few of us were sea-sick, though: a wind not so strong and sea not so rough would in the beginning of the journey have wrought more upon us; but now we were better used unto it.
16. Thursday, a fair day; though the wind being westerly carried us more to the south- ward than else we desired. This day we saw with wonder and delight an innumerable multitude of porpoises leaping and playing about the ship. Towards evening the wind was little.
17. Friday, calm in y' morning; but afore noon the wind waxed strong at north, and so continued all day; and carried us a good speed in the course.
18. Saturday, wind north-west; a fair cool day. We saw this morning a great many Bonitoes leaping and playing about the ship. Bonito is a fish somewhat bigger than a cod but less than a porpoise.
19. Sabbath, a fair forenoon, but at noon the wind be- came stiff westward, which was against us. In the afternoon it blew so loud that my voice could scarce be heard, though I extended it to the farthest that I could.
20. Monday, a foggy and misty day; wind about northwest. We saw this day divers dolphins playing about the ship; and many sea-fowl, Hagbats, and others.
21. Tuesday morning, a great calm after a hot night. This morning the seamen took a Bonito, and opened him upon the deck; that which being dressed, that master Bent Mathew Michel and me part, as good fish in eating as could be desired. About noon the wind became north-east, good for of purpose, so that we went the afternoon nine or ten leagues a watch.
22. Wednesday, wind still about north-east, but not so strong as the day before. Now we saw every day an abundance of sea-fowl, as Petteril, hag bats, &c.
23. Thursday morning, a fine gale of wind at north and by east. Now we saw that morning abundance of porpoises and whales, leaping and spewing up water about the ship. About 8 or 9 of the clock the wind blew more stiffly, and we went about 8 or 9 leagues a watch. Towards evening the seamen deemed that we were near to some land, because the color of the water was changed; but sounding with a line of a hundred and sixty fathom, they could find no bottom. It was a very cold wind, like as if it had been winter, which made some to wish for more clothes.
24. Friday, wind still northerly, but very faint. It was a great foggy mist, and exceeding could as it had been December. One would have wondered to have scene the innumerable numbers of foul which we saw swimming on every side of the ship, and mighty fishes rolling and tumbling in the waters, twice as long and big as an ox. In the afternoon we saw mighty whales spewing up water in the air like the smoke of a chimney, and making the sea about them white and hoary as it is said Job [xli. 32]; of such incredible bigness that I will never wonder that the body of Jonas could bee in the belly of a whale. At evening the seamen sounded and found ground at 50 fathom.
25. Saturday morning they sounded again and found no bottom, conceiving thereby that we were the day before on Newfoundland bank, on the end of it nearer to New England. This day about 9 of the clock, the wind turned from being northerly, and came about by the east unto the south; and the great fog vanished away, and it became a clear sun-shine day. This day Mathew Michel and I taking notice that the hay and water waxed scarce, went to the Master entreating him to tell us how far he conceived us to want of the journey’s end, the so we might better know how to order the water and provisions for the cattle which the were all alive and in good liking; and he thereupon summed up all the passages of our journey past, and conceived 260 leagues to be yet remaining unfinished.
On Friday in the evening we had an hour or two of marvelous delightful recreation, which also was a feast unto us for many days after, while we fed upon the flesh of three huge porpoises, like to as many fat hogs struck by the seamen and hauled with ropes into the ship; the flesh of them was good meat with salt, pepper, and vinegar; the fat like fat bacon; the lean like bull-beef: and on Saturday evening they took another also.
26. The 6th Sabbath from Milford haven and the tenth on ship-board; a fair sunshine summer day, and would have been very hot, had not God allayed the heat with a good gale of southerly wind, by which also we were carried on in the journey after seven leagues a watch. I was exercised in the forenoon and Mr. Maude in the afternoon. In the afternoon the wind grew stronger; and it was a rough night for wind and rain, and some had the beds that night all wet with rain leaking in through the sides of the ship.
27. Monday, wind still strong at south. This day we spent much time in filling divers tons of emptied casks with salt water; which was needful, because much beer, fresh water, beef, and other provisions being spent, the ship went not so well, being too light for want of ballast. When this work was done, we set forth more sail, and went the evening and all the night following with good speed in the journey.
28. Tuesday morning, a great calm, and very hot all the forenoon; the people and cattle being much afflicted with faintnesses, sweating and heat: but (by the goodness of the God) about noon the wind blew at north and by east, which called us from of heat and helped us forward in the way. This afternoon there came and light upon of ship a little land-bird with blue-colored feathers, about the bigness of a sparrow, by which some conceived we were not far from land.
29. Wednesday, not extremely hot, but a good gale of cooling wind; but yet being at the west and by north it was against us in the way; so that we were forced to tack northward and southward and gained little.
