Material : American red oak.Made in Plymouth Colony, 1650-1700.Descended in the Winslow family, Marshfield, Mass.Chairs made of joined panels, such as this one, were more expensive than turned chairs. Construction details on this chair link it to other furniture made in the Marshfield area.

England, London Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 Listed on left page under November 1594 - second one listed.

The present St Bride's is at least the seventh church to have stood on the site. Traditionally it was founded by St Bridget in the sixth century. Whether or not she founded it personally, the remnants of the first church appear to have significant similarities to a church of the same date in Kildare, Ireland. The Norman church, built in the 11th century, was of both religious and secular significance; in 1210 King John held a parliament there. It was replaced by a larger church in the 15th century, but this burned down in the Great Fire of London in 1666.[4] It was replaced by Wren with one of his largest and most expensive works, taking seven years to build. Architect(s) Sir Christopher Wren

Edward Winslow
Edward was the father of Mayflower pilgrim Gov. Edward Winslow 1595-1655.
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Edward Sr. was the father of Pilgrim Edward Winslow(1595-1655) who was a Mayflower passenger and later became the governor of Plymouth Colony.
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Notes about Edward Winslow Sr
From Winslow Genealogy
Edward Winslow Sr was in the business of extracting and selling in Droitwich. This salt was essential for preserving meat and treating the by products of sheep. Edward was considered a gentleman
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According to the book Phoenix of Fleet Street, 2,000 Years of St Bride's, Edward was a yeoman farmer and salter of St Peter's Manor, Droitwich.
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Edward, son of Kenelm Winslow
Edward, son of Kenelm Winslow, was born in the parish of St. .\ndrew. county Worcester. England, October 17, 1560, died before 1631. He lived in Kempsey and Droit- wich, county Worcester. He married (first) Eleanor Pelham, of Droitwich ; (second), at St. Piride's Church. London, November 4, 1594, Magdalene Oliver, the records of wdiose fam- ily are foimd in the parish register of St. IVtcr's, Droitwich. Cliildren : Ricliard. burn about 1595-96: Edward, governor of Plymouth colony. October 18, 1595, Droitwich: John, April ifi, 1597: Eleanor, .April 22. 1598, Droit- wich ; Kenelm, mentioned below : f lilbert, Oc- tober 26, i6oo, came in the "Mayflower" with Edward, signed the Compact : Elizabeth, March 8, 1601-02; Magdalen, December 26, 1604. Droitwich: Josiah, Eebniary u. 1605-06.
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Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of ..., Volume 2 By William Richard Cutter
William Winslow, or WynceWINSLOW low, the first of the lineage as
traced in England, had children: 1. John, of London, afterwards of Wyncelow Hall, was living in 1387-88; married Mary Crouchman, who died in 1409-10; styled of Crouchman Hall. 2. William, mentioned below.
(II) William Winslow was son of William Winslow (1).
(III) Thomas Winslow, son of William Winslow (2), was of Burton, county Oxford, having lands also in Essex; was living in 1452. He married Cecelia, one of the two daughters and heiress of an old family—Tansley. She was called Lady Agnes.
(IV) William Winslow, son of Thomas Winslow (3), was living in 1529. Children: 1. Kenelm, mentioned below. 2. Richard, had a grant from Edward VI of the rectory of Elksley, county Nottingham.
(V) Kenelm Winslow, son of William Winslow (4), purchased in 1559, of Sir Richard Newport, an estate .called Newport's Place, in Kempsey, Worcestershire. He had an older and very extensive estate in the same parish, called Clerkenleap, sold by his grandson, Richard Winslow, in 1650. He died in 1607, in the parish of St. Andrew. He married Catherine . His will, dated April 14. 1607, proved November 9 following, is still preserved at Worcester. Only son, Edward, mentioned below.
