1700, Spring Hill Cemetery, Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Headstone Details
Cemetery name : Spring Hill Cemetery
Name on headstone: Elizabeth Ward
Birth: 1613 - England
Death: 1700 - Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
1920, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA
Ward Tablet - Wall of New England Historic Genealogical Society Building, Boston
Original found in the "William Ward Genealogy" of Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1925, Artemas Ward, compiler Martyn
1924, Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
November 11, 1925, Marlborough, Massachusetts
The Artemas Ward Park of about twenty acres mostly within the bounds of William Ward's original house lot. Acquired by the city of Marlborough and dedicated to the better development of it's youth. November 11, 1925.
William Ward, Genealogy 1877, Harvard University, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA from "History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630 - 1877, by Lucius Robinson Paige, Pub. 1877, H. O. Houghton, 731 pages, Original held at Harvard University " William Ward, freeman, 1643, represented Sudbury in the General Court 1644, and was several years chairman of the Selectmen. He removed to Marlborough in 1660, where he was Deacon of the Church, and died there 10 August 1687, at a very advanced age. His widow Elizabeth, who was a second wife and supposed to have been the mother of all his children except the first three, died 9 December 1700, age 87."
burthe3 added this on 16 December 2007 from, A History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, (now known as Newton), by Lucius Robinson Paige, Pub. 1877, H. O. Houghton, Original from Harvard University
found on ancestry.com
Deacon William Ward
Deacon William Ward was also known as William Warde. He was born about 1603 in Yorkshire or Derbyshire, England. He was the son of Edward Ward. About 1638 in England William married Elizabeth unknown. Elizabeth being his second wife. Deacon William Ward and Elizabeth unknown immigrated about 1638 to Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, probably during the Spring. Deacon William Ward lived in 1639 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He was granted land on 18 November 1640 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, the grant was recorded as 18 (9) 1640. He became a freeman on 10 May 1643 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He served in 1644 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, as Representative to the Massachusetts General Court. He served as chairman of the Board of Selectman from Sudbury for several years. He and Deacon Edmund Rice served in 1646 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, as Commissioners to End Small Causes. Deacon William Ward in 1656; signed the petition to the General Court for the Town of Marlborough. He was granted land in 1657 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He and Elizabeth unknown lived in 1661 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Deacon William Ward deposed on 4 October 1664 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, giving his age as about 61 years. The deposition was dated 4 (8) 1664. He was one of the founders of the church and was made a Deacon at that time in 1666. He served in 1666 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, as a Representative to the Massachusetts General Court. William's home was designated a garrison house, with his son Samuel's and his daughter, Hannah's families assigned to that garrison on 1 October 1675. He left a will on 6 April 1686 in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He died on Sunday, 10 August 1687 in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Ward (1851) adds one more child, Mary. He derived this from the second wife of Daniel Stone, however "Ward" was her married name, not her maiden name.found on ancestry.com
Immigrant William Ward (M) born 1603, died 10 August 1687
William Ward married Eleanor? _____ Before 1626 at England. William Ward married Elizabeth Storey? Before 1639 at Cambridge or Newton, Massachusetts, USA. William Ward William lived on Moore Road in Sudbury, 1638/9 - 164?. Moved to Marlborough, Massachusetts in 164?. Considered one of the founding fathers of both Sudbury and Marlborough. His name was occasionally spelled 'Warde'. He became a Freeman on 10 May 1643. The John E. Hayes house in Marlborough, off Hayden Street, was erected by William Ward in 1660. William emigrated from England with his second wife, Elizabeth, and five children. His son, Richard, was the fourth child and last child by William's first marriage. He was three years-old at the time of the families voyage to the 'New World'.
Based on listings by other researchers, it seems the consensus on William Ward's birth or baptismal date is 15 May 1603, somewhere in England. Have seen Yorkshire, Lancashire, Gloucester, and the list goes on, and not even COUNTING the number of towns/cities listed!!!!My belief is that there was never a true cross-Atlantic connection made. The fact William was born in the first five years of the century and with a VERY common name at the time, leads one to believe the 'right' William Ward's birth date may never be conclusively determined. Nor, quite possibly, the surname of his first, and possibly his second wife. He was born in 1603 at Yarmouth, England (Yorks? Derby?). He was buried in 1687 at Spring Hill Cemetery, Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 10 August 1687 at Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA.