30. Thursday, wind still westerly against us all the forenoon, so. ' but about one of the clock the Lord remembered us in his mercy, and sent us a fresh gale at south; which though weak and soft, yet did not only much mitigate the heat, but also helped us something forward in the way. In the evening about sun-setting, we saw with admiration and delight innumerable multitudes of large whales rolling and tumbling about the sides of the ship, spewing and puffing up water as they went, and pursuing great numbers of Bonitoes and lesser fishes: so marvelous to behold are the works and wonders of the Almighty in the deep.
31. Friday, a great foggy mist all the forenoon, and the wind west north-west, which was against us. In the afternoon the mist vanished and the day cleared up, but the wind still against us, so that we gained little, being forced to run a by-course, viz. north and by east, and at night to run southward.
August 1st Saturday morning, a cool wind at north, whereby we went on in of course an hour or two, though very slowly because of the weakness of the wind. Afterwards it became a great calm; and the seamen sounded about one of the clock, and found ground at 60 fathom. Presently after another little land-bird came and lighted upon the sails of the ship. In the cool of the evening (the calm still continuing) the seamen fished with hook and line and took cod, as fast as they could haul them up into the ship.
2- The 6th Sabbath from Milford and the 11th on ship-board. This day was a day of refreshing to us; not only because of preaching and prayers, which we enjoyed for the good of the souls; but also by reason of abundance of foul which we saw swimming in the sea, as a token of nearness of land; besides the bodies fed sweetly on the fresh cod taken the day before, of which of Master sent Mr. Maud and me good store. And the wind blew with a cool and comfortable gale at south all day, which carried us away with great speed towards of journey’s end. So good was the loving God unto us as always, so also this day. Mr. Maud was exercised in the forenoon and I in the afternoon.
3. But lest we should grow secure, and neglect the Lord s. through abundance of prosperity, the wise and loving God was pleased on Monday morning about three of the clock, when we were upon the coast of land, to exercise us with a sore storm and tempest of wind and rain; so the many of us passengers were raised out of our beds, and the seamen were forced to let down all the sails: and the ship was tossed with fearful mountains and valleys of water, as if we should have been overwhelmed and swallowed up. But that lasted not long: for at the poor prayers the Lord was pleased to magnify his mercy in assuaging the winds and seas again about sun-rising. But the wind was become west against us, so that we floated upon the coast, making no dispatch of way all the day and the night following; and besides there was a great fog and mist all the day, so that we could not see to make land, but kept in all sail, and lay still, rather loosing then gaining, but taking abundance of cod and halibut, wherewith the bodies were abundantly refreshed after they had been tossed with the storm.
4. Tuesday: the fog still continued all forenoon: about noon that cleared up, and the wind blew with a soft gale at south, and we set sail again, going on in of course, though very slowly because' of the smallness of the wind. At night it was a calm and abundance of rain.
5. Wednesday morning we had a little wind at north, but a foggy forenoon. In the afternoon the day somewhat cleared, but it became a calm again. Thus the Lord was pleased with foggy mists and want of winds to exercise the patience and waiting upon his good leisure; still keeping us from sight of land, when the seamen conceived us to be upon the coast. This day in the afternoon we saw multitudes of great whales, which now was grown ordinary and usual to behold.
6. Thursday, a foggy morning, afterward a very hot day and great calm; so that we could make no way, but lay still floating upon the coast, and could not come to any sight of land.
7. Friday morning; a great fog still; and a slender soft wind at west south-west. In the afternoon the wind wakened, and we went forward with good speed, though too far northward, because the wind was so much out of the west.
8. Saturday morning we had a good gale of wind at west south-west; and this morning the seamen took abundance of mackerel, and about eight of the clock we all had a clear and comfortable sight of America, and made land again at an island called Menhiggin, an island without inhabitants about 30 leagues northward or north-east short of Cape Anne. A little from the island we saw more northward divers other islands called St. George islands, and the mainland of New England all along northward and eastward as we sailed. This mercy of God we had cause more highly to esteem of, because when we first saw land that morning, there was a great fog; and afterward when the day cleared up we saw many rocks and islands almost on every side of us, as Menhiggin, St. George islands, Pemmequid, &c. Yet in the midst of these dangers of God preserved us, though, because of the thick fog we could not see far about us to look unto of selves. In the afternoon the wind continuing still westward against us we lay off again to the sea southward, and the seamen and many passengers delighted themselves in taking abundance of mackerel.
9. The seventh Sabbath from Milford, and the 12th on shipboard. This day was a fair, clear, and comfortable day, though the wind was directly against us; so that we were forced to tack too and again southward and northward, gaining little, but were all day in sight of land. Mr. Maud in the forenoon; I in the afternoon.