(VI) Edward Winslow, son of Kenelm Winslow (5), born in the parish of Saint Andrew, county Worcester, England, October 17, 1560, died before 1631. He lived in Kempsey and Droitwich, county Worcester. He marritd first, Eleanor Pelham, of Droitwich; second, at St. Bride's Church, London, November 4, 1594, Magdalene Oliver, the records of whose family are found in the parish register of St. Peter's, Droitwich. Children: 1. Richard, born about 1585-86; died May 20, 1659; married Alice Hay, daughter of Edward Hurdman; resided at Draycoat, parish of Kempsey. 2. Edward, governor of Plymouth Colony, born October 18, 1595, at Droitwich; died May 8, 1655; married first, at Leyden, May 16, 1618, Elizabeth Barker; second. May 12, 1621, Susan (Fuller) White, (who came in the "Mayflower"
.. with Winslow), widow of William White and P, mother of Peregrine White, the first-born in the colony. 3. John, born April 16, 1597; died 1674, in Boston; married, October 12, 1624, Mary, daughter of James and Susanna Chilton. 4. Eleanor, born April 22, 1598, at Droitwich; remained in England. 5. Josiah, born February 11, 1605-06; died December 1, 1674; sent over as accountant to Mr. Shirley, 1631 ; lived at Marshfield, Massachusetts; married, 1636, Margaret Bourne. 6. Gilbert, born October 26, 1600; came in the "Mayflower" with Edward: signed the compact; returned to England after 1623, and died there. 7. Elizabeth, born March 8, 1601-02; baptized March 8 following, at Droitwich; buried January 20, 1604-05, at St. Peter's Church. 8. Magdalen, born December 26, 1604, at Droitwich; remained in England. 9. Kenelm, mentioned below.
(VII) Kenelm Winslow. son of Edward Winslow (6), was born at Droitwich, county Worcester, England, April 29, 1599, and baptized May 3, 1599. He was the immigrant ancestor. He came to Plymouth probably in 1629 with his brother Josiah, and was admitted a freeman January 1, 1632-3; was surveyor of the town of Plymouth 1640, and was fined ten shillings for neglecting the highways. He removed to Marshfield about 1641, having previously received a grant of land at that place, then called Green's Harbor, March 5, 1637-8. This grant, originally made to Josiah Winslow, his brother, he shared with Love Brewster. His home was "on a gentle
eminence by the sea, near the extre1nity of land lying between Green Harbor and South Rivers. This tract of the township was considered the Eden of the region. It was beautified with groves of majestic oaks and graceful walnuts, with the underground void of shrubbery. A few of these groves were standing within the memory of persons now living (1854) but all have fallen beneath the hand of the woodman." The homestead he left to his son Nathaniel. Other lands were granted to Kenelm, as the common land was divided. He was one of the twenty-six original pro'j--prietors of Assonet (Freetown) Massachusetts, purchased of the Indians April 2, 1659, and received the twenty-fourth lot, a portion of which is still or was lately owned by a lineal descendant, having descended by inheritance. Kenelm was a joiner by trade, as well as a planter. He filled various town offices; was deputy to the general court 1642 to 1644 and from 1649 to 1653, eight years in all. He had considerable litigation, as the early court records show. He died at Salem, whither he had gone on business, September 13, 1672, apparently after a long illness, for his will was dated five weeks earlier, August 8, 1672, and in it he describes himself as "being very sick and drawing nigh unto death." He may have been visiting his niece. Mrs. Elizabeth Corwin, daughter of Edward Winslow. He married, in June, 1634, Eleanor Adams, widow of John Adams, of Plymouth. She survived him, and died at Marshfield, where she was buried December 5, 1681, aged eightythree. Children: 1. Kenelm, mentioned below. 2. Eleanor, or Ellen, born about 1637; died August 27, 1676; married Samuel Baker. 3. Nathaniel, born about 1639; died December 1, 1719; married Faith Miller. 4. Job, born about 1641; died July 14, 1720^
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Edward Winslow
Edward's son was the famous governor of Plymouth.