Children of William Ward and Eleanor? _____
John Turner Ward+ born 21 December 1626, died 1 July 1708
Joanna Ward born circa 1628
Obadiah Ward born circa 1632
Richard Ward+ born circa 1635, died 31 March 1666
Deborah Ward born circa 1637
Hannah Ward born circa 1639
William Ward born 22 January 1640
Samuel Ward born 24 September 1642
Elizabeth Ward born 14 April 1643
Increase Ward born 22 February 1644
Hopestill Ward born 24 Feb 1646
Mary Ward born circa 1647
Eleazer Ward born circa 1649
Bethia Ward born circa 1658
Eleanor? _____ (F) Eleanor? _____ married William Ward Before 1626 at England.
Children of Eleanor? _____ and William Ward
John Turner Ward+ born 21 December 1626, died 1 July 1708
Joanna Ward born circa 1628
Obadiah Ward born circa 1632
Richard Ward+ born circa 1635, died 31 March 1666
Deborah Ward born circa 1637
Hannah Ward born circa 1639
William Ward born 22 January 1640
Samuel Ward born 24 September 1642
Elizabeth Ward born 14 April 1643
Increase Ward born 22 February 1644
Hopestill Ward born 24 February 1646
Mary Ward born circa 1647
Eleazer Ward born circa 1649
Bethia Ward born circa 1658
Elizabeth Storey? (F) born 1613, died 1700 Elizabeth Storey? married William Ward Before 1639 at Cambridge or Newton, Massachusetts, USA. Elizabeth Storey? was naturalized; 2ND WIFE. Her married name was Ward. She was born in 1613. She died in 1700.
found on ancestry.com
William probably emigrated in the spring of 1638 to the Bay Colony (Massachusetts) bringing with him his second wife and five children. His first wife had died. New wife, Elizabeth in America, now of seven sons and six daughters. William Ward and some of his family settled in Marlborough in 1660-1. William Ward was the immigrant ancestor of Edward Dickinson Ward, of Worcester, Massachusetts, and of most of the branches of the Ward family in Worcester county. He was probably from York county, England. One of the captains under William the Conqueror was named Ward, of whom there is a record dated 1066. In 1173 William de la Ward resided in Chester. The family was numerous and well scattered over England at the time of the settlement of the American colonies. The ancient coat of arms of the family was: Az. a cross baton pr. Crest: Wolf's head erased. The first record of William Ward is found in Sudbury in 1639. He may have been there several years. He was admitted a freeman May 10, 1643, and for many years was one of the chief men of the town. He was a deputy to the general court from Sudbury in 1644 for many years a selectman and most of the time chairman of the board. He was the local magistrate-the commissioner to end small causes. He deposed October 4, 1664 that he was sixty-one years old, fixing the year of his birth as 1603. He was one of the nine Sudbury men who petitioned for the grant subsequently known as Marlboro and including originally not only the present city of Marlboro, but the towns of Westboro, Northboro, and Southboro. In 1660, the year of incorporation, William settled in the new town where his descendants have been numerous and distinguished. He was chosen the first deacon of the Marlboro church. He drew fifty acres, the largest size of house lot granted by the proprietors. These house lots varied, according to the importance of the individual proprietor, from fifteen to fifty acres. His house was on the south side of the road nearly opposite the meeting house, and his land extended to what then called Belcher's pond, near the tavern of his son-in-law Abraham Williams was located. He suffered the usual hardships and losses of the pioneer and especially during King Phillip's war he lost heavily. His buildings were burned, his cattle destroyed and one son slain. He died at Marlboro, August 10, 1687 aged eighty-five years. His will was dated April 6, 1686. He bequeathed to his wife Elizabeth; children John and Increase; the children of sons Richard and Eleazer deceased; son-in-law Abraham Williams; to all his children by former wife and present wife.