10. Monday morning the wind still continuing against us, we came to anchor at Richmond’s island, in the east part of New England the bay of Massachusetts whither we were bound lying thirty leagues distant from us, to the west. The seamen were willing to cast anchor, partly because the wind was against us, and partly because of necessity they mast come to anchor to take in a Pilot somewhere before we came to the bay, by reason the of pilot knew the harbors no further but to the shoals. When we came within sight of the island the planters there being but two families and about 40 persons were sore afraid of us; doubting lest we had been French come to pillage the island, as Fenobscots had been served by them about ten days before. When we were come to anchor, and their fear was past, they came some of them aboard to us with them scallops, and we went some of us ashore into the island, to look for fresh water and grass for of cattle, and the planters bade us welcome, and gave some of us courteous entertainment in their houses
11. Tuesday we lay still at anchor at Richmond’s island, the wind being still against us.
12. Wednesday morning, the wind serving with a fresh gale at north and by east, we set sail from Richmond’s island for Massachusetts Bay, and went along the coast by Cape Porpus still within sight of land. This day the wind was soft and gentle, and as we went along the seamen and passengers took abundance of mackerel. Towards night it became a calm, so that that we could dispatch little way.
13. Thursday morning the wind was against us at south-southwest, and so had been all night before; so that we tacked too and fro gaining little; but continuing on the coast towards Cape Anne, within sight of land for the most part; passing by Boone island Agamenticus, &c. This evening our seamen desired to have anchored at Hog island, or the isle of Shoales, being leagues short of Cape Anne, and 13 or 14 leagues from the isle of Richmond; but the wind being strong at south-southwest they could not attain the purpose, and so were forced to lay off again to sea all night.
14. Friday morning the wind was strong at south-southwest, and so continued till towards evening, and then was somewhat milder. This day we tacked too and again, all day, one while west and by north towards Isle of Shoals, another while east-south-east to sea again; Cape Anne, whither of way was lying from us south south-west directly in the eye of the wind, so the we could not come near unto it. But the evening by moon-light about 10 of the clock we came to anchor at the Isles of Shoals, which are 7 or 8 islands and other great rocks; and there slept sweetly the night till break of day.
15. But yet the Lord had not done with us, nor yet had let us see all his power and goodness which he would have us to take knowledge of; and therefore on Saturday morning about break of the day, the Lord sent forth a most terrible storm of rain and easterly wind, whereby we were in as much dagger as I think ever people were: for we lost in the morning three great anchors and cables, one having cost 50 pounds never had been in any water before, two were broken by the violence of the waves, and the third cut by the seamen in extremity and distress, to save the ship and their and of lives. And with the cables and anchors all lost, we had no outward means of deliverance but by loosing sail, if so bee we might get to the sea from amongst the islands and rocks where we anchored: but the Lord let us see that the sails could not save us neither, no more theof cables and anchors; for by the force of the wind and rain the sails were rent asunder and split in pieces, as if they had been but rotten rags, so the of the fore-sail and sprit-sail there was scarce left so much as an handbreadth, that was not rent in pieces, and blown away into the sea. So that at the time all hope the we should be saved in regard to any outward appearance was utterly taken away, and the rather because we seemed to drive with full force of wind and rain directly upon a mighty rock standing out in sight above the water, so that we did but continually wait, when we should hear and feel the doleful rushing and crushing of the ship upon the rock. In the extremity and appearance of death, as distress and distraction would suffer us we cried unto the Lord, and he was pleased to have compassion and pity upon us; for by his overruling providence and good hand, he guided their ship past the rock, assuaged the violence of the sea, and the wind and rain, and gave us a little respite to fit the ship with other sails, and sent us a fresh gale of wind at hand by which we went on the day in of course south-west and by west towards Cape Anne. It was a day much to bee remembered, because on the day the Lord granted us as wonderful a deliverance as I think ever people had out of as apparent danger as I think ever people felt. I am sure of seamen confessed they never knew the like. The Lord so imprinted the memory of it on our hearts that we may be the better for it, and be more careful to please him and to walk upright before him as long as we live; and I hope we shall not forget the passages of the morning until our dying day. In the storm, one Mr. Willett of New Plymouth, and another 3 men with him, having been turned out of all the havings at Penobscot about a fortnight before, and coming along with us in our ship from Richmond’s Island, with his boat and goods in it made fast at the stem of the ship, lost his boat with all that was therein, the violence of the waves breaking the boat in pieces, and sinking the bottom of it into the bottom of the sea. And Richard Becon lending his help to the seamen at the hauling of a cable, had the cable catched about his arm, whereby his arm was crushed in pieces, and his right hand pulled away, and himself brought into doleful and grievous pain and misery. But in all the grievous storm, my fear was the less, when I considered the clearness of my calling from God this way, and in some measure (the Lords holy name be blessed for it) he gave us hearts contented and willing that should do with us and ours what he pleased, and what might bee most for the glory of his name, and in that we rested ourselves. But when news was brought unto us into the gunroom that the danger was past, oh how our hearts did then relent and melt within us! And how we burst out into tears of joy amongst of selves, in love unto of gracious God, and admiration of his kindness in granting to his poor servants such an extraordinary and miraculous deliverance. His holy name be blessed forever.