Married Twice. Eleanor is his first wife:CHILDREN of Edward and Eleanor:= Richard Winslow = Margaret Winslow b.1589 Droitwich, Worcestershire, England d.Aug. 23, 1670 Plymouth, MA M.abt. 1603 at Surrey, England Robert Hicks (Margaret, is half-sister to the governor)Second wife: Magdalen:
CHILDREN of Edward and Magdalen:= Edward Winslow [who was Governor of New Plymouth] b.Oct. 18, 1595 d.May 8, 1655 M.May 16, 1618 Elizabeth Barker =John Winslow b.Apr. 16, 1597 d.May 21, 1674 M.Oct. 12, 1624 Mary Chilton = Eleanor Winslow = Kenelm Winslow b.Apr. 29, 1599 d.Sept. 13, 1672 Salem, MA = Gilbert Winslow b.Oct. 12, 1600 d.1660 = Elizabeth Winslow = Mary Magdalene Winslow b.1610 d.March 26, 1670 = Josiah Winslow b.Feb. 11, 1605/6 d.1680
Edward Winslow, son of Kenelm Winslow, moved north to Droitwich where he entered the business of extracting and selling the famous Droitwich salt. Salt at that time was essential for preserving meat and in treating the byproducts of sheep. Father Kenelm was a yeoman, but Edward refereed to Mr. was considered Gentleman, probably from the background of his mother, who was almost certainly Elizabeth
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Edward Winslow
Governor Edward Winslow, Mayflower passenger
Added by skooby13 on 9 May 2007
Edward Winslow was the son of Edward Winslow, a wealthy owner of a salt boilery, and Magdalene Oliver. Edward Winslow was baptized at Droitwich, Worcester, England on 20 October 1595. Winslow soon joined with the Separatists, and moved to Leyden where he became a printer along with William Brewster, publishing illegal religious pamphlets. His first wife, Elizabeth Barker, was from Chattisham, Suffolk, England.
His second wife was the widow of William White of the Mayflower. For a description of what is known about her (she is not a Fuller) see William White.
The ancestry of Edward Winslow is as follows:
(1) Kenelm Winslow of Kempsey (it has been suggested, but not proved, that he married Elizabet Foliot, daughter of John Foliot--see NEHGR 122:175-178)
(2) Edward Winslow, m. Magdalene Oliver
(3) Edward Winslow of the Mayflower
Edward Winslow had four other siblings which came to America, namely Gilbert Winslow (Mayflower, 1620), John Winslow (Fortune, 1621), Josias Winslow (White Angel, 1631), and Kenelm Winslow, who married Eleanor (Newton) Adams, who came in the Anne, 1623. Edward Winslow also had several sisters, including Magdalen who married Rev. William Wake on 25 April 1627, in Wareham, Dorset, England.
Will of Edward Winslow
Edward Winslow is the only Mayflower passenger to have a known portrait in existence--although a questionable sketch of Myles Standish exists. The portrait to the left was painted by Robert Walker in 1651, so Winslow is here 31 years older than he was when he came on the Mayflower at the age of 25. The original portrait is in the possession of the Pilgrim Hall Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Nathaniel Morton in New England's Memorial (1669) writes of Edward Winslow:
He was the son of Edward Winslow, Esq. of the town of Draughtwich, in the county of Worcester. He, travelling into the low countries, in his journeys fell into acquaintance with the church of Leyden, in Holland, unto whom he joined, and with whom he continued until they parted to come into New-England, he coming with that part that came first over, and became a very worthy and useful instrument amongst them, both in place of government and othrwise, until his last voyage for England, being sent on special employment for the government of the Massachusetts, as is aforementioned in this book; and afterwards was employed as one of the grand commissioners in that unhappy design against Domingo in Hispaniola, who taking grief for all ill success of that enterprize, on which, together with some other infirmities that were upon him, he fell sick at sea, betwixt Domingo and Jamaica, and died the eighth day of May, which was about the sixty-first year of his life, and his body was honourably committed to the sea, with the usual solemnity of the discharge of fourty-two pieces of ordinance.
Cotton Mather, essentially copying from Morton in his Magnalia Christi Americana (1702) writes:
Mr. Edward Winslow, the Son of Edward Winslow, Esq; of Draughtwich, in the Country of Worcester, . . . Travelling into the Low-Countries, he fell into Acquaintance with the English Church at Leyden, and joining himself to them, he Shipped himself with that part of them which first came over into America; from which time he was continually engaged in such extraordinary Actions, as the assistance of that People to encounter their more than ordinary Diffculties, called for.
Edward Winslow of the Mayflower was a printer, and assisted William Brewster in running the printing press at Leyden which published illegal pamphlets of a religious nature which were distributed in England. He was one of the more prominent and influential men in the Plymouth Colony, and was the colony's third governor. In the early years of Plymouth, Edward played a prominent role in Indian-Pilgrim relations, and made many diplomatic visits to the Wampanoag sachem Massasoit. One one occasion in 1622 he even managed to "cure" Massasoit of a dreadful sickness--an event which greatly helped Indian-Pilgrim relations.
