Old Burying Ground, Norwich, New London Count,y Connecticut, USA
Birth: August 27, 1649, Old Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut, USA
Death: March 5, 1724, Norwich, New London County,Connecticut, USA
Ensign Thomas Leffingwell was born 27 August 1649 in Saybrook, Middlesex County, Connecticut. He moved to a residence in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, in 1660 with Lieutenant Thomas Leffingwell and Mary Leffingwell. He was made a freeman by the General Court in 1671 at Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, where later he was a representative. He married Mary Bushnell, daughter of Richard Bushnell and Mary Marvin, in September 1672 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut. In 1700 his house, located near that of his father became the ordinary of the town. At this period only the best of citizens were permitted to "enterteign" strangers. It was also one of the places where ammunition. was stored for emergencies. He died at age 74 years, 6 months and 7 days on 5 March 1724 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut. He was buried in the Old Burying Ground in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut.
found on findagrave.com
The Patent of the Town of Norwich, A.D. 1685October 1647
The Patent of the Town of Norwich, A.D. 1685
Whereas the General Court of Connecticut have forever granted unto the proprietors and Inhabitants of the Towne of Norwich all those lands, both meadows and uplands within these abuttments (viz.) from the mouth of Tradeingcove Brooke the line to run as the Brooke to the head of the Brooke to a white oake marked N: and from thence west nortwesterly to a great pond to a black oake marked N: wich stands neere the mouth of the great Brooke that runs out of the pond to Norwich river, which is about seven miles from the said Tradeing Cove; and from thence the line runns North noreast nine miles to a Black oake standing by the river side on the south of it, a little above maumeagway, and from thence the line runs south southeasterly nine miles to a white oake standing by a brooke marked N: and then the line runs south southwesterly nine miles to a white oake neere Robert ALLYN and Thomas ROSE's Dwelling houses, which tree is marked N: and from thence westerly as New London Bounds runs to Mohegen river, the whole being nine miles square, the said land haveing been by purchase or otherwise lawfully obtayned of the Indian natives proprietors. -- And whereas, the said Inhabitants and proprietors of the sd Norwich in the Colony of Connecticutt have made application to the Governor and Company of the sd Colony of Conecticutt assembled in Court May 2th, 1685, that they may have a patent for the confirmation of the aforesd land, so purchased and granted to them as aforesaid, and which they have stood seized, and quietly possesd of for many years late past without interuption. Now for a more full confirmation of the aforesd unto the present proprietors of the sd Towneship of Norwich in their possession and injoyment of the premises, know yea that the sd Governour and Company assembled in Generall Court according to the Commission Granted to them by his magestie's charter, have given and granted and by therse presents doe give, grant Rattifie and confirme unto Mr. James FITCH senr, Capt. James FITCH, Mr. Benjamine BREWSTER, Lieut. Thomas TRACY, Lieut. Tho. LEFFINGWELL, Mr. Christopher HUNTINGTON, Mr. Simon HUNTINGTON, Ensign Wm. BACKUS, Mr. Thomas WATERMAN, Mr. John BURCHARD and Mr. John POST, and the rest of the said present proprietors of the township of Norwich, their heirs, suckcessors and assigns forever; the aforesaid parcell of land as it is Butted and Bounded toghether will all the woods, meadows, pastures, ponds, waters, rivers, islands, fishings, huntings, fowleings, mines, mineralls, quarries, and precious stones, upon or within the said tract of land, and all