16. This day we went on towards Cape Anne, as the wind would suffer, and our poor sails further, and came within sight thereof the other morning; which Sabbath, being the 13 we kept on ship-board, was a marvelous pleasant day, for a fresh gale of wind, and clear sunshine weather. This day we went directly before the wind, and had delight all along the coast as we went, in viewing Cape Anne, the bay of Saugust, the bay of Salem, Harvil head, Pullin point, and other places; and came to anchor at low tide in the evening at Nantascot, in a most pleasant harbor, like to which I had never seen, amongst a great many of islands on every side; I was exercised on ship-board both ends of the day. After the evenings exercise, when it was flowing tide again, we set sail, and came that night to anchor again before Boston, and so rested the night with glad and thankful hearts the God had put an end to our long journey, being 1000 leagues, the is 3000 miles English, over one of the greatest seas in the world.
17. Know that our journey, by the goodness of God, was very prosperous unto us every manner of way. First of all it was very safe, and healthful to us; for though we were in the ship 100 passengers, besides 28 seamen, and 23 cows and heifers, 3 sucking calves and eight mares, yet not one of all these died by the way, neither person nor cattle, but came all alive to land, and many of the cattle in better liking than when we first entered the ship; and most of the passengers in as good health as ever, and none better than my own family, and my weak wife and little Joseph as well as any other. Fevers, calentures, smallpox and such diseases as have afflicted other passengers the Lord kept from among us, and put upon us no grief in our boys, but a little sea-sickness in the beginning of the voyage; saving the 2 or 3 seamen had the flux, and Richard Becon lost his right hand in the last storm, and one woman and a little child of hers, towards the end of the journey, had the scurvy. The means of which infirmity in her we all conceived to be the want of walking and stirring of her body upon the deck; her manner being to sit much between the decks upon her bed. And a special means of the healthfulness of the passengers by the blessing of God we all conceived to be much walking in the open air, and the comfortable variety of the food; for seeing we were not tied to the ships diet, but did victual of selves, we had no want of good and wholesome beer and bread; and as of land-stomachs grew weary of ship diet, of salt fish and salt beef and the like, we had liberty to change for other food which might sort better with our hearts and stomachs; and therefore sometimes we used bacon and buttered peas, sometimes buttered bag-pudding made with currants and raisins, and sometimes drink pottage of beer and oat-meal, and sometimes water pottage well buttered. And though we had two storms by the way, the one upon Monday the 3d of August, the other on Saturday the 15th of y same, yet our gracious God (blessed and forever blessed be his name) did save us all alive in them both, and speedily assuaged then again. Indeed the latter of them was very terrible and grievous, insomuch the when we came to land we found many mighty trees rent in pieces in the midst of the bole, and others turned up by the roots by the fierceness thereof; and a bark going from the bay to Mtirvil head, with planters and seamen therein to the number of about 23, was cast away in the storm, and all the people therein perished, except one man and his wife, that were spared to report the news. And the Angel Gabriel being then at anchor at Pemmaquid, was burst in pieces and cast away in the storm, and most of the cattle and other goods, with one seaman and 3 or 4 passengers did also perish therein, besides two of the passengers that died by the way, the rest having their lives given them for a prayer. But the James and we that were therein, with our cattle and goods, were all preserved alive. God’s name be blessed forever.
It was very delightful, while we took pleasure and instruction in beholding the works and wonders of the Almighty in the deep; the sea sometimes being rough with mighty mountains and deep valleys, sometimes again plain and smooth like a level meadow, and sometimes painted with variety of yellow weeds: besides it was a peasant thing to behold the variety of fowls and mighty fishes swimming and living in the waters.
It was comfortable to us, by means of the fellowship of divers godly Christians in the ship, and by means of the constant serving God morning and evening every day, the daily duties being performed one day by Mr. Maud, and another by myself, and the Sabbath exercises divided (for the most part) equally betwixt us two.
True it is of journey was somewhat long; for though from Monday the 22d of June, when we lost sight of our old English coast, until Saturday the 5th of August when we made land again at Menhiggin, it was but six weeks and 6 days, yet from of first entering the ship in King road, on Saturday the 23rd of May, till of landing at Boston in New England on Monday the 17th of August, it was 12 weeks and 2 days. For we lay at anchor in King road 11 days before we ever set sail, and 3 days at Lundy and 12 days at Milford, and spent 3 days in tacking between King road and Lundy, one day between Lundy and Milford, and 8 days between Menhiggin and Boston. Nevertheless, that God preserved us all y' while, and we had opportunity by these often delays to take in more hay, oats and fresh water, and arrived in a good condition. Again let our gracious God be blessed forever. Amen.
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Rev. Richard Mather 1596-1669
Among the vast number of writings which have given accounts of Rev. Richard Mather, perhaps none will be of greater interest than that which was published by the Dorchester Antiquarian Society in 1850, which is entitled "Journal and Life of Richard Mather, 1596-1669". The committee of the Dorchester Society were composed of James M. Robbins, Ebenezer Clapp, and Ebenezer Holden. The manuscripts in the Rev. Richards Mather's own hand, were then 215 years old and in a good state of preservation.