Winslow also made trips to England in the early years of the Colony to conduct business agreements and make legal arrangements, including trips in 1623-4, 1630, and 1635. In 1646 he returned to live in England and served in the English army under Oliver Cromwell . In 1655 he died of a fever on a military expedition to capture the island of Hispaniola. Upon his death, one of the ship's chroniclers wrote this poem:
The Eighth of May, west from 'Spaniola shore, God took from us our Grand Commissioner, Winslow by Name, a man in Chiefest Trust, Whose Life was sweet, and Conversation just; Whose Parts and wisdome most men did excell: An honour to his Place, as all can tell.
Edward Winslow authored several books. He wrote Good News From New England first published in 1624. He authored a good portion of Mourt's Relation: A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth first published in 1622. Winslow also wrote Hypocricie Unmasked (1646), and New England's Salamander (1647), which are both for the most part religious discourses. He also edited several pamphlets.
In August, 1998, Dr. Jeremy D. Bangs of Leiden, Holland stated that he was nearing completion of a biography of Edward Winslow.
Ruth C. McGuyre and Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Edward Winslow and John Billington, vol. 5 (Plymouth: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1991).
John G. Hunt, "The Mayflower Winslows," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 121(1967):25-29, 122(1968):175-178, and 124(1970):182-183.
John G. Hunt, "Clues to the Ancestry of Winslow of Droitwich," The American Genealogist 41:168-175.
John G. Hunt, "Governor Edward Winslow's Mother's Family: The Olivers," The American Genealogist 42:52-55.
John G. Hunt, "A Note on the Winslow Births in England," The American Genealogist 42:186-187.
George G. Wolkins. "Edward Winslow: King's Scholar and Printer," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 60(1950):237-266.
Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History and Its People, 1620-1691 (Ancestor Publishers: Salt Lake City, 1986).
Mayflower Web Pages. Caleb Johnson © 1999
Source: http://members.aol.com/calebj/passenger.html
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Edward and magdaline married at St. Bride's Church, London England
St Bride's Church
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediSt. Bride's Church
Exterior of St. Bride's Church from Fleet Street with spire
CountryUnited KingdomDenominationChurch of EnglandWebsitewww.stbrides.comArchitecture Architect(s)Sir Christopher WrenStyleBaroque
St Bride's Church is a church in the City of London, England[edit ] Background
The building's most recent incarnation was designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1672 on Fleet Street in the City of London. Due to its location on Fleet Street it has a long association with journalists and newspapers. The church is a distinctive sight on London's skyline and is clearly visible from a number of locations. Standing 69 meters high, it is the 2nd tallest of all Wren's churches, with only St Paul's itself having a higher pinnacle. The tiered spire is said to have been the inspiration for the design of modern tiered wedding cakes.
It could well be one of the most ancient in London, with worship perhaps dating back to the conversion of the Middle Saxons in the 7th century. It has been conjectured that, as the patron saint is St Bridget of Ireland, it may have been founded by Celtic monks, missionaries proselytising the English.[1]
St Bride's Spire, January 2009
The present St Bride's is at least the seventh church to have stood on the site. Traditionally it was founded by St Bridget in the sixth century.[2] Whether or not she founded it personally, the remnants of the first church appear to have significant similarities to a church of the same date in Kildare, Ireland. The Norman church, built in the 11th century, was of both religious and secular significance; in 1210 King John held a parliament there. It was replaced by a larger church in the 15th century,[3] but this burned down in the Great Fire of London in 1666.[4] It was replaced by Wren with one of his largest and most expensive works, taking seven years to build.[5]
The famous spire was added later, in 1701-1703.[6] It originally measured 234 ft but lost its upper eight feet to a lightning strike in 1764. The design utilises four octagonal stages of diminishing height capped with an obelisk which terminates in a ball and vane.
The church was gutted by fire-bombs dropped by the Luftwaffe during the London Blitz of the Second World War, on the night of 29 December 1940, dubbed the "Second Great Fire of London". It was rebuilt at the expense of newspaper proprietors and journalists.
Buried at St. Bride's is Robert Levet (Levett), a Yorkshireman who became a Parisian waiter, then a 'practicer of physick' who ministered to the denizens of London's seedier neighborhoods. Having been duped into a bad marriage, the hapless Levet was taken in by the author Samuel Johnson who wrote his poem "On the Death of Mr. Robert Levet" eulogizing his good friend and tenant of many years.[7] Also buried at St Bride's are the organist and composer, Thomas Weelkes (d. 1623) and the poet, Richard Lovelace (d.1658), as well as author Samuel Richardson (d. 1761)
St Bride's Church Interior
In September 2007 the current vicar, Canon David Meara announced a special appeal to raise 3.5 million GBP to preserve the church's unique heritage[8] and on November 2007 The Queen was guest of honour at a service to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the restoration work necessary after the Second World War.[9]
The church was designated a Grade I listed building on 4 January 1950.[10] The church also has a place in sport, as the world table tennis men's singles champion is awarded the St. Bride vase.