found on ancestry.com
Will of William Ward, SeniorProbate Records of Suffolk County, Massachusetts(Found through NEHGS)
Sir Edmund Andros, Knight Captaine Generall and Governour in Chief of his magesty’s Territory and Dominion of New England. To all to whome this shall come or may come: Greeting Know ye: That on the nyne and twentyeth Day of September In the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Seven. Before me att Boston in the County of Suffolk in the Dominion aforesaid the will of William Ward Senr of Marlborough in the County of Middx within this Dominion aforesaid to this presents Amicus was proved and allowed who having while he lived and att the time of his Death goods rights and Creditts in diverse parts of the said Dominion, the Administration of all and SIngular the goods, Rights and Creditts the said Deceased and his will in any manner concerning was committed unto Elizabeth Ward wife of the said Deceased Executrix in the same will named will and truly to Administer, ye same And to make a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods rights and credits of the said deceased and the same to [____]. Into the secretary's office of the said Dominion by the sixth? Day of April next insueing which will be in the year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Eight and also to render a playne and true account thereof upon Oath. In Testimony whereof I have received? unto sitt the seal of the Office for Probate Wills and Granting Administrations. Dated the first day of October Anno... 1687. page 122The Will of William Ward Jun’r [sic]I, William Ward Senr of Marlborough in the county of Middlesex in New England, through God’s mercy and enjoying the interments? of my understanding but by reason of my great age and the Infirmities thereof, being sensible of my Approaching Death Doe make and Ordaine my Last will and Testament in manner and forme following (vizt) After the surrender of my self into the hands of God, my maker and Gracious Redeemer; and the Descent ... all of my body I will that all my Debts be well and truly paid by my Executrix. And I give unto Elizabeth my Loveing wife all my moveable goods of every sort both within Doors and without-- to be unto her use and Improvement for her Comfortable maintenance during her naturall life and what shall remaine of my said moveables over and above what she shall need to spend, this shall distribute equally unto all my owne children, vizt those which I have by her and those which I have by my former wife. And if any of my said children now surviving shall dye before the said distribution be made, my will is that the child or children of the said deceased shall have all their father or mother was to have. Item to my sonne John Ward I give forty acres land, one hundred rods of upland for ever to be his use and att his disposall as any other goods or lands he hath which said forty acres and an hundred rods so much of my third division of upland granted unto me by the Inhabitants of said Marlborough Lyeing about half a mile southeasterly from Belchers Pond and are next adjoyning unto the Fourty acres of Land which I have given to my sonne William Ward and I also give unto my said sonne John Ward four acres of Meadow be the same more or less lyeing in great Cedar Meadow in said Marlborough. Alsoe all my part? of Meadow Lyeing by Stonye Brooke in the said Towne which is commonly called the GulfeItem to my sonne Increase Ward I give and confirme for ever to be his use and att his disposall as any goods he hath all this four and twenty acres of Home Lott now in the possession of the said Increase which I purchased of my sonn in law Abraham Williams. Together with allpage 123:Rights privileges and Appurtenances of the same in the said Marlborough according to the full tenor of a Deed of sale given me by the said Abraham depicting? the same. And I alike give and confirme unto my said sonne Increase all my addition or second division of upland containing Twelve acres and half an acre more or less: as it now lyeth joyning to the four and Twenty acres above said.Item to William Ward sonne of my sonne Obediah Ward, I give and confirme for ever to be his and at his disposal as any goods he shall have, when he shall be one and Twenty years of age, nyneteen acres and sixty Rods of upland which are so much of my third division of upland before mentioned. Lyeing next adjoyning unto the said six acres and halfe and Twenty Seaven Rods Together with all the low-boggy swampy land there granted unto me by the inhabitants of said Marlborough as by their book of Records Doth more fully approve. Item to Mary__ wife of Daniell Stone of Sudbury I Bequeath One shilling and unto Obediah and Lydia the children of said Mar... by my sonne Richard Ward Deceased I give five shillings a piece. To Hannah now wife of Richard Taylor of Sudbury I give One shilling, and unto Hannah Daughter of the said Hannah by my sonne Eleazer Ward Deceased I give five shillings to be paid in money within one yeare after my decease.Item to my sonne, Samuell Ward, I Give and Confirm forever to be his use and att his Dispoall as any other Land R___ is Owner of five and Twenty acres of home lott both same more or less consisting partly of upland and partly of meadow lyeing and being in Marlborough aforesaid in One Intire piece, and are the moyety or halfe of the fifty acres, home lott granted unto me the said William Ward Senr by the Inhabitants of said Marlborough and are bounded Northward and East by Highway; Southward partly by the Meadow of W. Ward Junior and partly by Land in the possession of Mirr___ Hunt, Westward by the land of Wm Ward Junr and I give and confirm unto my said sonne Samuel the Dwelling House and Barn upon the said five and twenty page 124Erected in which I now dwell and three acres of Meadow be the same more less wch I took up in lieu of some of my Second Division of meadow and are lyeing on both sides of Stony Brook in said Marlborough and adjoyning to an