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Biography of Richard Mather
Mather, Richard (1596-1669), founder of the Mather family in New England, born in Lowtown, near Liverpool, England. Ordained in the Church of England in 1618, he preached at Toxeth Park, Lancashire, until 1633, when he was suspended for nonconformity in matters of ceremony. After an unsuccessful attempt to be reinstated, he immigrated to Boston in 1635.The following year he became pastor of the church at Dorchester, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, remaining at that post until his death. He had six children. One of them was Increase Mather, discussed below. Another was Timothy, known as the Mather Farmer. Our branch descends from Timothy. In fact, all of Richard Mather's descendants in the United States who have the surname "Mather " trace their line through Richard's son Timothy.
Mather was born in Lowton, in the parish of Winwick, near Liverpool, England, of a family which was in reduced circumstances but entitled to bear a coat-of-arms.
He studied at Winwick grammar school, of which he was appointed a master in his fifteenth year, and left it in 1612 to become master of a newly established school at Toxteth Park, Liverpool. After a few months at Brasenose College, Oxford, he began in November 1618 to preach at Toxteth, and was ordained there, possibly only as deacon, early in 1619.
In August-November 1633 he was suspended for nonconformity in matters of ceremony; and in 1634 was again suspended by the visitors of Richard Neile, archbishop of York, who, hearing that he had never worn a surplice during the fifteen years of his ministry, refused to reinstate him and said that "it had been better for him that he had gotten seven bastards."
He had a great reputation as a preacher in and about Liverpool; but, advised by letters of John Cotton and Thomas Hooker, he was persuaded to join the company of pilgrims in May 1635 and embarked at Bristol for New England. He arrived at Boston on August 15, 1635, in the midst of one of the most catastrophic hurricanes of the colonial era. Pastor of Dorchester until his death in 1669.
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Rev. Richard Mather
"The son of Thomas Mather and Margarite Abrams of Lowton, England, Richard was fortunate enough to go to grammar school at his parents insistence, even though he didn't think so at the time. His education was harsh and included daily beatings by the school master. In spite of that he developed a love of learning and became largely self educated after grammar school, a fact that set him apart from his peers. Upon completing his course of study at age 15, he took a position as school teacher in Toxteth. After 3 years of teaching he started studying at Oxford, but dropped out to take a position as a preacher at Toxteth. At this time in England, the Anglican church was the absolute governing authority, and preachers were expected to conform in every way. The puritan ethic was beginning to take hold, however, and Richard embraced it. Desiring not to engage in the puritan "sin of conformity" Richard refused to wear the "Surplice", a papal robe. For 15 years he preached as he saw fit, until he was finally silenced in 1633 by the ecclesiastical authorities for "non-conformity". He was briefly reinstated, then silenced again, permanently, in 1634. At this time he decided to bring his young family to New England.The journey took a total of six weeks, three of which were spent at sea. Richard kept a log of the journey in which he describes the hardships and storms at sea which they endured to get here. Less than a week after his arrival on August 17, 1636, he accepted the ministry of the North Church in Dorchester, MA and remained there for 50 years. Upon their arrival, Richard and Katherine were given more than 100 acres of land in Dorchester to support themselves and their family. Katherine managed the household, making the decisions about hiring farmhands, buying and selling cattle, and the planting and harvesting, as well as schooling the children, although Richard took over the children's education once they had learned to read. It was customary for boys to leave home at an early age in those days. Thus, four of Richard's five sons went to board at Harvard between the ages of 12 and 16. Timothy was apprenticed out as a farmer. The religious battle Richard waged was as much a political war as a revolution in belief. He wrote four books & sent them to London to be published in an effort to explain and recommend the Congregation form of church. Two of his sons moved back to England to continue the effort there.Rev. Richard is buried in the Dorchester North Burying Ground a/k/a First Burying Ground in Dorchester. "
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Rev. Richard Mather (1596-1669)
Rev. Richard Mather (1596-1669), the patriarch of the Mather dynasty, was born in Lancashire, England to Thomas Mather and Margarite Abrams of Lowton, England. They insisted that Richard attend grammar school although it was an extremely difficult experience for him. The schoolmaster was harsh and Richard was beaten almost daily. He came to greatly appreciate his father’s steadfastness in not allowing him to quit, as it gave him a quest for knowledge that remained until his death. (Even so, he never completed a course of study at any university. He is largely self-educated, a fact that set him apart from his peers.)
Toxteth Park, now a suburb of Liverpool, had been the property of the Crown from the time of King John. But in the 1604, Richard Molyneux purchased the land. Prior to this time, Toxteth Park was described as a "wasteland without inhabitants. "Eventually, many people settled on the land and began its cultivation. Among the new settlers was Edward Aspinwall, whom Richard lived with, when, at the age of 15, he was called to take charge of the school there. During this time, Richard converted to Puritanism. There seems to have been some conflict between his beliefs and that of his host family, as reflected in Richard’s own words, stating that there was "a difference between his own walk and the most exact, faithful and prayerful conversation of some in the family of the learned and pios [sic] Mr. Edward Aspinwall of Toxteth Park. . . ."