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Edward was the father of Mayflower pilgrim Gov. Edward Winslow 1595-1655.
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Edward Sr. was the father of Pilgrim Edward Winslow(1595-1655) who was a Mayflower passenger and later became the governor of Plymouth Colony.
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Notes about Edward Winslow Sr
From Winslow Genealogy
Edward Winslow Sr was in the business of extracting and selling in Droitwich. This salt was essential for preserving meat and treating the by products of sheep. Edward was considered a gentleman
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According to the book Phoenix of Fleet Street, 2,000 Years of St Bride's, Edward was a yeoman farmer and salter of St Peter's Manor, Droitwich.
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Edward, son of Kenelm Winslow
Edward, son of Kenelm Winslow, was born in the parish of St. .\ndrew. county Worcester. England, October 17, 1560, died before 1631. He lived in Kempsey and Droit- wich, county Worcester. He married (first) Eleanor Pelham, of Droitwich ; (second), at St. Piride's Church. London, November 4, 1594, Magdalene Oliver, the records of wdiose fam- ily are foimd in the parish register of St. IVtcr's, Droitwich. Cliildren : Ricliard. burn about 1595-96: Edward, governor of Plymouth colony. October 18, 1595, Droitwich: John, April ifi, 1597: Eleanor, .April 22. 1598, Droit- wich ; Kenelm, mentioned below : f lilbert, Oc- tober 26, i6oo, came in the "Mayflower" with Edward, signed the Compact : Elizabeth, March 8, 1601-02; Magdalen, December 26, 1604. Droitwich: Josiah, Eebniary u. 1605-06.
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Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of ..., Volume 2 By William Richard Cutter
William Winslow, or WynceWINSLOW low, the first of the lineage as
traced in England, had children: 1. John, of London, afterwards of Wyncelow Hall, was living in 1387-88; married Mary Crouchman, who died in 1409-10; styled of Crouchman Hall. 2. William, mentioned below.
(II) William Winslow was son of William Winslow (1).
(III) Thomas Winslow, son of William Winslow (2), was of Burton, county Oxford, having lands also in Essex; was living in 1452. He married Cecelia, one of the two daughters and heiress of an old family—Tansley. She was called Lady Agnes.
(IV) William Winslow, son of Thomas Winslow (3), was living in 1529. Children: 1. Kenelm, mentioned below. 2. Richard, had a grant from Edward VI of the rectory of Elksley, county Nottingham.
(V) Kenelm Winslow, son of William Winslow (4), purchased in 1559, of Sir Richard Newport, an estate .called Newport's Place, in Kempsey, Worcestershire. He had an older and very extensive estate in the same parish, called Clerkenleap, sold by his grandson, Richard Winslow, in 1650. He died in 1607, in the parish of St. Andrew. He married Catherine . His will, dated April 14. 1607, proved November 9 following, is still preserved at Worcester. Only son, Edward, mentioned below.
(VI) Edward Winslow, son of Kenelm Winslow (5), born in the parish of Saint Andrew, county Worcester, England, October 17, 1560, died before 1631. He lived in Kempsey and Droitwich, county Worcester. He marritd first, Eleanor Pelham, of Droitwich; second, at St. Bride's Church, London, November 4, 1594, Magdalene Oliver, the records of whose family are found in the parish register of St. Peter's, Droitwich. Children: 1. Richard, born about 1585-86; died May 20, 1659; married Alice Hay, daughter of Edward Hurdman; resided at Draycoat, parish of Kempsey. 2. Edward, governor of Plymouth Colony, born October 18, 1595, at Droitwich; died May 8, 1655; married first, at Leyden, May 16, 1618, Elizabeth Barker; second. May 12, 1621, Susan (Fuller) White, (who came in the "Mayflower"
.. with Winslow), widow of William White and P, mother of Peregrine White, the first-born in the colony. 3. John, born April 16, 1597; died 1674, in Boston; married, October 12, 1624, Mary, daughter of James and Susanna Chilton. 4. Eleanor, born April 22, 1598, at Droitwich; remained in England. 5. Josiah, born February 11, 1605-06; died December 1, 1674; sent over as accountant to Mr. Shirley, 1631 ; lived at Marshfield, Massachusetts; married, 1636, Margaret Bourne. 6. Gilbert, born October 26, 1600; came in the "Mayflower" with Edward: signed the compact; returned to England after 1623, and died there. 7. Elizabeth, born March 8, 1601-02; baptized March 8 following, at Droitwich; buried January 20, 1604-05, at St. Peter's Church. 8. Magdalen, born December 26, 1604, at Droitwich; remained in England. 9. Kenelm, mentioned below.