Hill Scituate on the north side of the said Brook bounded and every way surrounded by common upland. Also an other piece of Meadow Lyeing on both sides of said Stony Brooke; more upstream bounded by the Meadow of Thomas Beman and of John Bouker att the Northerly end thereof and by the Old Bridge or Cartway att the southerly end thereof and by town land yett undivided on both sides thereof. Also I like give unto my said Samuell halfe my right in Old Harbour Meadow and halfe my right in the Ceder Swamp of the said Marlborough. Together with a full proportion of Land according to five and twenty acres of home lott in every division of land which shall hereafter att any time be made by the Inhabitants of said Marlborough of their town lands as yett undivided. Also right of Cmmon age? with said Towne for feed? of Cattle; Timber and firewood proportionable unto an Home lott of five and twenty acres. Provided my said sonne Samuel Ward doe fullfill and affirme o____ well and truly to be fulfilled and affirmed all the ____ articles; which he is to perform to my self, the said William Ward Senr and to Elizabeth my wife During the naturall life of each of us as by an obligation under his hand and seal more fully appears bearing Date the Twenty Sixth Day of Aprill in the year One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Six.Butt if my said Sonne Samuell shall fail to performe or cause to be performed all the said articles of Forme_____ unto my self and my said wife liberty and power to recantor upon and reassume all the house lands and rights above given unto him to be and abide unto my self or my said wife for the maintenance of my life and her; and to be att myne or her disposall as if I had never willed the same unto my said sonne Samuell allowing and standing to all such provisions as are on my part or on the part of my said wife to be allowed and fullfilled according to the tenor of the said obligation or bond licensed and sealed by my aid sonn Samuell.Itme unto all myne own children (vizt) all my sonns and daughtesr which I have by y former wife and allpage 125That I have survive me by my present wife I give twenty shillings a piece to be paid them in money within eight months after my decease And I constitute and appoint Elizabeth my Loeving wife sole Executrix of this my will and for Overseers of this my will I choose and desire my sons John Ward, Abraham Willams and my sonne Increase Ward to be helpful unto my wife as Occasion shall serve. And I make utterly null and void all former wills by me att any time made. This is my will Witnessed my hand and seal this Twenty Sixth Day of Aprill in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Six Anno Regni .... Signed William Ward Senr, by his mark and Witnesses Abraham Williams, Joseph Rice, John Matthews
By His Excellency
The above written Abraham Williams, Joseph Rice and John Matthews appeared before me and made oath on the Holy Evangelist that they saw the above named William Ward sign seal and publish this writing as his last will and testament and that he was of sound mind and memory when he did the same.Sworn this 29th day of September 1687 before me, Andros.[Followed by the inventory of the estate]
found on ancestry.com
William Ward, immigrant ancestor, was born in England in 1603, probably in Yorkshire. He came to New England before 1639, when he was living in Sudbury, Massachusetts. He was admitted a freeman, May 10, 1643; was deputy to the general court in 1644, and was for a number of years chairman of the board of selectmen in Sudbury, and commissioner to end small causes, appointed by the general court. He and eight others were the original petitioners for the grant of land where the town of Marlborough was founded. He moved there in 1660, the year that the town was incorporated. He deposed October 4,1664, that he was sixty-one years old. He had a fifty-acre house lot on the south side of the road, nearly opposite the meeting house. He was deacon of the church. His lands finally extended westward to what is called Belcher's pond, near which was built the tavern of his son-in-law, Abraham Williams. He suffered with the other settlers great privation and loss during King Philip's war. One son was slain and his buildings burnt and cattle killed. He died August 10, 1687. He was married twice, and his widow died December 9. 1700, in her eighty-seventh year.
John, born about 1626, mentioned below;
Joanna, 1628;
Obadiah, 1632;
Richard, 1636;
Deborah, 1637;
Hannah, 1639;
William January 22, 1640, died young;
Samuel, September 24, 1641;
Elizabeth, April 14, 1643;
Increase, February 22, 1644;
Hopestill, February 24, 1646;
William, February 12, 1648-49;
Eleazer, 1657;
Bethia, 1658."
FROM: Richard William Cutter, "New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial, Series 1."( Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. Reprinted 1997.) Page 1788-89.
found on ancestry.com
1640 Land Grant, Sudbury, Massachusetts Granted to William Warde seaven acres three quarters meadow ly,nge in the gulfe betweene the meadows of John ldood and John Parminwr SeiLoi. Allsoe sixteene acres of meadow lyinge in Ridge Meadow on the south and west of the meadowe of Walter Hayme which said meadowe six acres of it was granted to John Rsdiat and by him sold to the said William IJarde with commonage thereunto belonghge. Alsoe two acres of meadowe lyinge towards Concord line between the meadowe of thesain Jilliam Ward and a parcell of meadow that the said William Ward bought of Mr. Williarr Pelham, which two acres was Thomas Plymptons third division of meadow and by himgiven to the said John Redist and he sold it to William Warde with the commonage thereunto bal.onging, 1640
found on ancestry.com
What is the basis for the suggestion that William Ward was born in Yarmouth? I have no idea whether it might be accurate or not. I was unable to find any christening of a William Ward there at the right time.
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