Katherine Howard was the daughter of Thomas Howard, 2nd duke of Norfolk (1553-May 21, 1524) and Agnes Tylney (1477-May 1545). In 1520, during the Field of Cloth of Gold, she was at Richmond with her mother, two of her sisters, and four-year-old Princess Mary. At the age of six she was betrothed to Rhys ap Griffith of Carew Castle, Pembrokeshire (c.1505-x. January 4, 1531/2) and married him when she was fourteen. Their children, who followed the Welsh practice of using their father's first name as their last name (ap Rhys or Rice) were Thomas (c.1522-1544), Griffith (b.1526), Agnes (d. August 19, 1574), Mary, and one other daughter. Sir Rhys was arrested on October 2, 1531 and accused of plotting to kill the king. He was beheaded. Katherine's second husband, married in 1532, was Henry Daubeney, earl of Bridgewater (December 1493-April 8, 1548). She was his second wife. He'd had no children by his first marriage and this second union also proved childless (although TudorPlace.com.ar gives them three unnamed children). Barbara J. Harris in "Sisterhood, Friendship and the Power of English Aristocratic Women 1450-1550," in Women and Politics in Early Modern England, 1540-1700, edited by James Daybell, reports that Lady Daubeney sent all three of her daughters to her mother to raise. Daubeney was reportedly in poor health by 1534 and trying to get rid of his wife. They were already living apart. He may have thought he could get an annulment and marry again in the hope of a son to inherit or they may simply have been incompatible. In any case, in 1535, he offered her all her own lands and £100/year. In the winter of 1535/6, however, she wrote to Lord Cromwell that her only income came from Queen Anne, her niece. She also claimed that efforts had been made to discredit her with the queen. Daubeney, meanwhile, was pleading financial hardship. By March 1536, however, the queen's father, the earl of Wiltshire, had loaned him £400. It is not clear if Queen Anne's generosity extended to having her aunt at court, but we next hear of her nearly two years after Anne’s execution. On April 7, 1538, Katherine was chief mourner at the funeral of her half sister Elizabeth, Lady Wiltshire. In 1540 there were rumors that Katherine and her husband might reconcile. Reconciled or not, she was at court when another niece, Catherine Howard, was queen, and when Catherine was arrested, so was Katherine. She was indicted for misprision of treason along with her mother, her brother William, and William's wife (Margaret Gamage). Katherine was buried in the Howard Chapel in Lambeth on May 11, 1554.
http://kateemersonhis toricals.com/TudorWomenHi-Hu.htm
found on ancestry.com
http://kateemersonhis toricals.com/TudorWomenHi-Hu.htm
found on ancestry.com
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