(VII) Kenelm Winslow. son of Edward Winslow (6), was born at Droitwich, county Worcester, England, April 29, 1599, and baptized May 3, 1599. He was the immigrant ancestor. He came to Plymouth probably in 1629 with his brother Josiah, and was admitted a freeman January 1, 1632-3; was surveyor of the town of Plymouth 1640, and was fined ten shillings for neglecting the highways. He removed to Marshfield about 1641, having previously received a grant of land at that place, then called Green's Harbor, March 5, 1637-8. This grant, originally made to Josiah Winslow, his brother, he shared with Love Brewster. His home was "on a gentle
eminence by the sea, near the extre1nity of land lying between Green Harbor and South Rivers. This tract of the township was considered the Eden of the region. It was beautified with groves of majestic oaks and graceful walnuts, with the underground void of shrubbery. A few of these groves were standing within the memory of persons now living (1854) but all have fallen beneath the hand of the woodman." The homestead he left to his son Nathaniel. Other lands were granted to Kenelm, as the common land was divided. He was one of the twenty-six original pro'j--prietors of Assonet (Freetown) Massachusetts, purchased of the Indians April 2, 1659, and received the twenty-fourth lot, a portion of which is still or was lately owned by a lineal descendant, having descended by inheritance. Kenelm was a joiner by trade, as well as a planter. He filled various town offices; was deputy to the general court 1642 to 1644 and from 1649 to 1653, eight years in all. He had considerable litigation, as the early court records show. He died at Salem, whither he had gone on business, September 13, 1672, apparently after a long illness, for his will was dated five weeks earlier, August 8, 1672, and in it he describes himself as "being very sick and drawing nigh unto death." He may have been visiting his niece. Mrs. Elizabeth Corwin, daughter of Edward Winslow. He married, in June, 1634, Eleanor Adams, widow of John Adams, of Plymouth. She survived him, and died at Marshfield, where she was buried December 5, 1681, aged eightythree. Children: 1. Kenelm, mentioned below. 2. Eleanor, or Ellen, born about 1637; died August 27, 1676; married Samuel Baker. 3. Nathaniel, born about 1639; died December 1, 1719; married Faith Miller. 4. Job, born about 1641; died July 14, 1720^
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Edward Winslow
Edward's son was the famous governor of Plymouth.
Married Twice. Eleanor is his first wife:CHILDREN of Edward and Eleanor:= Richard Winslow = Margaret Winslow b.1589 Droitwich, Worcestershire, England d.Aug. 23, 1670 Plymouth, MA M.abt. 1603 at Surrey, England Robert Hicks (Margaret, is half-sister to the governor)Second wife: Magdalen:
CHILDREN of Edward and Magdalen:= Edward Winslow [who was Governor of New Plymouth] b.Oct. 18, 1595 d.May 8, 1655 M.May 16, 1618 Elizabeth Barker =John Winslow b.Apr. 16, 1597 d.May 21, 1674 M.Oct. 12, 1624 Mary Chilton = Eleanor Winslow = Kenelm Winslow b.Apr. 29, 1599 d.Sept. 13, 1672 Salem, MA = Gilbert Winslow b.Oct. 12, 1600 d.1660 = Elizabeth Winslow = Mary Magdalene Winslow b.1610 d.March 26, 1670 = Josiah Winslow b.Feb. 11, 1605/6 d.1680
Edward Winslow, son of Kenelm Winslow, moved north to Droitwich where he entered the business of extracting and selling the famous Droitwich salt. Salt at that time was essential for preserving meat and in treating the byproducts of sheep. Father Kenelm was a yeoman, but Edward refereed to Mr. was considered Gentleman, probably from the background of his mother, who was almost certainly Elizabeth
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Edward Winslow
Governor Edward Winslow, Mayflower passenger
Added by skooby13 on 9 May 2007
Edward Winslow was the son of Edward Winslow, a wealthy owner of a salt boilery, and Magdalene Oliver. Edward Winslow was baptized at Droitwich, Worcester, England on 20 October 1595. Winslow soon joined with the Separatists, and moved to Leyden where he became a printer along with William Brewster, publishing illegal religious pamphlets. His first wife, Elizabeth Barker, was from Chattisham, Suffolk, England.