After three years of teaching at Toxteth Park, Richard began studying at Oxford. But he dropped out to take a position as a preacher back at Toxteth. (He was ordained a minister in 1620 when he was 24.) Desiring not to engage in the "sin of conformity," he refused to wear the "Surplice," a papal robe. For 15 years he preached the Puritan ethic before he was "silenced" in 1633 for "nonconformity" by the ecclesiastical authorities of the Church of England. He was briefly reinstated, then silenced again in 1634. It was also the year that his fourth son, Joseph, died shortly after his birth. It was during this difficult time in his life when Rev. Richard decided to leave England and bring his wife, Catherine Holt, and their three sons, Samuel, Timothy, and Nathaniel to New England. (Two more sons, Eleazer and Increase, were born later in Massachusetts.)
Rev. Richard Mather and his family left England in 1635 to begin a new life in Massachusetts. His agonizing decision to leave England and join the masses of people who were migrating to New England is reflected in the journal he kept. The journey took a total of six weeks, three of which were spent at sea. In his journal, Rev. Richard describes the hardships and storms at sea.
Less than a week after his arrival on August 17, 1636, Rev. Richard Mather accepted the ministry of the North Church in Dorchester, Massachusetts, where he remained for 34 years. During their life in New England, his wife, Catherine, took charge of managing the household and their 100 acres of property, educating five boys in their early years, buying and selling cattle, as well as the planting and harvesting of the crops. Once the children began to read, Rev. Richard then directed their education. It was customary for boys to leave home at an early age in those days. Thus, four of them went to board at Harvard between the ages of 12 and 16. Timothy was apprenticed out as a farmer. Meanwhile, Rev. Richard Mather’s influence spread beyond his own congregation. He was a leading figure in all the disagreements that shook the churches of early Massachusetts and was a principal translator and editor of the Bay Psalm Book, the Whole Booke of Psalms, the first book printed in this country. (1700 copies were printed, of which 11 today survive)
.Richard died in his home in Boston on April 22, 1669 after suffering for days from uremic poisoning because of a kidney stone.
mwbiga dded this on 6 April 2010
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Journey:Dangers and risks, allies, sympathizers, and other interested parties.
It is important to read between the lines of Richard Mather's journal.
April 26th: Mather subtly under-emphasizes the danger and risk and one may even find this humorous. For example " We had a very healthfull, safe and prosperous journey all the way" ( from Warrington to Bristol)
Whereas we know from his grandson Cotton Mather that Richard Mather changed his clothing and appearance daily for fear of being recognise by his pursuers. "Healthfull" therefore has a different meaning, i.e. "escaped alive".
23rd May:" This day they came aboard the ship two of the searchers, and viewed the list of all our names, ministered the oath of allegiance to all at full age, viewed our certificates from the minsters in the parishes from whence we came,approved well thereof, and gave us tickets, that is licences, under their hands and seals, and cleared the ship and so departed."
The most likely interpretation of this is that those searching for them viewed their false papers, failed to recognise them these dissenters then swore an oath of allegiance(!) and had their passage approved. A completely successful duplicity.
May 27th: When he came on board the James he says " we found many divers passengers and among them some loving and godly Christians that were glad to see us there.
( Probably indicating that others aboard were also escaping with their lives.)
Sir Ferdinanado Gorge(s)
May 27th: Later:
And soon after we came aboard there came three or four more boats with more passengers and one wherein came Sir Ferdinando Gorge, who came to see the ship and the people. When he was come he enquired whether there were any people there that went to Massachusetts Bay, whereupon Mr Maud and Barnabas Fower were sent for to come before him, who being come he asked Mr Maud of his country occupation or calling of life etc and professed his good will to the people in that Bay and promised that if he ever came there he would be a true friend unto them.
Wikepedia says of Sir Ferdinando Gorge " Sir Ferdinando Gorges (1565– 1647), the "Father of English Colonization in North America" [1], was an early English colonial entrepreneur and founder of the Province of Maine in 1622, although Gorges himself never set foot in the New World.
Coulmbia encyclopedia says of him " Sir Ferdinando Gorges, circa 1566-1647, English colonizer, proprietor of Maine. He was knighted (1591) for his services to Henry IV of France in the French Wars of Religion and was subsequently (1596-1601, 1603-29) military governor of Plymouth, England. Gorges was a leading figure in the Plymouth Company, chartered in 1606, and one of the two chief backers of the Sagadahoc colony, which was planted in 1607 at the mouth of the Kennebec River, Maine, and failed in 1608.
Wikepedia says "Gorges was born in Ashton Phillips, Somerset, England. In 1601, he became involved in the Essex Conspiracy and later testified against its leader, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex.
I n 1605, he helped sponsor the expedition of George Weymouth to the mouth of the Kennebec River along the coast of the present day state of Maine in the United States. In 1607, as a shareholder in the Plymouth Company, he helped fund the failed Popham Colony, near present-day Phippsburg, Maine.