other proffitts and comodities therunto belonging, or in any wayes appertaining; and Doe also grant unto the aforesaid Mr. James FITCH senr, Capt. James FITCH, Mr. Benjamine BREWSTER, Lieut. Thomas TRACY, Lieut. Tho. LEFFINGWELL, Mr. Christopher HUNTINGTON, Mr. Simon HUNTINGTON, Ensign Wm. BACKUS, Mr. Thomas WATERMAN, Mr. John BURCHARD and Mr. John POST, and the rest of the proprietors, Inhabitants of Norwich, their heirs, successors and assigns forever, that the foresd tract of land shall be forever hereafter deemed, reputed and be an intire towneship of itself -- to have and to hold the said tract of land and premises with all and singuler their appurtenances, together with the priviledges and immunities and franchises herein given and granted unto the sayd Mr. James FITCH senr, Capt. James FITCH, Mr. Benjamine BREWSTER, Lieut. Thomas TRACY, Lieut. Tho. LEFFINGWELL, Mr. Christopher HUNTINGTON, Mr. Simon HUNTINGTON, Ensign Wm. BACKUS, Mr. Thomas WATERMAN, Mr. John BURCHARD and Mr. John POST, and other the present proprietors, Inhabitants of Norwich, theire heirs successors, and assignes for ever, and to the only proper use and behoofe of the sayd Mr. James FITCH senr, Capt. James FITCH, Mr. Benjamine BREWSTER, Lieut. Thomas TRACY, Lieut. Tho. LEFFINGWELL, Mr. Christopher HUNTINGTON, Mr. Simon HUNTINGTON, Ensign Wm. BACKUS, Mr. Thomas WATERMAN, Mr. John BURCHARD and Mr. John POST, and other proprietors, inhabitants of Norwich, their heirs, successors, and assigns for ever according to the Tenor of East Greenwich in Kent, in free and common soccage and not in capitto, nor are they capable according to the custom of the country, yielding, rendering and paieing therefore our sovereign Lord the king, his heires and successors, his dues according to Charter. In witness whereof, we have caused the Seale of the Colony to be hereunto affixed this twenty-first of May, 1685, in the year of the reigne of our sovereign lord James the Second, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith. ROBERT TREAT, Governor. {SEAL} March 30th, 1687, pr order of the Govr and Compony of the Colony of Connecticut. Signed pr JOHN ALLYN, Secrety. Entered in the pub. records, Lib. D: fo. 138, 139, Novr 27th, 1685 pr JOHN ALLYN, Secrety.
ramonamizneadded this on 24 May 2011
From: Names of the First Settlers of Norwich, in 1660. ; [no author given].; New England Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 1, October 1847, p 315
found on ancestry.com
List of Town Debts {Norwich, Connecticut} 1718, http://dunhamwilcox.net/town_hist/nl-chap25b.htm
LIST OF TOWN DEBTS, December 30, 1718. £ s. d. To John TRACY for killing 4 snakes 0 0 8Th. LEFFINGWELL Jr. 6 do. 0 1 0Elisha WATERMAN 67 birds 0 2 9 ½John ROOD 24 do. 0 1 0Jabez HIDE 5 snakes 0 0 10Th. BINGHAM 4 snakes and drumming 1 0 8Th. LEFFINGWELL Jr. one day to meet New London Committee 0 5 0Joseph REYNOLDS for a plank 0 1 0Solomon TRACY one day on Committee 0 5 0Charges about Preston Line 6 13 10Several persons for perambulating at 3s. per day each. In 1720, John and Simon TRACY were appointed by the town "to make search for the Town Armes, with their magazeans of ammunition and other accotrements for war, injoyned by law," who reported as follows: "At Lieut. TRACY's two Guns and two pair of Snoe shoes. "At Samuel FALES one gun and at Lieut. BUSHNELLS one Barril of Pouder and one gun and 77 pound of Led. "At Lieut. BACKUSES 344 pound of bullits. "At Ens. LEFFINGWELL's one Barril of Pouder. "At Deacon Simon HUNTINGTON's one half Barril of Pouder and 31 pound of bullets and 400 flints. "At Simon TRACY's one pair of Snoe shoes, and 4 pair of maugosuns-we were also informed yet there was formerly Lent to Mr. John LEFFINGWELL pr Lieut. BUSHNELL 71 pound of Led which sd LEFFINGWELL was obliged to pay in Bullits ye same quantity. "All ye Led and Bullits 523 pound."
found on ancestry.com
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