His second wife was the widow of William White of the Mayflower. For a description of what is known about her (she is not a Fuller) see William White.
The ancestry of Edward Winslow is as follows:
(1) Kenelm Winslow of Kempsey (it has been suggested, but not proved, that he married Elizabet Foliot, daughter of John Foliot--see NEHGR 122:175-178)
(2) Edward Winslow, m. Magdalene Oliver
(3) Edward Winslow of the Mayflower
Edward Winslow had four other siblings which came to America, namely Gilbert Winslow (Mayflower, 1620), John Winslow (Fortune, 1621), Josias Winslow (White Angel, 1631), and Kenelm Winslow, who married Eleanor (Newton) Adams, who came in the Anne, 1623. Edward Winslow also had several sisters, including Magdalen who married Rev. William Wake on 25 April 1627, in Wareham, Dorset, England.
Will of Edward Winslow
Edward Winslow is the only Mayflower passenger to have a known portrait in existence--although a questionable sketch of Myles Standish exists. The portrait to the left was painted by Robert Walker in 1651, so Winslow is here 31 years older than he was when he came on the Mayflower at the age of 25. The original portrait is in the possession of the Pilgrim Hall Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Nathaniel Morton in New England's Memorial (1669) writes of Edward Winslow:
He was the son of Edward Winslow, Esq. of the town of Draughtwich, in the county of Worcester. He, travelling into the low countries, in his journeys fell into acquaintance with the church of Leyden, in Holland, unto whom he joined, and with whom he continued until they parted to come into New-England, he coming with that part that came first over, and became a very worthy and useful instrument amongst them, both in place of government and othrwise, until his last voyage for England, being sent on special employment for the government of the Massachusetts, as is aforementioned in this book; and afterwards was employed as one of the grand commissioners in that unhappy design against Domingo in Hispaniola, who taking grief for all ill success of that enterprize, on which, together with some other infirmities that were upon him, he fell sick at sea, betwixt Domingo and Jamaica, and died the eighth day of May, which was about the sixty-first year of his life, and his body was honourably committed to the sea, with the usual solemnity of the discharge of fourty-two pieces of ordinance.
Cotton Mather, essentially copying from Morton in his Magnalia Christi Americana (1702) writes:
Mr. Edward Winslow, the Son of Edward Winslow, Esq; of Draughtwich, in the Country of Worcester, . . . Travelling into the Low-Countries, he fell into Acquaintance with the English Church at Leyden, and joining himself to them, he Shipped himself with that part of them which first came over into America; from which time he was continually engaged in such extraordinary Actions, as the assistance of that People to encounter their more than ordinary Diffculties, called for.
Edward Winslow of the Mayflower was a printer, and assisted William Brewster in running the printing press at Leyden which published illegal pamphlets of a religious nature which were distributed in England. He was one of the more prominent and influential men in the Plymouth Colony, and was the colony's third governor. In the early years of Plymouth, Edward played a prominent role in Indian-Pilgrim relations, and made many diplomatic visits to the Wampanoag sachem Massasoit. One one occasion in 1622 he even managed to "cure" Massasoit of a dreadful sickness--an event which greatly helped Indian-Pilgrim relations.
Winslow also made trips to England in the early years of the Colony to conduct business agreements and make legal arrangements, including trips in 1623-4, 1630, and 1635. In 1646 he returned to live in England and served in the English army under Oliver Cromwell . In 1655 he died of a fever on a military expedition to capture the island of Hispaniola. Upon his death, one of the ship's chroniclers wrote this poem:
The Eighth of May, west from 'Spaniola shore, God took from us our Grand Commissioner, Winslow by Name, a man in Chiefest Trust, Whose Life was sweet, and Conversation just; Whose Parts and wisdome most men did excell: An honour to his Place, as all can tell.