I n 1622, Gorges received a land patent, along with John Mason, from the Plymouth Council for New England for the Province of Maine, the original boundaries of which were between the Merrimack and Kennebec rivers. In 1629, he and Mason divided the colony, with Mason's portion south of the Piscataqua River becoming the Province of New Hampshire. Gorges and his nephew established Maine's first court system.
Capt. Christopher Levett, early English explorer of the New England Coast, was an agent for Gorges, as well as a member for the crown's Plymouth Council for New England.[2 ] Levett's attempt to establish a colony in Maine ultimately failed, and he died aboard ship returning to England after meeting with Governor John Winthrop in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630.
America Painted to the Life, book published in London, 1659, by Ferdinando Gorges Esq., grandson of Ferdinando Gorges
Ferdinando Gorges's son was Robert Gorges, Governor-General of New England from 1623–1624. But Robert Gorges was seen with some suspicion by American colonists, who were skeptical of Gorges' almost feudal idea of governance and settlement, and ultimately Gorges returned to England.
Wikepedia ( The Massachusetts Bay Company)
Concerned about the legality of conflicting land claims given to several companies including the New England Company to the still little-known territories of the New World, and because of the increasing number of Puritans that wanted to join the company, The rev John White of Dorchester White sought a Royal Charter for the colony. Charles granted the new charter in March 1629,[9] superseding the land grant and establishing a legal basis for the new English Colony of Jamestown. It was not apparent that Charles 1st knew the Company was meant to support the Puritan emigration, and he was likely left to assume it was purely for business purposes, as was the custom. The charter omitted a significant clause – the location for the annual stockholders' meeting and election of their leaders. This allowed formation of the Cambridge Agreement later that year, which set the locus of government in New
(The Cambridge Agreement was an agreement made on August 29, 1629, between the shareholders of the Massachusetts Bay Company. The Agreement led directly to the foundation of Boston, Massachusetts.
The Cambridge Agreement was a deal over whether the Massachusetts Bay Colony would be under local control, in New England, or under the control of a corporate board in London. Not all the members of the Company were actually interested in emigrating, but even they were either sympathetic Puritans or investors.
In return for guaranteeing local control over the colony, the non-emigrating shareholders were bought out by the emigrating shareholders. John Winthrop became leader of the Puritan emigration as a result of the Cambridge Agreement negotiations, and it was understood that he would become governor upon arrival.
The Cambridge Agreement guaranteed that Massachusetts would be a self-governing colony, answerable only to the King. The Colony and the Company were now, for all intents and purposes, one and the same. Winthrop's Puritans carried their own charter, as well as the Agreement, on their journey to New England.)
The Massachusetts Bay Colony became the only English chartered colony whose board of governors did not reside in England. This independence helped the settlers to maintain their Puritan religious practices with very little oversight by the King, Archbishop Laud, and the Anglican Church.
Ferdinando Gorges died a destitute man in 1647. Maine later fell under the control of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and 173 years later achieved statehood in 1820."
The Columbia encyclopedia says of the relationship between the Colony and Sir Ferdinando " the Massachusetts Bay colony, against which Sir Ferdinando carried out a long struggle in England on the ground that its patent was irregular. In order to make the whole of New England a royal colony, over which Gorges was to be governor-general, the Council for New England surrendered its charter in 1635. The territory of New England was to be divided among the eight lords of the council, who were to hold it under new patents, but because of the growing intensity of the struggle between Charles I and Parliament in England the new arrangement was never consummated, and the Puritan commonwealth of Massachusetts was left free.
Gorges visit to the James was clearly political and intended to advance his aim of governorship as opposed to the Puritans. He may have been seeking alliance or agents in Mr Maud and Barnabas Fower. It is not clear whether he received this as these men seem very close to Richard Mather, but it may well be that he had no idea of the true sympathies of the party he was visiting. It is possible to interpret Richards Mather's description of his professing good will and friendship as dripping with sarcasm.
Mr Maud
Mentioned several times in the journal a minister.
Information about this man is found in " The Catalogue of the Boston Public Latin School" published by the Boston Latin School Association 1886. Prepared by Henry F. Jenks.
P 20 "Mr Maude was an nonconformist Puritan minister who arrived from England probably August 17th 1635, at this time he was about 50 years old." ( This is the arrival date of the James of Bristol and clearly identifies this person with the Mr Maude of Richard Mathers Journal )
A note provides the following information.
" Mr Maude had been ejected from his charge in England on account on his non-conformity. Cotton Mather places him therefore in his first classis of minister, who had been in pastoral duty before their emigration to this country.
" He was a graduate of Emmanuel College Cambridge, where he took his degree of Bachelor in 1606, and of master in 1610."
"Mr Maude was admitted freeman at the general election may 25th 1636, the year after his arrival, and on the 2nd August following was appointed s has been mentioned above, teacher in the Latin School. "
( a note below states) " at a town meeting on the 17th of the 2nd month, 1637 it is agreed that Mr Danyell Mawde schoolmaster shall have a garden plot next unto Stephens Kinsley's house upon like condition of building thereon if need be. By the book of possessions this lot is described: Daniel Maude his possessions within the limits of Boston one house and garden bounded with Mrs Bellingham south and west, Mr Cotton North, the streete east. As laid down on Lambs map this location is on the western side of Tremont street not far from the present site of the Suffolk Savings Bank."
In 1641 the people of Dover New Hampshire called to the office of pastor one Mr Maude. " Without any intimation the the contrary we feel justified in supposing that Mr Maude continued in office as our school master until he accepted this call and removed with his wife Mary to Dover in the end of 1641, or the beginning of 1642. The influence of his character upon the church in Dover, where he remained until his death in 1665 was long felt and most happy. Johnson says he was godly and diligent, and Hubbard that he was a good man, of serious spirit,and of a quite and peaceable disposition. We have no other notices of his life, so far as we can learn he left no children.
Maude was a member of the same English College as John Harvard who has given name to our college at Cambridge. ..... a Master of Arts at Emmanuel, his learning recommended Maude to a place which he filled well. ... and the credit of it is to be assigned to him to en-graft on the infant school the learning and scholarship of the most ancient institutions and whilst it's master three years after it's foundation, he saw the foundation of the college which gave the name of his own Alma Mater to the town where it was first planted.To that college he sent it's first pupils and secured for his and our school the noble reputation of being the first seminary for classical learning in our regions of the western world"
found on ancestry.com
Bay Book of Psalms
The Bay Psalm Book was the first book, that is still in existence, printed in British North America. From Hall’s Ancestry “The firdt book printed in America the Bay Book of Psalms was the joint production of Richard Mather, john Eliot and Thomas Welde The book is a Psalter, first printed in 1640 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Psalms in it are metrical translations into English. The translations are not particularly polished or poetic, and none have remained in use, although some of the tunes to which they were sung have survived (for instance, "Old 100th.") However its production, a mere 20 years after the Pilgrim Fathers arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, represents a considerable achievement. It went through several editions and remained in use for well over a century.
History The early residents of the Massachusetts Bay Colony brought with them several books of psalms: the Ainsworth Psalter (1612), compiled by Henry Ainsworth for use by Puritan " separatists" in Holland; the Ravenscroft Psalter (1621); and the Sternhold and Hopkins Psalter (1562, of which there were several editions). Evidently they were dissatisfied with the translations from Hebrew in these several psalters, and wished for some that were closer to the original. They hired "thirty pious and learned Ministers", including Richard Mather and John Eliot[1], to undertake a new translation, which they presented here. The tunes to be sung to the new translations were the familiar ones from their existing psalters. The first printing was the third product of the Stephen Daye press, and consisted of a hundred and forty-eight small quarto leaves, including a twelve-page preface, "The Psalms in Metre," "An Admonition to the Reader," and an extensive list of errata headed "Faults escaped in printing." The first edition of the Bay Psalm Book to include music was the ninth edition, of 1698, which included tunes from John Playford's A Breefe Introduction to the Skill of Musick (London, 1654).[2]
Extant copiesEleven copies of the first edition of the Bay Psalm Book are known still to exist. One of them is in the Library of Congress, one is owned by Yale University, one by Brown University, one by the American Antiquarian Society, one by the Rosenbach Museum & Library and two, housed in the Rare Book Collection at the Boston Public Library, are owned by Old South Church in Boston. The discovery of a twelfth complete copy was one of the plot points in David Baldacci's 2006 thriller novel, The Collectors. A jewel-encrusted copy of the book appears in Linda Fairstein's 2008 novel, Lethal Legacy.
Auction Records On September 17, 2009, Swann Galleries auctioned an early edition of the Bay Psalm Book, circa 1669-1682, bound with an Edinburgh Bible, for $57,600-- an auction record for any edition of the work. (A 1648 edition fetched $15,000 in 1983, and no other early edition had appeared on the auction market since).
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Summary Biography E Pond
1884, Boston
The patriarch of this family (Mather) it will be seen was strictly one of the pilgrims. With his delicate young wife and infant children he fled from ruthless persecution in his native land and planted himself in what is now the beautiful town of Dorchester, but what then was little better than a savage wilderness in the year of 1635. here he spent a laborious and useful life, and from him is descended a race of ministers extending through several generations who were ornament and blessing to both Englands and whose name and fame will not soon be forgotten.
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Mather School Founded 1639
1639, Dorchester
In May 1639 the town established a school later known as the Mather School, which still exists near the First Church on Meeting House Hill. The town voted to support the school by taxing those using Thompson’s Island. Thus the Mather School is one of the oldest schools in the country. All students were to be admitted and taught, whether rich or poor. In those days there was no need for an after school program since the school hours were 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for most of the year. On Mondays students were questioned about what they had learned the day before at church. On Saturdays they were taught the principles of Christianity according to the catechism.
found on ancestry.com
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