Edward Winslow authored several books. He wrote Good News From New England first published in 1624. He authored a good portion of Mourt's Relation: A Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth first published in 1622. Winslow also wrote Hypocricie Unmasked (1646), and New England's Salamander (1647), which are both for the most part religious discourses. He also edited several pamphlets.
In August, 1998, Dr. Jeremy D. Bangs of Leiden, Holland stated that he was nearing completion of a biography of Edward Winslow.
Ruth C. McGuyre and Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Edward Winslow and John Billington, vol. 5 (Plymouth: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1991).
John G. Hunt, "The Mayflower Winslows," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 121(1967):25-29, 122(1968):175-178, and 124(1970):182-183.
John G. Hunt, "Clues to the Ancestry of Winslow of Droitwich," The American Genealogist 41:168-175.
John G. Hunt, "Governor Edward Winslow's Mother's Family: The Olivers," The American Genealogist 42:52-55.
John G. Hunt, "A Note on the Winslow Births in England," The American Genealogist 42:186-187.
George G. Wolkins. "Edward Winslow: King's Scholar and Printer," Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 60(1950):237-266.
Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History and Its People, 1620-1691 (Ancestor Publishers: Salt Lake City, 1986).
Mayflower Web Pages. Caleb Johnson © 1999
Source: http://members.aol.com/calebj/passenger.html
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Edward and magdaline married at St. Bride's Church, London England
St Bride's Church
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediSt. Bride's Church
Exterior of St. Bride's Church from Fleet Street with spire
CountryUnited KingdomDenominationChurch of EnglandWebsitewww.stbrides.comArchitecture Architect(s)Sir Christopher WrenStyleBaroque
St Bride's Church is a church in the City of London, England[edit ] Background
The building's most recent incarnation was designed by Sir Christopher Wren in 1672 on Fleet Street in the City of London. Due to its location on Fleet Street it has a long association with journalists and newspapers. The church is a distinctive sight on London's skyline and is clearly visible from a number of locations. Standing 69 meters high, it is the 2nd tallest of all Wren's churches, with only St Paul's itself having a higher pinnacle. The tiered spire is said to have been the inspiration for the design of modern tiered wedding cakes.
It could well be one of the most ancient in London, with worship perhaps dating back to the conversion of the Middle Saxons in the 7th century. It has been conjectured that, as the patron saint is St Bridget of Ireland, it may have been founded by Celtic monks, missionaries proselytising the English.[1]
St Bride's Spire, January 2009
The present St Bride's is at least the seventh church to have stood on the site. Traditionally it was founded by St Bridget in the sixth century.[2] Whether or not she founded it personally, the remnants of the first church appear to have significant similarities to a church of the same date in Kildare, Ireland. The Norman church, built in the 11th century, was of both religious and secular significance; in 1210 King John held a parliament there. It was replaced by a larger church in the 15th century,[3] but this burned down in the Great Fire of London in 1666.[4] It was replaced by Wren with one of his largest and most expensive works, taking seven years to build.[5]
The famous spire was added later, in 1701-1703.[6] It originally measured 234 ft but lost its upper eight feet to a lightning strike in 1764. The design utilises four octagonal stages of diminishing height capped with an obelisk which terminates in a ball and vane.
The church was gutted by fire-bombs dropped by the Luftwaffe during the London Blitz of the Second World War, on the night of 29 December 1940, dubbed the "Second Great Fire of London". It was rebuilt at the expense of newspaper proprietors and journalists.
Buried at St. Bride's is Robert Levet (Levett), a Yorkshireman who became a Parisian waiter, then a 'practicer of physick' who ministered to the denizens of London's seedier neighborhoods. Having been duped into a bad marriage, the hapless Levet was taken in by the author Samuel Johnson who wrote his poem "On the Death of Mr. Robert Levet" eulogizing his good friend and tenant of many years.[7] Also buried at St Bride's are the organist and composer, Thomas Weelkes (d. 1623) and the poet, Richard Lovelace (d.1658), as well as author Samuel Richardson (d. 1761)
St Bride's Church Interior
In September 2007 the current vicar, Canon David Meara announced a special appeal to raise 3.5 million GBP to preserve the church's unique heritage[8] and on November 2007 The Queen was guest of honour at a service to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the restoration work necessary after the Second World War.[9]
The church was designated a Grade I listed building on 4 January 1950.[10] The church also has a place in sport, as the world table tennis men's singles champion is awarded the St. Bride vase.
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